Jean-Claude Amiard

Management of Radioactive Waste

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72.103 Total volume ~68.106 ~76.106

Geographical area Wet storage Dry storage Reprocessing Total
Africa 850 50 NP 900
Eastern Europe 28,600 7,700 3,200 40,000
Western Europe 37,000 4,600 108,000 154,100
Far East 32,100 5,700 8,600 46,400
North America 79,300 41,900 NP 131,200
Latin America 3,000 2,000 NP 5,000
Grand total 180,800 56,900 120,300 367,600

      The storage of spent fuel is carried out for 81% near the producing reactor (59% under water and 22% dry) and for 15% far from this reactor (13% under water and 2% dry), and for the remaining 4% the storage is not known [IAE 18a].

Geographical area VLLW LLW ILW HLW
Africa 7,000 20,000 1,000 0
Eastern Europe 15,000 2,479,000 101,000 7,000
Western Europe 224,000 355,000 269,000 6,000
Far East 5,000 331,000 4,000 0
North America 2,105,000 248,000 84,000 8,000
Latin America 0 37,000 0 0
Middle East and South Asia 0 3,000 0 0
East Asia and Pacific 0 5,000 1,000 0
Grand total 2,356,600 3,479,000 460,000 22,000

Category Solid Liquid Total
VLLW 2,356,000 2,356,000
LLW 3,479,000