Justin Howard

Resurrection Patriarch

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the strange figure, Gao Jingfei is confident enough to deal with it.

      In fact, if he can really attract lonely ghosts, he is not afraid at all, and he will even open the door happily and burn a few more sticks of incense to welcome them.

      Because he is worried that there is no place to find a spirit body to sacrifice the psychic paper figurines!

      It seems to be the blessing of Yuchen Daojun and Guan Shengdijun. Gao Jingfei's sacrifice process was very smooth. It can be said that it was a success.

      For a while on the incense case, Aldiba's eyebrows seemed to move, but it seemed to be an illusion, the paper figurine was still the cold paper figurine.

      But the aura lingering on the Golden Saint Seiya paper figurine told Gao Jingfei that he had succeeded in this sacrifice.

      Of course, with Gao Jingfei's current situation, he also understands that he can't make a sacrifice, and the paper figurine can be transformed into a psychic paper figurine or a Dharma protector.

      In the absence of external help, this requires a continuous and long process.

      Fortunately, the first sacrifice exercise had achieved initial results, and Gao Jingfei, who had given a ray of willpower, also felt mentally exhausted.

      Sure enough, although the willpower is a by-product of the acquisition of my own spiritual ideas, a ray of the willpower extracted through the practice method also consumes a lot of my spirit, which is much stronger than the overflowing thoughts that people usually produce in their daily lives.

      According to Gao Jingfei's own understanding, the willpower extracted from this thread is roughly equivalent to the willpower generated by a person who is happy and excited after reading a wonderful novel multiplied by a number between fifty and one hundred, which is smaller than that of human beings in The willpower that erupts during the crisis of life and death is also the essence of the willpower.

      According to the description in the spell book, it takes at least seven such rituals to make the spirituality of the paper figurine completely stable and evolve into a psychic paper figurine that can be driven by the caster.

      After the seven, seven and forty-nine sacrifices, the paper figurines can be transformed into living people. Apart from not being able to travel during the day, they will break the law when exposed to sunlight, and they are afraid of pollution and flames. Besides, there are other things that living people can do. Paper people can do it too.

      Even under the action of spiritual power, the paper figurine can be made invulnerable for a short time, not afraid of ordinary fire and liquid. It is definitely the best assistant for fireproof and waterproof.

      When he thought of having such a powerful helper under his hand, Gao Jingfei couldn't help but feel excited, swallowed his saliva, and smiled to himself in the room:

      Maybe when the time comes, an Aldiba can really be conjured, and when the twelve golden saints are gathered together, wouldn't it be beautiful to have an Athena?

      Saying that, Gao Jingfei dragged his tired spirit and gave Yuchen Daojun and Guan Erye the incense again. After all, the two of them had just helped him, and then he couldn't help being sleepy. He didn't even clean up the scene, so he He fell on the bed and fell asleep.

      When Gao Jingfei was awakened by a slight noise, he found that it was already eleven o'clock in the evening.

      When he opened the bedroom door, he saw that in the living room, his elder brother Gao Jingkun, Guo Shihong and his younger brother Guo Shihu were sitting on the sofa and talking in low voices.

      you're awake? Did we wake you up by talking?

      Gao Jingkun asked with concern when he saw his younger brother open the door and come out.

      When he returned to the dormitory at 8 o'clock in the evening, he saw that the bedroom door was still open, the desk was covered with red cloth, there were two statues of gods and a model of a golden saint, and there were incense burners and candlesticks burning incense and ashes. Candle.

      And his younger brother fell asleep on the bed without even taking off his clothes.

      Knowing that this kid must be tired because he is busy, he will fall asleep early at this time.

      So he didn't disturb Gao Jingfei to sleep, but closed the door with a low voice.

      Then after half an hour, I saw the Guo brothers coming to the door together.

      Guo Shihu said that he had something to say, but he had to wait for Gao Jingfei to say it. This kid got up, and there was nothing he could do when his eldest brother and his parents came.

      Thinking of what the younger brother said before, Gao Jingkun also knew that Xiao Fei must have something important to explain.

      So the three of them chatted quietly in the living room, and the main topic was the foggy incident that had intensified in the past six months.

      Although the three of them deliberately kept their voices low, because Gao Jingfei's infuriating cultivation is now a small success, his five senses are far sharper than before, and he also has spiritual power, so he has awakened his spiritual sense, so although the sound in the living room is slight, but Gao Jingfei has After sleeping for a few hours, he almost recovered, but the sound still woke him up.

      When Gao Jingfei washed his face and returned, Guo Shihong said:

      This kid Xiaohu said that he had to wait for you to wake up. What the hell are you two guys doing these days?

      Gao Jingfei glanced at Guo Shihu, he didn't expect the second brother Guo to be so strict, even his eldest brother was hiding it.

      He coughed slightly, then said:

      Brother, Brother Guo, you have seen my skills in the fog, but this is not all of my secrets. Those magic tools and props are only foreign objects, and they will be exhausted one day, so their own strength is only It is our biggest support. Brother Hu and I have been busy these days.

      I got a book of martial arts secrets, yes, it is the secret book of the heroes who jumped over the eaves and walls in the movies and novels.

      Both Gao Jingkun and Guo Shihong were very surprised when they heard the words, and the latter asked suspiciously:

      Not fake, right?

      Gao Jingfei smiled and said:

      Even ghosts and fog events can happen before our eyes, so I don't need to make up such a lie to deceive people, right?

      The surprise and suspicion of the two suddenly turned into surprises.

      After all, they were several years older than Gao Jingfei and the two of them, and they were the same group of young people born in the 1980s who experienced the glorious tail of martial arts novels.

      The love for martial arts novels and the yearning for martial arts are even more than the young people in the new century who were born like Gao Jingfei and the Internet began to spread.

      Gao Jingkun seized the key point and asked:

      Then have you cultivated martial arts, I mean, like the inner strength and true qi in the novel?

      Gao Jingfei and Guo Shihu looked at each other, and the latter explained:

      Of course, if we don't verify it by ourselves, it is impossible to give the martial arts mind to the big brothers. However, although we have cultivated true qi, we are just getting started, and we cannot release our true qi, or do something that goes against common sense. However, infuriating qi exists in our body and is real.

      Seeing Guo Shihu, a scholar who didn't know how to prove it, Gao Jingfei took it and said:

      Let me tell you, Brother Hu has great talent and extraordinary intelligence. If it wasn't for his help, I wouldn't be able to translate the content of the secret book, let alone learn about the cultivation knowledge. It's just that Brother Hu is better at internal training. If you want to see the actual effect and show it to you, then at least one kind of infuriating power