on my own.
I also accompanied other people and saw spirits behind them, who, like me, followed people, but I had to realize that these spirits did not pray with them at all, as I and those two did. Instead they now walked behind a person and sometimes held him by the hand when he wanted to cross a path or do something wrong.
They also sometimes kept him with other people and let him extend the conversations he had with them for longer. I saw how they put their thoughts into the mind of this person and took possession of him, so to speak.
Surprised I had to find out that these spirits acted differently. They tried to keep people from evil, to offer them real protection and they had not just prayed all the time. So for a while I had made my observations.
Personally I had not succeeded in gaining power over a person in this way and in leading him. For I had always seen the human being as he had already been led by his faithful companions. I also did not want to be intrusive, but only prayed with them and thus earn my heaven and help that the others also deserve heaven.
Now, after a considerable time of observation, I came into conversation with such a spirit who was leading one of these people. I saw how he transmitted his thoughts to him, guided him by the hand and now I asked this protecting spirit, who truly only wanted the good, whether he was the protecting spirit of this person. He was not, but then he showed me the real protecting spirit. He stood at a distance from man and the one I had asked said that he was a good friend of man, but still earthbound himself, like me, and thus had the opportunity to guide his friend and prove to the high heaven that he only wanted the good. Afterwards others of his kind like him told me that they had to prove that they were able to recognize the right thing and to save man from evil.
Now I told about my special encounter with a human being whom I followed with two other spirits and the three of us always prayed. Yet in my opinion this person had lived a sinful life. How was that possible? Then the companion of this person promised me that he would see to it that I would be enlightened. He then summoned the guardian spirit, who was to enlighten me, much more precisely than he did. So I listened astonished. And this beautiful being said:
"These are two unclean spirits who have accompanied this man. They are two evil spirits who have exerted their influence on this man."
I asked him how it was possible that they had prayed too. And this guardian spirit replied that they had only started to pray when I had prayed to deceive me, because they did not want to be recognized as unclean, evil spirits, and that was also their intention. So they would have deceived me, and so these unclean beings, when they cling to people, would sometimes deceive spirit brothers and sisters who are still beginners. They do not reveal themselves for what they are. They start to pray or to pretend in any other way when it is useful to them. Then these beings, like me, fall for such hypocrisy, and then follow them until they themselves come to the realization that something is wrong here.
And the Spirit of God further explained that by this means these unclean ones achieve that those who roam outside the order of God and those unengaged brothers and sisters remain longer in their disorder. Since they were not in the order of God, they would also obey these unclean and evil ones. And these impure ones are also still happy to find tools in the spiritual world and to deceive them in such a way that they do not offer men any protection but even support them in their sin.
I could not understand that God and his good angels would allow such things. I said that this was to be prevented that those unclean ones could exercise their power on men and that they would also deceive the other spirit brothers and sisters.
I was asked where I came from and where I belonged. And so I had to confess that I had left that family because they did not seem pious enough to me. This Spirit of God drew my attention to my disobedience, and he urged me to return as soon as possible and to ask to be admitted to that family and to put myself in their order. If I did not do this, I would not be redeemed for a long time, because then I would be out of order and could never come to the saints. And this good spirit asked me, I would like to return right now and be taught. He had drawn my attention to the work of the good spirits who accompany people, but who would have been chosen and commissioned for their work, and that these commissioners would be supported in their work. Only if I received the commission to go to the people to protect them would I be supported in this, otherwise I could prevent my ascent myself, because such wretches would influence me. They would then have the greatest joy that I do not recognize them, and that I think that prayer is a means to protect people from mistakes.
That is how I was taught. It was not easy for me to return as a penitent soul. Before I followed this advice, I had made further observations. I had observed these two wretches once more and had approached them again, but in such a way that they should not see me, for I wanted to see through their true intentions. For a short time I succeeded in hiding myself from them. Now I had to listen to their scornful laughter and their disgusting sayings and I had to watch how they had this person in their power. But I had also noticed that this was not a good person, that he had bad thinking and a weak will and I recognized that he was a willing tool for them. No special effort was therefore required on their part, for I could now see that support for his lower thoughts came from these two wretches. They only made a hand movement around him, as if they wanted to wrap him in something unknown to me. As I was later told, the two unclean spirits had transferred some of their power to man.
They supported him with their strength in his lower thinking, also supported his health, only so that he remained a willing tool for them.
So I had to experience it myself and admit to myself that it was so important to enlighten people about this, that they were not only accompanied by protective spirits, but that unclean spirits also approach people and persecute them constantly. I had the wish that people should be spared such things. But I then had to let myself be taught that such unclean spirits would only have access to a person when the person first of all developed an unfair thinking and when his whole being was in agreement with the depravity of these lower spirits. When a man is displeased and quarrelsome, or has any other vices, these unclean spirits are quickly at hand, and they are very happy to have found such an instrument that acts according to their wishes. So they accompany this man and support him in his low thinking and unfair doing. It is easy for them to lead the man according to their will.
Later I was also taught that if a person is peaceful and full of good will, he can never come into constant distress through such lower spirits.
God would well allow man to be tempted because he had to be tested and therefore would allow many things and man would then be observed in his thinking, acting and decisions and therefore these tests would be necessary.
But when man directs the majority of his will towards the good, when he has the desire to live justly according to God's will, corresponding helpful spirits of God will be there, which support him in his noble doing and thinking.
Now I had to return as a repentant soul and asked to be admitted again. The way back there I had easily found again, for it seemed to me to be somewhat illuminated. I had arrived there somewhat shyly and I had asked me meekly if I would be allowed to enter and I could see that they were all very happy about my return. They were happy about my coming home and offered to help me carry my burden.
But now they asked me to start work immediately and I had to do this in a garden and always do the same with my brothers and sisters. I did not pray aloud any more either, for I had recognized that thinking was very important and had learned that one must also obey in this world on the other side, which should be heaven. Now it also became clear to me that I could only earn a higher heaven through work. I no longer had to ask about the saints of heaven, for I did not think that I did not deserve to be immediately accepted into the company of the saints. I found that many saints went around and took care of the insecure, and those who were seeking the way were addressed by them.
But I had a completely wrong idea about them, because I believed that they all walked around with precious robes, decorated with jewellery and wore crowns on their heads. But I did not encounter such things, but still I had the impression that they were holy beings, for they differed from the others in their appearance.
Later I was taught that they