alt="Schematic illustration of top: A chain with a lattice constant a as well as its reciprocal lattice, a chain with a spacing of 2Π/a. Middle and bottom: Two lattice-periodic functions ρ(x) in real space as well as their Fourier coefficients. The magnitude of the Fourier coefficients |ρn| is plotted on the reciprocal lattice vectors they belong to."/>
Figure 1.11 Top: A chain with a lattice constant
The same ideas also work in three dimensions. In fact, one can use a Fourier sum for lattice‐periodic properties that corresponds to Eq. (1.20). For the lattice‐periodic electron concentration
Thus we have seen that the reciprocal lattice is very useful for describing lattice‐periodic functions. But this is not the whole story: The reciprocal lattice can also simplify the treatment of waves in crystals in a very general sense. Such waves can be X‐rays, elastic lattice distortions, or even electronic wave functions. We will come back to this point at a later stage. X‐Ray Diffraction from Periodic Structures
Turning back to the specific problem of X‐ray diffraction, we can now exploit the fact that the electron concentration is lattice‐periodic by inserting Eq. (1.23) in our expression from Eq. (1.11) for the diffracted intensity. This yields
Let us inspect the integrand. The exponential represents a plane wave with a wave vector
that is, when the difference between incoming and scattered wave vector equals a reciprocal lattice vector. In this case, the exponential in the integral is 1, and the value of the integral is equal to the volume of the crystal. Equation 1.25 is often called the Laue condition. It is central to the description of X‐ray diffraction from crystals in that it describes the condition for the observation of constructive interference.
Looking back at Eq. (1.24), the observation of constructive interference for a chosen scattering geometry (or scattering vector
In the following, we will describe in more detail how this can be achieved. We start with Eq. (1.11), the expression for the diffracted intensity that we had obtained before introducing the reciprocal lattice. But now we know that constructive interference is only observed in an arrangement that corresponds to meeting the Laue condition and we can therefore write the intensity for a particular diffraction spot as
We also know that the crystal consists of many identical unit cells at the positions