Richard J. Rossi

Applied Biostatistics for the Health Sciences

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2 = Black 5 Results of the digital 1 = No nodule DPROS rectal exam 2 = Unilobar nodule (left) 3 = Unilobar nodule (right) 4 = Bilobar nodule 6 Detection of capsular 1 = No DCAPS involvement in rectal exam 2 = Yes 7 Prostatic-specific mg/ml PSA antigen value 8 Tumor volume obtained cm3 VOL from ultrasound 9 Total Gleason score 0–10 GLEASON

      1.4.5 Intensive Care Unit Data Set

Variable Description Codes/values Name
1 Identification code ID number ID
2 Vital status 0 = Lived STA
1 = Died
3 Age Years AGE
4 Sex 0 = Male SEX
1 = Female
5 Race 1 = White RACE
2 = Black
3 = Other
6 Service at ICU admission 0 = Medical SER
1 = Surgical
7 Cancer part of 0 = No CAN
present problem 1 = Yes
8 History of chronic 0 = No CRN
renal failure 1 = Yes
9 Infection probable at 0 = No INF
ICU admission 1 = Yes
10 CPR prior to 0 = No CPR
ICU admission 1 = Yes
11 Systolic blood pressure mmHg SYS
at ICU admission
12 Heart rate at Beats/min HRA
ICU admission
13 Previous admission to an 0 = No PRE
ICU within 6 months 1 = Yes
14 Type of admission 0 = Elective TYP
1 = Emergency