solids according to Eq. (2.1) with n=6 and m=1. (b) Resulting force, that is, -grad φ(r)."/>
Figure 2.1 (a) Typical interatomic potential
2.2 Ionic Bonding
Ionic bonding involves the transfer of electrons from an electropositive atom to an electronegative atom. The bonding force is the Coulomb attraction between the two resulting ions. Turning the atoms into ions usually costs some energy. In the case of NaCl, the ionization energy of Na is 5.1 eV and the electron affinity of Cl is 3.6 eV. The net energy cost for creating a pair of ions is thus
Knowing the crystal structure for NaCl, we can also calculate the electrostatic energy gain for forming an entire crystal. Consider one Na ion at the center of the NaCl cube in Figure 1.5. It is surrounded by six Cl ions at a distance of
We can define the following contributions to the energy balance for forming the solid. The cohesive energy is the total energy difference between any solid and the isolated atoms it is made of. For an ionic crystal, the cohesive energy can be calculated in a simple way. First, we need to consider how much energy is incurred in turning the atoms into ions using the ionization energies and electron affinities of the atoms. Next, the total electrostatic energy gain for the crystal needs to be calculated using the known crystal structure, as shown above for NaCl. This energy gain is called the lattice energy. The cohesive energy is then simply the lattice energy minus the energy needed to turn the atoms into ions (see Problem 1).
It might seem that we can calculate the cohesive energy for ionic solids from purely classical physics, but this is not correct. Note that we have used the experimental interatomic distance for the calculation of the lattice energy. The calculation of this distance would involve quantum mechanics because it contains the repulsive part of the potential. In fact, the presence of the repulsive potential also causes the actual potential minimum for a given interatomic distance
2.3 Covalent Bonding
Covalent bonding is based on the sharing of electrons between different atoms. The simplest case is that of the hydrogen molecule, which we will discuss quantitatively below. In solids, covalent bonding is often found for elements with a roughly half‐filled outer shell. A prominent example is carbon, which forms solids such as diamond, graphene, and graphite as well as complex molecules such as buckminsterfullerene
We study covalent bonding by the simplest example, the diatomic hydrogen molecule