Mohamed-Aymen Chalouf

Intelligent Security Management and Control in the IoT

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represents the interarrival of the PU packets. Supposing that the PU packets arrive following a Poisson process (Wang and Wang 2008), distributed exponentially with the average packet arrival rate per second λi, the length of the PU packet following fLi (l).

      Based on the prediction above, the candidate channel i is considered inactive for the following time interval when Pr (Ni (t) = 0) ≥ τH, where τH is the probability threshold for a channel to be considered inactive at the end of the current frame. Average channel availability time

      where toff represents the duration of the OFF period.

      where θ is the probability threshold for a channel to be considered inactive for the next packet transmission. Object characteristics

      An object is characterized by the emission power PTx and state of its battery. The battery state or its remaining life (expressed in hours) can be calculated (Grace et al. 2009) on the basis of the battery’s capacity, its tension, its emission power and the constant K, which represents the power required for signal treatment. Network monitoring module

      In the M-RAN context, the network monitoring module provides information on the available access networks. These available access networks have different characteristics in terms of bandwidth, delay, loss rate, channel occupation rate and energy expenditure. The information collected (Carneiro et al. 2009) is analyzed to take a specific decision based on the services required. Database

      The input metrics needed by the suggested multicriteria decision-making module include the characteristics of the access network or radio channel, the characteristics of the object, application requirements, users’ QoS preferences and the energy constraints and user sensitivity to some bands that could interfere with medical equipment in an e-health context, for example. All this information is stored in the databases. We distinguish types of input parameters: the measured, predicted and static parameters. The detection module for the intelligent radio and the monitoring module in the M-RAN context provide measured parameters. The prediction module will be responsible for predicting channel availability and the average duration for which they are available. The static parameters include fixed characteristics of the network or radio channel, user preferences and application requirements. The application needs we retain are linked to the QoS required by the application, such as the minimal bandwidth, the maximum delay allowed, the maximum jitter tolerated m and the maximum packet loss rate tolerated. Multicriteria decision-making module

      To ensure decision stability, which is an important criteria (Wang et al. 2014), and to avoid inefficient or unhelpful transfer decisions in both the contexts considered (M-RAN or CRN), we suggest using a waiting time (timer) between the selection and execution stages. At the end of this time, the device checks that the following conditions are still valid: (1) the network/candidate channel is still detected by the object, and (2) this candidate’s score (network/channel) is still higher than that of the current network/channel. If these conditions are verified, then the transfer (network or channel) is run, otherwise it is canceled and the selection process restarts from the beginning.

      As this wait can be an obstacle to continuity of service, a compromise needs to be found. So, we suggest adjusting this waiting time depending on the context of the decision. Module for running vertical handover/spectrum handoff

      The running stage refers to establishing the connection with the new access network (M-RAN context) or changing channel/transmission parameters (CRN context). In the M-RAN context, three cases are possible so long as the old link is released before (Hard Handover), during (Seamless Handover) or after (Soft Handover) the new link is established.

      Figure 1.2. General context of decision-making

      The suggested multicriteria decision-making module is based on the concept of utility to reduce the complexity of such a decision. The utility function used to calculate the scores is U (x) =1− e–αx