Ludwig Böhm

The Revenge Of The Hitmons

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"I can already imagine what you mean by that." replied Frank. "Did not you mention last year that you would dare?"

       "Right." confirmed Kiviat. "And now I'm the result of my research, I've already created an animal, it's a hitmon named Cubi, it can even talk."

       "And now you think this serpent, or whatever it is going to be, can you teach me to speak?" asked Frank.

       "I am firmly convinced of this." said Kiviat in a certain tone. "It will learn as much as Cubi.

       "How do you call it?" Frank wanted to know.

       "I do not know that yet." admitted Kiviat. "I want to inquire about his qualities, and I did the same with Cubi."

       "Tell me about it." asked Frank.

       "Well," began the professor. "It started with Cubi playing with the little dice, so I called him that.

       "And the other term?" Frank continued.

       "It hit and was aggressive." explained Kiviat. "Probably all creations will be that way, so I call them Hitmons.

      "What I wanted to tell you before." began Frank. "I do not like what you're doing."

       "Why not." Kiviat wanted to know.

       "Because it's just too dangerous to mess with something like that." Frank explained. "You can not just draw life forms."

       "Why not?" asked Dr. Kiviat. "I did not research for years."

       "That simply does not work." replied Frank. "For the very fact that the whole thing can get out of control, and what you are doing is simply a rape of nature."

       "Are you sure of that?" Kiviat asked. "Have you already tried the theory in practice?"

       "No not that." confessed Frank. "But what if the animals suddenly multiply uncontrolled, what do you do then?"

       "I take this risk." said Kiviat determined.

       "So really, John." laughed Frank. "Do not you think of anything better?" "I do not know what you think of me, but I'm not a fool, you know, I'm a man of practice." No, the question I ask you is that you are the breeders of Hitmons, or whatever you call them, what value do they have, would they want to buy someone, and how much would they pay?

       "No, I forgot that." replied Kiviat. "But I really did not want to sell them. They should live free."

       "And if the whole thing gets out of control?" Frank inquired. "I just want to warn you."

       "That will not happen." said Kiviat. "I keep the lid on it."

       "I hope you are right." said Frank. "For my part, I wish you all the best and stay on the carpet."

       "That's always me." replied Kiviat. "But you can visit me again soon, if you want."

       "Why, surely." Frank replied. "I'd just like to know what's going to happen."

       "Then just come over next week." said Kiviat. "Until then she has grown."

       As soon as I have a gap, I'll pass, "promised Frank," Shall I call you before? "

       "That never hurts." grinned Kiviat. "I'm not always in the lab."

       "So then, next week." said Frank, got up and gave Kiviat his hand.

       "See you." it came back from the professor.

      Frank had already disappeared. Kiviat was still watching his new creation. He also wanted to teach her to speak, but the animal did not seem to understand the language. Or was it too early?

       As in the first experiment, the second ended with a broken glass. The serpent might be one meter long and resembled the borrowed Anakonda. But how long would it be? After all, she had become a meter in two weeks.

       Dr. Kiviat tried to teach her to speak, but he did not succeed. At least he thought so. But quickly he noticed that the snake gave him an ink-pen, when he had only thought of it.

       Could she read about thoughts? Dr. Kiviat tried again, thinking of his writing pad. The serpent gave him that too.

       Now the professor started his third experiment. He thought of his coffee cup. He also got the snake.

       Kiviat was convinced that the snake could read thoughts. But what would she like to eat?

       Kiviat had scarcely thought of the idea when the snake fell on the salad bowl and slapped the salad greedily.

       This was enough for the professor to be the last proof. But what name should the Hitmon get? Kiviat thought of the ink. So he called it Tintu.

       The next day he got a visit from his friend Frank. He really only wanted to see what had become of the new snake.

       "She is developing magnificently." reported Dr. Kiviat. "And I've found that she can read thoughts."

       "How did you find that?" asked Frank.

       Kiviat reported and did not forget to place the serpent's merit in the brightest light. When he had finished, he added,

       "So it's quite clear that the snake must be a special being. Do you admit that?"

       "Well, I do not know." said Frank. "I still believe that the serpent is dangerous, and the matter of thinking, whether it is true or not, will be only a beginning." "What do you mean, how big can the snake be?

       "Not really." admitted Kiviat. "Cubi is almost as big as a normal tiger, but that does not mean anything. After all, he's already two months old."

       "Then you have to expect him to get even bigger." feared Frank. "And with the serpent it is certainly no different, who knows how great it is." By the way, what is her name? "

       "Tintu." explained Kiviat. "And she will not be my last creation, I will continue."

      "Think about it, John." Frank warned. "Cubi is already so aggressive. Do you still want to challenge fate?"

       "Nothing will happen, I know." Kiviat reassured him. "I'll keep the animals in check."

       "You can not do that now." uncheck Frank. "What if this goes on and you lose control of the animals?"

       "That will not happen." Kiviat reassured him.

       "You said that before." said Frank. "But I'm skeptical, and I want to bet you do not get the animals with the animals, what kind of animals do you want to make?"

       "I do not know that yet." admitted Kiviat. "But I'm sure there'll be more."

       "But you do not know anyone who has a pet." Frank contradicted.

       "On the contrary." said Kiviat. "I know many who have a pet, and I will create more."

       The time passed and the hitmons were getting more and more. Meanwhile, Kiviat had created a harmless herbivore called Krauti and also a stern-like hitmons, which he called Kuti. There was also a big, bull-like hitmon named Crusu.

       Now Professor Kiviat ventured into a new experiment. As with all his predecessors, he was not confident whether he would succeed, because he was now trying with an octopus.

       Here, too, he had borne such an animal, for now he wanted to create for the first time not only a male but also a female. He did not know why it had just occurred to him, but he could make up for it.

       While he entered the data for the new Hitmon, he made a sensational discovery: the other hitmons were bisexual and could be both males and females. At one point in his file, he discovered an XY chromosome that turned into a YY chromosome and later returned.

       Dr. Kiviat discovered that the Beings could also bear birth. Hopefully, the whole thing would not get out of control. The fact that he had just created turtle-like hitmons, which he called Bratokas, did not make the problem easier because he discovered that they could throw water.

       Dr. Kiviat was careful not to get out of control because the hitmons actually increased over time. It was very slow, but it was still time.

       Nevertheless, he did not lose sight of the latest experiment with the Kraken. But he got to work. He realized that the other hitmons were in the hair. It was not easy for him to finish the fight, but the hitmons finally obeyed him. But would it always go on like that?