Mark Stamp

Information Security

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      In Shannonś use, confusion consists of, roughly speaking, obscuring the relationship between the plaintext and ciphertext. On the other hand, diffusion is spreading of the plaintext statistics through the ciphertext. A simple substitution cipher and a one‐time pad employ only confusion, whereas a double transposition is a diffusion‐only cipher. Since the one‐time pad is provably secure, confusion alone is enough, while diffusion alone is apparently not.

      These two concepts—confusion and diffusion—are as relevant today as they were on the day that Shannonś paper was originally published. In subsequent chapters, it will become clear that these concepts remain crucial to modern block cipher design.

      Itś difficult to overemphasize the role that DES has played in the modern crypto history. Weĺl have much more to say about DES in the next chapter.

      Post‐DES, academic interest in cryptography grew rapidly. Public key cryptography was discovered (or, more precisely, rediscovered) shortly after the arrival of DES. By the 1980s there were annual CRYPTO conferences, which are a consistent source of high‐quality work in the field. In the 1990s the Clipper Chip and the development of a replacement for the aging DES were two of the many crypto highlights.

      Governments continue to fund major organizations that work in crypto and related fields. However, itś clear that the crypto genie has escaped from its classified bottle, never to be put back.

      In the next three chapters, weĺl focus on the three broad categories of ciphers, namely, symmetric ciphers, public key cryptosystems, and hash functions. Here, we give a very brief overview of these different categories.

      Each of the classic ciphers discussed above is a symmetric cipher. Modern symmetric ciphers can be subdivided into stream ciphers and block ciphers. Stream ciphers generalize the one‐time pad approach, sacrificing provable security for a key that is manageable. Block ciphers are, in a sense, the generalization of classic codebooks. In a block cipher, the key determines the codebook, and as long as the key remains fixed, the same codebook is used. Conversely, when the key changes, a different codebook is selected.

      While stream ciphers dominated in the post–World War II era, today block ciphers are the kings of the symmetric crypto world—with a few notable exceptions. Generally speaking, block ciphers are easier to optimize for software implementations, while stream ciphers can be optimized for hardware.

      As the name suggests, in public key crypto, encryption keys can be made public. For each public key, there is a corresponding decryption key that is known as a private key. Not surprisingly, the private key is not public—it must remain private.

      Public key cryptography has another somewhat surprising and extremely useful feature, for which there is no parallel in the symmetric key world. Suppose that Alice “encrypts″ a message with her private key. Since the public key undoes the public key, and the public key is public, anyone can decrypt this message. At first glance such encryption might seem pointless. However, such “encryption″ can serve as a digital form of a handwritten signature—anyone can verify the signature, but only the Alice could have created the signature. As with all of the topics alluded to in this section, weĺl have much more to say about digital signatures in a later chapter.

      Anything we can do with a symmetric cipher we can also accomplish with a public key cryptosystem. Public key crypto also enables us to do things that cannot be accomplished with a symmetric cipher. So why not use public key crypto for everything? The primary reason is efficiency—symmetric key crypto is orders of magnitude faster than public key. As a result, symmetric crypto is used to generate the vast majority of ciphertext today. Yet public key crypto has several critical roles to play in modern information security.

      The goal of cryptanalysis is to recover the plaintext, the key, or both. By Kerckhoff's principle, we assume that Trudy, in the role of cryptanalyst, has complete knowledge of the inner workings of the algorithm. Another basic assumption is that Trudy has access to the ciphertext—otherwise, why would we bother to encrypt? If Trudy only knows the algorithms and the ciphertext, then she must conduct a ciphertext only attack. This is the most disadvantageous scenario from Trudyś perspective.

      Surprisingly often, Trudy can actually choose the plaintext to be encrypted and see the corresponding ciphertext. Such a scenario is known as a chosen plaintext attack. How is it possible for Trudy to choose the plaintext? Weĺl see that some security protocols encrypt anything that is sent and return the corresponding ciphertext. Itś also possible that Trudy could have limited access to a cryptosystem, allowing her to encrypt plaintext of her choice. For example, Alice might forget to log out of her computer when she takes