Richard J. Rossi

Applied Biostatistics for the Health Sciences

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Long bone, multiple, neck 0 = No FRA single area, or hip fracture 1 = Yes 16 pO2 from initial 0 = > 60 PO2 blood gases 1 = < 60 17 pH from initial 0 = > 7.25 PH blood gases 1 = < 7.25 18 pCO2 from initial 0 = < 45 PCO blood gases 1 = > 45 19 Bicarbonate from 0 = > 18 BIC Initial blood gases 1 = < 18 20 Creatinine from 0 = < 2.0 CRE initial blood gases 1 = > 2.0 21 Level of consciousness 0 = No coma or stupor LOC at ICU admission 1 = Deep stupor 2 = Coma

      1.4.6 Mammography Experience Study Data Set

Variable Description Codes/Values Name
1 Identification code ID number OBS
2 Mammograph experience 0 = Never ME
1 = Within 1 year
2 = Over 1 year ago
3 “You do not need a mammogram unless 1 = Strongly agree SYMPT
you develop symptoms” 2 = Agree
3 = Disagree
4 = Strongly disagree
4 Perceived benefit of mammography 5–20 PB
5 Mother or sister with a history 0 = No HIST
of breast cancer 1 = Yes
6 “Has anyone taught you how to 0 = No BSE
examine your own breasts: that is BSE” 1 = Yes
7 “How likely is it that a mammogram 1 = Not likely DETC
could find a new case of 2 = Somewhat likely
breast cancer” 3 = Very likely

      1.4.7 Benign Breast Disease Study

Variable Description Codes/Values Name
1 Stratum 1–50 STR
2 Observation within a stratum 1 = Case OBS