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X-Ray Fluorescence in Biological Sciences

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chemical staining AAS Radiation Sources (Hollow Cathode Lamps HCL) Most of the elements except some lighter elements Typically μg/l No Medium No Destructive, time consuming, sequential analysis of 1 to 6 elements, separate method of optimization required for each type of sample. Schematic illustration of a concise visual reference of most of the ring analytical techniques to compare the detection limits and analytical resolutions for materials characterization.

      Source: Reproduced from Ref. [3] with the kind permission and copyright of © Eurofins Scientific (www.eurofinseag.com).

      The ICP‐MS instrument should be free of obstruction. Even the smallest obstruction can disturb the flow of the sample, which can clog the sample tips within the spray chamber. Also, high concentrations of NaCl in samples such as sea or ocean water can lead to obstruction. These blockages can be overcome by dilution of the samples wherever a high concentration of salt has been observed and compensated for. This process comes at the cost of detection limits. ICP‐MS has been used for glass analysis in forensic applications [3, 4]. It is capable of tracing the elements on the glass. The elements detected on the glass can be utilized in order to match the sample materials observed at the crime scene.

Schematic illustration of RGB representation of Ca, Fe, P (micro-XRF) and Ca, P, Zn (LA-ICP-MS) distribution in sagittal and dorsoventral sections of Daphnia magna.

      Source: Reproduced from Gholap et al. [12] with permission from Elsevier.

      Finally, they were able to conclude that the use of a super‐cell significantly reduced the volume of ablation chamber, which significantly improved the lateral resolution. The spatial resolution of LA‐ICP‐MS was found to be better than that of μ‐XRF, however wash‐out effects and spikes marginally disturbed the quality of image. μ‐XRF provided the elemental distribution for S and LA‐ICP‐MS gave the elemental distribution of Zn and thus both the techniques can be used in a complementary manner. Synchrotron radiation in μ‐XRF can be used to obtain better detection power comparable to or higher than LA‐ICP‐MS. It can also be useful in order to obtain better spatial resolution. Further, the application of LA‐ICP‐MS could be expanded to obtain 3D‐elemental distribution of elements as well as isotopes within biological tissues [14].

      1.3.3 Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP‐AES)

      ICP‐AES is an analytical technique that allows researchers to ascertain the quantitative bulk elemental composition of samples in solid, liquid, powder, and suspension forms [3, 4]. In this method, samples are digested using a mixture of acids in a closed microwave system and retains potentially volatile analyte species. The prepared solution is then nebulized into the core of IC argon plasma, and a temperature of nearly 9000 K is established. At this high temperature, the nebulized solution is vaporized and the analyte species are atomized, ionized, and thermally excited. After that, the analyte species are detected using an optical emission spectrometer. The AES spectrometer measures the intensity of radiation emitted by the specific element present in the sample which is proportional to the concentration