Justin Howard

Resurrection Patriarch

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Shihong verbally reported the characteristics of ghouls and possible pollution, the people here have never seen that kind of monster with their own eyes, and the three of them were clean, and there was no close contact in the report. After passing the basic infectious disease screening, the three of them were released so easily, otherwise they would have to be quarantined and observed for at least a week or two to confirm their safety.

      Of course, although they can move freely, they still have to wear masks in public to reduce close contact with people.

      After leaving the quarantine area, Gao Jingfei was called by a smiling female police officer and a middle-aged male police officer to an office to take notes, and Gao Jingkun was also called by the leader for questioning.

      Not to mention how Gao Jingkun and Guo Shihong dealt with the above, Gao Jingfei, according to what the two brothers agreed on before, waited alone in the elder brother's office to rest after finishing the transcript.

      It's just that in the environment of the Public Security Bureau, the eldest brother and the others have not yet come out. Although Gao Jingfei, who has something in his heart, is already a little tired, it is difficult to settle down and go to sleep.

      Thinking of the series of encounters today, his face was a little ugly.

      Speaking of it, it's not the hospital time, it's the follow-up to the first incident. This should be the second time I've encountered an abnormal incident, right?

      Although he had vaguely guessed after drawing Holy Water No. 7 before, maybe this new world was not so friendly to him, but now that the guess has become reality, he still looks depressed like eating flies.

      What is the situation in this world? Aura recovery, or weird recovery? Or maybe there are these strange existences in this world, but I have never been exposed to it as an ordinary person?

      If the first time on the bus can be said to be a sudden insanity, or the two have mental illnesses themselves, then now there are still fog and ghouls popping up suddenly? Is it also artificially fake?

      After experiencing the hospital incident and the second abnormal incident, as well as those warnings from Brother Kun, Gao Jingfei's mood was inevitably fluctuating.

      He was feeling a little irritable on the sofa in the lounge and used his mobile phone to read news, especially to search for weird events. It turned out that there were occasional posts on various domestic website forums, telling about some weird events discovered by the other party or personally experienced. .

      Gao Jingfei browsed and saved the screenshots three times one by one, so as not to be harmed later, and then checked them carefully.

      He found that more than half of the dozen or so posts were either nonsense stories about traffic, or horror stories advertised to sell things.

      Only the remaining seven posts seem likely to be more real spooky events.

      This aroused his curiosity, opened them one by one and watched them carefully.

      Chapter 19 The Foreigner in Distress

      After reading these seven reliable posts, his guess became more real. Three of them were a bit like hearsay, but there were also four posts about the author's personal experience.

      After reading it, Gao Jingfei felt that these people were very lucky. Because the strange incidents that invaded the real world they encountered were all of the relatively harmless or limited monsters inside.

      For example, one of the landlords claimed to be a fitness trainer and had practiced boxing and kickboxing, but the invading monsters he encountered were the most common mobs in fantasy novels and online games, similar to goblins or goblins, with an average height of only 100 About ten centimeters, his physique is not as good as some fast-growing seven or eight-year-old children.

      Relying on his stronger body and fighting skills than the average person, this guy solved a small group of seven little monsters, and then the fog receded, allowing him to return to reality fortunately.

      It has attracted many fitness enthusiasts below to reply to worship the big guy.

      As for what this person gained after coming out of the world behind the fog, there were no words on the post.

      But Gao Jingfei thinks that the survivors who can return from the fog will definitely benefit to a certain extent, because the divine particles are the product of the collision of rules. For ordinary things like humans, they are powerful but not too powerful. If It's not that he has an altar of the heavens that can be collected and used, so ordinary people will inevitably undergo some unusual changes after receiving the radiation effects of divine particles.

      As for whether this change was good or bad, he wasn't sure.

      The situation in the other two posts is similar. The reason why Gao Jingfei thinks they are lucky is because if the other party encounters a terrifying monster like the ghoul he saw today, the chance of surviving is very small, because even if The fitness trainer who praised himself as being very powerful, in the case of unarmed, faced a ghoul whose strength and speed were much stronger than that of normal adults, and it was estimated that it would be difficult to win at all.

      Not to mention the sharp claws and bite attacks of ghouls, but that terrifying appearance and extremely disgusting smell, once approached without a monster attack, is enough to make most modern people living in peaceful times vomit out the bile, or I was so scared that my hands and feet became weak and even urinated.

      What makes Gao Jingfei most curious is that among the four posts, the only one who was not attacked by monsters. If the experience described by the owner of the programmer named "Hairline Worrying" is true, it seems to be the same as the one that caused him to go into a coma in the hospital. Exception events are of the same type.

      Sure enough, in addition to all kinds of physical monsters, there are also ghosts and ghosts in the mists of these alien invasions.

      Compared with the situation where he may be possessed by evil spirits, the programmer with a worrying hairline is the one who is possessed.

      However, Gao Jingfei didn't know whether it was the other party's luck or the unlucky body possessed.

      According to the landlord's description, as a programmer who works in front of the computer for ten hours a day, he has suffered from neurasthenia and various sub-health symptoms after working for two years. In the last few stations of the subway car that was empty at night, I unfortunately encountered a fog phenomenon.

      Then, as a weak chicken programmer, there was no room for resistance, so he was possessed by a certain spiritual body, trapping his soul in consciousness, and he could only watch the other side control his physical activities.

      But because this guy lives in the north, it is spring cold in February. Not only is the climate drier and colder than that of the south, but the house is warm. When the heating is not turned off, the house is undoubtedly very dry, so he goes home every day until May. Always turn on the humidifier to sleep soundly.

      It seems that the ghost possessed by the procedural ape does not have much ability to interfere with reality. It can only move in the real world through the host, and then when the door is opened to go home, the static electricity generated by the hand touching the doorknob damages the ghost's spiritual body. , the consciousness of the programmer was able to get rid of the suppression of ghosts and regain control of the body.

      Then this Mr. Programmer was also very witty. After recovering his ability to act, he immediately called the police and was rushed by the officials of Xia to take him away for treatment.

      That post was posted while waiting for the rescue. The time was a few days ago. There is no result yet, and I don't know how the Mr. Programmer is doing.

      Looking at the following group of netizens are also chasing the results, discussing a lot, and many people even think that what this person said is true to study.

      When Gao Jingfei saw this, he was also very puzzled, how could a small static electricity make an evil spirit that can be possessed rush into the street?
