Mark Stamp

Information Security

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length. The allowed message lengths were 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 words, with all messages padded to one of these lengths. A snippet of the codebook appears in Table 2.2.

Plaintext Ciphertext
Greenbacks Copenhagen
Hayes Greece
votes Rochester
Tilden Russia
telegram Warsaw
vertical-ellipsis vertical-ellipsis

      The permutation used for a message of 10 words was

9 comma 3 comma 6 comma 1 comma 10 comma 5 comma 2 comma 7 comma 4 comma 8 period

      One actual ciphertext message was

StartLayout 1st Row monospace Warsaw they read all unchanged last are idiots cant prime situation EndLayout

      which was decrypted by undoing the permutation and substituting telegram for Warsaw to obtain

StartLayout 1st Row 1st Column Can prime t read last telegram period 2nd Column Situation unchanged period 2nd Row 1st Column They are all idiots period EndLayout

      And what did these decrypted messages reveal? The reporters who broke the messages were amused to discover that Tilden's supporters had tried to bribe officials in the disputed states. The irony here—or not, depending on your perspective—is that Tilden's people were guilty of precisely the same crime of which they had accused Hayes.

      By any measure, this cipher was poorly designed and weak. One lesson is that the overuse of a key can be an exploitable flaw. In this case, each time a permutation was reused, it gave the cryptanalyst more information that could be collated to recover the permutation. In modern cipher systems, we try to limit the use of a key so that we do not allow a cryptanalyst to accumulate too much information, and to limit the damage if a particular key is exposed.

      2.4.2 Zimmermann Telegram

Plaintext Ciphertext
Februar 13605
fest 13732
finanzielle 13850
folgender 13918
Frieden 17142
Friedenschluss 17149
vertical-ellipsis vertical-ellipsis
Schematic illustration of the reproduction of the Zimmermann Telegram.