al. (2004) of the Arctic Kin...Figure 13.12 Nephrite jade artifacts recovered in Alberta (Canada), with ori...Figure 13.13 Map of jade localities along the South Island of New Zealand on...Figure 13.14 Rubidium and strontium stable isotope characteristics of nephri...
14 Chapter 14Figure 14.1 This collection of quartz gems exhibits a variety of cutting sty...Figure 14.2 The crystal structure of quartz looking approximately down the cFigure 14.3 Some quartz crystals occur in a “doubly terminated” form, where ...Figure 14.4 This cluster of quartz crystals from Arkansas stands ~45 cm tall...Figure 14.5 Amethyst geode (left) from Brazil showing concentric zoning that...Figure 14.6 Geological cross‐section schematic of lava flows belonging to th...Figure 14.7 Cluster of amethyst crystals from the Anahi Mine in Bolivia, sta...Figure 14.8 This amethyst pendant (~96 carats) shows excellent color. Howeve...Figure 14.9 Thunderegg geode cut through its center to reveal a variety of f...Figure 14.10 Polished and rough Australian opal from the Barcoo River area, ...Figure 14.11 High magnification scanning electron microscope images of opal’...Figure 14.12 Schematic cross‐section of the geological setting for precious ...Figure 14.13 Regional geological setting of geological units relevant for op...Figure 14.14 Fingerprinting of opal from Australia using a multi‐element dat...Figure 14.15 Geochemical fingerprinting of 77 opal samples from global local...Figure 14.16 Proposed model of digit formation in opal and example cross‐sec...
15 Chapter 15Figure 15.1 This collection of peridot gems range in weight from 3 to 311 ca...Figure 15.2 This peridot gem of fine color (bright green, little yellow unde...Figure 15.3 The crystal structure of forsterite, with SiO4 tetrahedra in blu...Figure B15.1.1 Example of polished pallasite with gemmy portions of peridot ...Figure B15.1.2 Trace element distinction diagrams by Shen to differentiate t...Figure 15.4 Lily‐pad inclusion in San Carlos (New Mexico) peridot at 45× mag...Figure 15.5 Peridotite mantle xenolith nodules hosted in tertiary‐aged basal...Figure 15.6 Geological map of Zabargad, noting the location of gem peridot i...Figure 15.7 Euhedral crystal of peridot from Zabargad, measuring 4 cm across...Figure 15.8 Turquoise in host rock matrix and as finished and polished gemst...Figure 15.9 The crystal structure of turquoise, with PO4 tetrahedra in purpl...Figure 15.10 Nodular turquoise. Photos from Keller (1990) and Chen et al. (2...Figure 15.11 Stable isotope plots of turquoise samples from a range of local...Figure 15.12 This carving of lapis lazuli from Afghanistan shows the deep co...Figure 15.13 A seam of lapis lazuli in an outcrop (left) and a close‐up phot...Figure 15.14 Geological setting of lapis lazuli mineralization near the Sope...Figure 15.15 Geology of lapis lazuli mineralization at Malaya Bystritsa, Bai...Figure 15.16 First‐ to fourth‐quality lapis and reject material from the Chi...Figure 15.17 Annotated photograph of the Chilean skarn‐related lapis lazuli ...Figure 15.18 Flow chart for provenance discrimination of lapis lazuli when c...Figure 15.19 Heat treated blue zircon (5.96 carats) from Cambodia – doubling...Figure 15.20 The crystal structure of zircon, with SiO4 tetrahedra in blue a...Figure 15.21 Distribution of gem‐quality zircon hosted in <30 Ma alkali basa...Figure 15.22 Distribution of Cenozoic alkali basalts in Southeast Asia, an i...Figure 15.23 Euhedral gemmy zircon xenocryst (7 × 4.5 × 4 mm) in host basalt...Figure 15.24 Rough zircon from Cambodia before (left) and after (right) heat...Figure 15.25 Schematic showing alkali basalt formation in the Lava Fields ar...Figure 15.26 Prismatic zircon crystal showing double termination and square ...Figure 15.27 Simplified geological map (top) of the Reichsforst and Teichelb...
16 Chapter 16Figure 16.1 Global distribution of important amber localities. Yellow is Ter...Figure 16.2 Polished Baltic amber beads showing a range of common colors fro...Figure 16.3 Geological setting (a) and stratigraphic column (b) of amber dep...Figure 16.4 Type 1 (left, fractured) and Type 2 (right, sheet) ammolite, wit...Figure 16.5 Location map of the St. Mary River Valley with working ammolite ...Figure 16.6 Type 2 ammolite with very well preserved ammonite shell, ~45 cm ...Figure 16.7 Microstructure of ammolite as seen under a scanning electron mic...Figure 16.8 Example of a “triplet” composite gemstone: (B)acking of dark opa...
5 Preface
9 Index
10 Wiley End User License Agreement
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