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X-Ray Fluorescence in Biological Sciences

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Part II: Synchrotron Radiation XRF 8 Elemental Analysis Using Synchrotron Radiation X ‐Ray Fluorescence 8.1 Importance of Trace and Ultra‐Trace Elemental Analysis 8.2 Various Methods for Trace Element Analysis 8.3 Comparison of TXRF and EDXRF Geometries 8.4 Synchrotron Radiation 8.5 Indus Synchrotron Radiation Facility 8.6 Microprobe X‐Ray Fluorescence Beamline (BL‐16) 8.7 Experimental Facilities Available on the BL‐16 8.8 Discussion and Summary References 9 Synchrotron Radiation Based Micro X‐Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Plant Materials 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Instrumentation and Sample Preparation 9.3 Case Studies Acknowledgements References 10 Micro X‐Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Toxic Elements in Plants 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Advantages of XRF Technique for Plants Analysis 10.3 Preparation of Plant Samples for μ‐XRF Analysis 10.4 The Case Studies of Synchrotron μ‐XRF for Determination of Toxic Elements in Plants 10.5 Conclusion and Outlook References 11 Micro X‐Ray Fluorescence Studies of Earthworm (Benthonic Fauna) in Soils and Sediments 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Sample Preparation Methods 11.3 Earthworms and Soil Ecosystem 11.4 Overview References 12 Synchronous Radiation X‐Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Microelements in Biopsy Tissues 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Samples Preparation 12.3 Materials and Methods 12.4 SRXRF Measurements 12.5 SRXRF Biopsy Material of Living Organisms 12.6 Study of Elemental Composition and Inter‐Element Correlations in the Liver and Lungs of Animals with Food Obesity 12.7 Concluding Remarks References

      8  Part III: Total Reflection XRF 13 Total Reflection X‐Ray Fluorescence Analysis of some Biological Samples 13.1 Introduction 13.2 Trace Element Determinations in Marine Organisms by TXRF 13.3 Trace Element Determination in Blood Samples by TXRF 13.4 Analysis of Saliva and Oral Fluids by TXRF 13.5 TXRF Analysis of Hair Samples for Detection of Metal Poisoning and Other Forensic Applications 13.6 Kidney Stone Analysis by TXRF 13.7 Elemental Analysis of Cancerous and Normal Tissues by TXRF 13.8 TXRF Studies on Blood and Heart Tissues as Biomarkers of Radiation Dose 13.9 Urine Analysis by TXRF 13.10 Nail Analysis by TXRF 13.11 Analysis of Human Eye Lens and Aqueous Humor of Cataract Patients 13.12 Future Prospects for TXRF Analysis of Biological Samples References 14 Recent Developments in X‐Ray Fluorescence for Characterization of Nano‐Structured Materials 14.1 Principles of GIXRF Analysis 14.2 A Few Case Studies 14.3 Various Computational Tools (CATGIXRF Paper) 14.4 Structural Analysis of some Complex Nano‐Structures 14.5 Characterization of Absorbed Impurities on Surfaces 14.6 Discussion and Summary References 15 Total‐Reflection X‐Ray Fluorescence Analysis of Alcoholic and Non‐Alcoholic Beverages 15.1 Introduction 15.2 Features of Sample Preparation 15.3 Thin Layer Criterion 15.4 Quantitative Analysis 15.5 Angular Scanning 15.6 Absorption Effects 15.7 Method of Standard Addition