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Fundamentals of Aquatic Veterinary Medicine

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species grow best at mid‐range from 21°C to 28°C

       Sudden temperature changes cause stress and even death. pH Dissolved Oxygen

      Dissolved oxygen monitoring is critical in aquaculture. Temperature, salinity and elevation affect dissolved oxygen. As these three factors increase, dissolved oxygen at saturation decreases. For example, the cold temperature of the Antarctic results in higher dissolved oxygen concentrations compared with warmer tropical waters. Freshwater at sea level holds 9.2 ppm at 20°C and 7.6 ppm at 30°C. Fish become more active and increase their metabolic oxygen needs as temperature increases. As temperature rises, fish also need more dissolved oxygen to grow muscle tissue. Minimum tolerable dissolved oxygen levels increase with a rise in temperature.

      In general, most fish species will grow and thrive within a dissolved oxygen range of 5–12 mg/l (parts per million). However, if levels drop below 4 mg/l they may stop feeding, become stressed and begin to die. Dissolved oxygen ranges for cultured fish are as follows:

       0–2 ppm – small fish may survive a short exposure, but lethal if exposure is prolonged. This range is lethal to larger fish.

       2–5 ppm – most fish survive, but growth is slower if prolonged; may be stressful; aeration devices are often used below 3 ppm.

       5 ppm to saturation – the desirable range for all.

       With rainbow trout, the minimum lethal limit is 1.6 ppm at lower temperatures and 2.5 ppm at higher temperatures.

      Oxygen and pH are best measured in situ (with probes) or as soon as possible after collection (preferably before leaving the site) as, in most situations, levels will change during storage and transport.

      Biological oxygen demand is a measure of the oxygen used by all organisms in an aquasystem. Carbon Dioxide

      Carbon dioxide (CO2) is consumed during photosynthesis by plants and expired during respiration by animals, plants (at night) and bacteria in an aquasystem. When added to pond water by respiration or diffusion, it forms a weak acid (carbonic acid), which lowers the pH. Dissolved oxygen and pH cycles follow the same daily peaks and troughs. Carbon dioxide levels of below 10 mg/l are thought to be well tolerated by fish. While levels greater than 20 ppm often harm fish, especially if dissolved oxygen levels are low, sensitivity to CO2 varies between species. The level of CO2 in source water varies greatly, and is further affected by the respiratory and photosynthetic activity of animals and plants, and the level of decomposition of organic material in that water (a very significant contributor to CO2 levels in some nutrient‐rich waters). CO2 can build up to significantly high levels in systems with large numbers of animals and relatively slow water turnover. Nitrogen

      The nitrogen (N2) biogeochemistry of aquaculture ponds is dominated by biological transformations of nitrogen added to ponds in the form of inorganic or organic fertilizers and formulated feeds. Nitrogen application in excess of pond assimilatory capacity can lead to the deterioration of water quality through the accumulation of nitrogenous compounds (e.g., ammonia and nitrite) toxic to the fauna. Principal sources of nitrogen include animal excretion and sediment flux derived from the mineralization of organic matter and molecular diffusion from reduced sediment, although cyanobacterial nitrogen fixation and atmospheric deposition are occasionally important. Hydrogen Sulfide

      Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) is a poisonous gas with a “rotten egg” smell, produced by anaerobic decomposition of organics. Sulfur is an essential element for plants, animals and bacteria. H2S is present in natural waters and in aquaculture systems, mainly as the sulfate ion. Sulfide can occur in water because it is a metabolite of Desulfovibrio species and certain other bacteria found in anaerobic zones, usually in sediment. These bacteria use oxygen from sulfate as an alternative to molecular oxygen in respiration. There are three forms of sulfide (H2S, HS and S2), and they exist in a pH and temperature‐dependent equilibrium. As pH increases, the proportion of H2S declines, and that of HS rises until the two forms have roughly equal proportions at pH 7. At greater pH, HS is the dominant form, and there is no S2 until the pH is above 11. Hydrogen sulfide is toxic to aquatic animals because it interferes with reoxidation of cytochrome a3 in respiration. This effect is caused almost entirely by H2S, while HS is essentially non‐toxic. Even if it is toxic, S2 is not an issue, because it does not occur at pH values found in aquaculture systems. Chlorine

      Chlorine is harmful/toxic to fish at values greater than 0.03 ppm. Tap water may range from 4.0 to 8.0 ppm. Sodium thiosulfate can be used to neutralize the chlorine. Chlorine may be used to disinfect equipment, tanks, countertops, and nets at 10 ppm for 24 hours or 200 ppm for 30–60 minutes. Effectiveness is reduced by organic material such as mud, slime and plant material. Sodium hypochlorite is available at concentrations of 15%, 50%, or 65% active. Alkalinity

      Alkalinity is the ability of the water to accept hydrogen ions and neutralize them and offers a buffering system to reduce pH swings. It is measured