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X-Ray Fluorescence in Biological Sciences

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and Indus‐2 synchrotron storage ring...Table 8.4 Various experimental parameters of the BL‐16 beamline.Table 8.5 Determined concentration values of different trace elements presen...Table 8.6 Observed X‐ray fluorescence intensity correlations of the differen...

      7 Chapter 10Table 10.1 The application of XRF in plants.

      8 Chapter 12Table 12.1 Confidence interval of concentrations of chemical elements in wh...Table 12.2 Results of liver sample analysis by TJP AES and SRXRF methods. C...Table 12.3 Spearman's rank correlation coefficients in liver in physiologic...Table 12.4 Spearman's rank correlation coefficients in lungs in physiologic...Table 12.5 Spearman's rank correlation coefficients in liver after intake o...Table 12.6 Spearman's rank correlation coefficients in lungs after intake o...

      9 Chapter 14Table 14.1 Thickness of individual layers derived from the best fit X‐ray r...Table 14.2 Structural parameters used for the computation of XRR and GIXRF ...Table 14.3 Microstructural parameters of the B4C/W periodic multilayer stru...Table 14.4 Measured structural parameters for two sides of float glass surf...

      10 Chapter 15Table 15.1 Summarized overview of wine samples analyzed by TXRF.Table 15.2 Summary overview dedicated to spirit samples analysis by TXRF.Table 15.3 Summarized overview of beer samples analyzed by TXRF.Table 15.4 Summarized overview dedicated to soft drink samples analyzed by T...Table 15.5 Summarized overview dedicated to juice samples analyzed by TXRF....Table 15.6 Physical characteristics of dried residues after different sampl...Table 15.7 Mass‐absorption coefficients of characteristic radiation of an e...Table 15.8 TXRF results for the soft drink analysis using different sample ...Table 15.9 TXRF determination of P, S, K, Ca in four types of beverages aft...

      11 Chapter 16Table 16.1 Concentration calculated limit of detection for the reference sa...

      12 Chapter 21Table 21.1 Radioisotope sources commonly used in EDXRF analysis.

      13 Chapter 22Table 22.1 Publications dedicated to XRF analysis of dairy products (2009–2...Table 22.2 Surface density and mass of the sample of infinite thickness.Table 22.3 Comparison of mass attenuation coefficients calculated for certi...Table 22.4 Results of WDXRF analysis (S4 Pioneer spectrometer) of CRM of mi...Table 22.5 Results of WDXRF analysis (S4 Pioneer spectrometer) of infant fo...Table 22.6 Composition of liquid dairy products.Table 22.7 Results of TXRF analysis (S2 PICOFOX spectrometer) of IAEA‐153CR...Table 22.8 Results of direct TXRF analysis (S2 PICOFOX spectrometer) of pla...

      14 Chapter 23Table 23.1 Characteristics of some chemical elements in relation to essenti...Table 23.2 The element concentrations quantified by different XRF specifica...Table 23.3 Relative specific intensities of K α ‐lines of some element...Table 23.4 Relative specific intensities of K α ‐lines of some element...Table 23.5 Elemental concentrations in some species violets by WDXRF.

      15 Chapter 24Table 24.1 Diseases and tissue samples used in XRF study.

      16 Chapter 26Table 26.1 Physical quantities of 137Cs and 238U.

      17 Chapter 29Table 29.1 X‐ray diffraction crystals and their properties.Table 29.2 Measurement conditions for analyzing biological samples by WDXRF...Table 29.3 Elements to be analyzed and concentration range of them in plant...Table 29.4 Calibration standards prepared from reference materials for WD‐X...Table 29.5 Selection of plant reference materials commercially available.Table 29.6 Validation of the results obtained in the Si measurement in plan...Table 29.7 Validation of the results obtained in the Si measurement in plan...

      18 Chapter 30Table 30.1 Elements in earth's crust and mammalian blood plasma's average r...Table 30.2 Comparison of the micro‐analytical techniques.Table 30.3 Classic toxicities of the main encountered metals and metalloids...

      19 Chapter 31Table 31.1 Information about the analyzed medicinal products and the analyzi...

      20 Chapter 32Table 32.1 Resins used in this study, and the elements as detected by XRF t...Table 32.2 Resin brands used in each individual.Table 32.3 Summary showing resins placed, found after cremation, and found ...Table 32.4 Median values and ranges for the elemental concentrations (μg/g)...Table 32.5 Median values and ranges for the elemental concentrations (lg/g)...Table 32.6 Average Ti, V, and Al concentrations in μg/ml for saliva and gin...

      21 Chapter 33Table 33.1 General comparison of EDXRF and WDXRF instruments available in t...Table 33.2 Types of crystals used in WDXRF setup.Table 33.3 Shows the comparison of minor and major trace elements study in ...Table 33.4 Instrumental parameters of S8 TIGER WDXRF for the present measur...

      22 Chapter 37Table 37.1 Content of elements (%) in the plant ashes taken from two differ...Table 37.2 The contents of some trace elements (ppm) in plants ash.

      23 Chapter 38Table 38.1 Comparison of arsenic species in urine (mean μg/L ± standard dev...Table 38.2 Typical arsenic chemical species taken from NAS report “Arsenic ...

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 A concise visual reference of most of the ring analytical techniq...Figure 1.2 RGB representation of Ca, Fe, P (micro‐XRF) and Ca, P, Zn (LA‐ICP...Figure 1.3 A schematic setup of laser‐induced breakdown spectroscopy (Figure 1.4 K‐shell cross sections for electron and X‐ray irradiation. Here X...Figure 1.5 Limit of detection for electron and X‐ray excitation (for similar...Figure 1.6 Excitation geometry in an SEM with a μ‐XRF source.

      2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Desirable analytical features of a technique to be used for veget...Figure 2.2 Spectra acquired in the analysis of a leaf sample collected in a ...Figure 2.3 Most commonly used sample treatment strategies for vegetation sam...Figure 2.4 EDXRF spectra obtained in the analysis of leaves of Betula Pendul...Figure 2.5 Phosphorus 2D‐mappings of transversal and longitudinal sections o...

      3 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 X‐rays undergoing reflection and refraction.Figure 4.2 Depiction of total reflection of X‐rays on the sample support con...Figure 4.3 A representation of the advantages of TXRF analysis involving eff...Figure 4.4 A schematic depiction of TXRF instrumentation for trace element a...Figure 4.5 Schematic flow chart of sample preparation in TXRF analysis.

      4 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Reduction and detoxification mechanism of gold ions by Rhizopous ...

      5 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 (a)–(d) Different steps of making sample pellet for EDXRF analysi...Figure 6.2 Irradiation of sample pellets using compact energy dispersive X‐r...Figure 6.3 Calibration curve for measurement of arsenic (As).Figure 6.4 Pellet of blood sample.Figure 6.5 Energy dispersive X‐ray fluorescence (EDXRF) system.

      6 Chapter 7Figure