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X-Ray Fluorescence in Biological Sciences

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       Eva Marguí1 and Ignasi Queralt2

       1 Department of Chemistry, University of Girona, Girona, Spain

       2 Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research, IDAEA‐CSIC, Barcelona, Spain

      Presently, the development of analytical methods to determine elemental composition of vegetation samples is of significance in many different fields. For instance, vegetal species are commonly used in environmental studies as bioindicators due to their ability to accumulate metal elements. Vegetables are also an essential part of human diet and thus, the determination of multi‐elemental composition of vegetal foodstuff is also relevant for safety and nutritional purposes. Finally, it is also important to note the considerable number of studies published comparing edible plant growth and development under different fertilizers or farming regimes through laboratory‐controlled and field experiments.

Schematic illustration of desirable analytical features of a technique to be used for vegetation sample analysis.

      Most of XRF configurations comply with the desired features for analysis of vegetal specimens (Figure 2.1). Perhaps the main drawback, that has restricted a more frequent use of XRF systems in some applications, is the limited sensitivity for trace element determination including some environmentally relevant elements such as Cd and Pb. But still, multi‐elemental XRF is playing an important role in many applications dealing with multi‐elemental analysis of vegetation samples in environmental and agronomic studies.

      The present chapter discusses the details and potentials of different XRF configurations in the field of multi‐elemental analysis of vegetation samples. Most commonly used sample treatment procedures have also been described. This chapter includes some of the many interesting applications of XRF in environmental and agronomic studies dealing with the analysis of vegetation samples. Finally, concluding remarks and future perspectives are highlighted.