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X-Ray Fluorescence in Biological Sciences

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risk for radiation damage μ‐SRXRF X‐rays Multi‐element >10 nm 1 nm 5 ppm Yes Very high TXRF X‐rays Na‐U >3 nm Yes (Optional) High Polished surface required for best detection limits, Can analyze many substrates, e.g. Si, SiC, GaAs, InP, sapphire, glass X‐ray fluorescence microscopy (XFM) X‐rays Multi‐element (Al‐U but poor 2nd row Z > 42 0.05–1 μm >100 μm <0.1 ppm Yes Medium Upto 150 × 100 Ability for spectroscopy (XAS) to determine chemical speciation SEM/TEM‐EDS Electrons Multi‐element (O‐U) <0.5 μm <0.5 μm 1000 ppm Yes Medium 7 × 7 Resolution depends on element investigated PIXE Protons (for biological applications) Multi‐element (Na‐U) 2 μm 10–100 μm 1–10 ppm Limited Very high 4 × 4 Quantitative measurements of heavier elements that can't be resolved by RBS alone XPS/ESCA X‐rays Li‐U (Chemical bonding information) 0.5 nm 3 nm 100 ppm Yes High Smallest analytical area ~10 μm Limited specific organic information and sample compatibility with UHV environment. Auger (AES) Electrons Li‐U 0.2 μm 3 nm 100 ppm Yes High Small area analysis (~20 nm minimum) Analysis of insulators can be difficult and samples must be vacuum compatible. SIMS Ions H‐U including isotopes 5 μm 0.1 nm 1 ppb Yes Medium Small‐area analysis (1–10 μm) Destructive,no chemical bonding information, and sample must be solid and vacuum compatible. TOF‐SIMS Ions Full periodic table coverage, plus molecular species <0.1 μm 1 nm 1 ppm Yes High Samples must be vacuum compatible RBS He2+ Ions (alpha particles) B‐U 2 mm 10–20 nm 1–1000 ppm No Medium Large analysis area (~2 mm) Non‐destructive, Conductor and insulator analysis ICP‐OES Argon plasma Li‐U (except gases, halogens, low quantity of P and S) No Bulk chemical analysis technique <1 ppb No Medium No C, H, N, O and halogens cannot be determined. ICP‐MS Plasma source Most of the elements No No Typically ng/ L No Medium No Polyatomic mass interferences, atmospherics and light halogens LA‐ICP‐MS Photos (Laser) Multi‐element (Al‐U) 100 nm 0.1–1 μm <1 ppb Yes (Limited: ablated surface) Medium 20 × 20 Elemental, stable isotope distribution analysis and mapping LIBS Photos (Laser) All elements detectable >0.1 μm 1 ppm Yes (Limited) Medium Strong matrix‐effects on emission spectra Atom Probe Tomography (APT) Laser or voltage pulse H‐U <1 nm 0.3 nm ~10 ppm Yes High 50 × 50 nm2 Ability to identify isotopes, Cluster analysis for nanoscale precipitates STEM Electrons B‐U (EDS) 3 nm 3 nm Typically ppm Yes High 5 μm x 5 μm