Ludwig Böhm

The Revenge Of The Hitmons

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I may give you a well-meaning advice, let it be. There are some who know enough about these beasts."

       "I have, so to speak, the legacy of Dr. Kiviat." said Tracy. "And I will continue."

       "I have already warned Dr. Kiviat." Turner explained. "What you are doing is a rape of nature."

       "I would not see that." said Tracy.

       "And besides, I am convinced that the whole thing will get out of control." said Turner.

       "I have less impression." said Dr. Tracy. "I am much more of the opinion that I have everything under control."

       "You are of the opinion." Turner replied. "It's probably better if you stop doing that."

       "Until now, everything went very well." laughed Tracy. "I do not think it gets out of line."

       "But I am already of the opinion." said Turner. "There are already too many of these hitmons."

       "But not enough for Rauruk." replied Tracy. "There can not be enough hitmons for him."

       "Rauruk is the hamster hitmon." recognized Turner. "Why do you work with the hitmons?"

       "Because it just makes me happy." the professor explained. "Besides, I'm doing something good."

      "I had asked you to stop." Turner repeated. "It's not like building a building, it's hitmons that are growing uncontrollably."

       "But they mostly have coaches." corrected Tracy. "They show them where it's going."

       "Still, I'm against it." admitted Turner. "Stop it."

       Drr Professor thought for a moment and said,

       "I'll think about it."

       One day Professor Rauruk asked. A 9-year-old boy was with him, he wanted to be a Hitmon coach. Calvin, who was there, giggled involuntarily. Rauruk should get a coach? That was ridiculous. This hitmon was much too spirited. Nobody had been able to do it.

       "Did I hear right?" Clifford asked. "Rauruk wants a coach?"

       "Dr. Tracy said it, "Calvin replied. "I thought I heard wrong."

       "That can not be true," said Maggie. "Rauruk does not stop anyone."

       "Well, let's just go," said Clifford. "Maybe we'll find out."

       No half an hour later, everyone was with Rauruk at Dr. Tracy has arrived.

       "Good thing you come," the professor greeted. "It is best to have witnesses. The strange boy is in the next room, and Rauruk is quite excited. "

       "I see that," Calvin confirmed. "He runs like a small tiger back and forth."

       "Is he curious about the strange boy?" Maggie wanted to know.

       "We'll find that," said Dr. Tracy. "It is clear that I am doing an experiment here, and this can happen only once. Because, no matter how it goes, we have to look at it. And that is why I need witnesses. "

       A little pause took place, then Clifford said:

       "All right, Doctor."

       "Shall I open the door?"

       "Yes." It came at the same time from the mouths of the friends.

       Slowly and with measured steps, Dr. Tracy to the door and opened it. An about nine-year-old boy went through the door and looked at the others. But before he could say anything, Rauruk rushed toward him. He screamed. Rauruk had already overthrown the boy and littered him with morsels.

       "Rauruk stop!" Maggie shouted.

       But the Hitmon did not think of it. The strange boy screamed, but Rauruk continued.

       "You must stop, Rauruk!" Maggie continued.

       And slo ... the Hitmon was gone.

       The strange boy slowly stood up. He blew in different places.

      "This is Tom Bailey," Professor Tracy said.

       "Are you actually 10 years old?" Asked Maggie.

       "No." said the strange boy. "I'm only 9."

       "Then you can not train a hitmon," said Maggie.

       "Wait, I'll do it," said Tom Bailey.

       "He should be physically examined and treated," said Maggie.

       "That I can take over." came from Dr. Tracy back.


       Time passed. In the meantime, we had the year 2013. The world of hitmons and their trainers had changed a lot. The trainer had grown older and Tom Bailey, the best of all Hitmons coaches, was very mature for his age of 10 years. There were more than 400 hitmons. 42 of them, Tom had already trained, but his little Rauruk, the most famous of all Hitmons, remained his No. 1 in every respect. In addition, the big coya league was the Hitmons coach and Tom had the intention to win.

       The Coya League took place annually in a stadium, which had been abandoned years ago. There were no sports activities. But for the Coya league it was still good.

       The Coya League was a competition between Hitmons and their coaches. The rules were simple: anyone who could conquer the current Coya master became the next.

       Last year a certain Paul had won. He was a strong young man. But that did not matter, because it was necessary that the hitmons should fight against each other. Tom had intended to win.

       Since his first encounter with Rauruk, Tom had never been attacked by him again. Rauruk was still temperamental, but now he protected the boy and helped him where he could. Last year, Rauruk lost in the Coya League, he wanted to do better this time. Now it sounded from the loudspeakers:

       "All participants please to the Arenaleitung. All hitmons and their coaches must be registered and registered. "

       Tom went with his whole squad to the registration office. He discovered Paul. So he was there again. No wonder: after all, he was now the arenalist and wanted to defend his title. But Tom decided to win this year.

       When Tom's turn came, he said,

       "My name is Tom Bailey. I was here last year. Maybe you still have the documents from then. I now have a lot of hitmons that I want to register. "

       "Then call me," the man said.

       Tom counted all his hitmons and then said,

       "This year I will win."

       "Well, there you have something to do, boy," said the man. "Let's see if you can do it. The biggest number of hitmons you already have. "

       Tom sat back in his seat. He remembered a scene at the cemetery.

      It was on a Friday in a cemetery of the city of Lansdale, near Philadelphia, where Tom and his mother lived. Tom had just visited the grave of his twin sister Kelly. A few years ago she had fallen victim to the mighty and elusive Martin Gordon. Tom had sworn revenge, but he did not know how to do it. He was only a boy, and Gordon's shelter resembled a fortress that could not be taken. Protected by about 80 men as well as the highest technical devices was not to be approached, but Tom wanted to reach his goal no matter how.

       His friends, Casanova Calvin, the cheeky Maggie and the quiet Clifford, were present at the funeral. Next to Tom was Rauruk, who hardly moved from his side.

       Although Rauruk looked completely unimpressive, it had become the most powerful of all hitmons over the years. His already mentioned ability was to be able to make contact with other hitmons telepathic. This could affect all the other hitmons so that they followed him. But it was also very spirited and even with his messy teeth could even crush bone, and not only his opponents, but also his trainer Tom himself already felt. Since then, bites were nothing special to him. His body was already full of scars. A result of her first encounter, only his face remained unharmed so far.

       However, there was a hitmon that did not respond to Rauruk's telepathic abilities so far. The gigantic, snake-like creature with the name of Tintu, larger than an anaconda, and at the same time the most dangerous of all Hitmons, for it was not only invulnerable, but possessed teeth which Rauruk himself was not capable of crushing even trees dangerous like no other hitmon.