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finally, everything is from the sky. There are also 42 words " ciel " in the seven centuries.

      Could such correspondences have been formed by chance? I assume not.

      And now a little fresh breath on this topic. Quite a bit, about maternal love and duels – “ duelle ”, of which there are only four in the seven Centuries. This one from them :

      2-34 … Le fi er du el le viendra en F ra n ce nuire.

      2-35 Dans deux logis de nuict le feu prendra,

      Plusieurs dedans estoufes & rostis:

      Pres de deux fleuues pour seur il auiendra,

      Sol, l'Arq, & Ca per tous seront amortis.

      Here is "pierced bile" – " per + ce + ra fi + el " number one, followed by the second:

      4-90 Les deux copies aux murs ne pourront ioindre

      Dans cest instant trembler Milan, Ticin:

      Faim, soif, doubtan ce si fort les viendra poindre,

      Chair, pain, ne viures n'auront vn seul boncin.

      4-91 Au duc Gaulois contrainct battre au duelle ,

      La nef Mellele monech n'aproche ra ,

      Tort accuse', prison per petu el le,

      Son fi lz regner auant mort taschera.

      Well, the promised love of the mother – " mere " for her son, the hated prince, who, it seems, is already preparing for new duels – " due + lles ". The word "ay + me" also present .

      4-7 Le mineur filz du grand & hay prince ,

      De lepre aura a vingt ans grande tache:

      De due il sa mere mourra bien triste & mince,

      Et il mourra la ou tombe chet lache.

      4-8 La grand cite' d'assault prompt & repentin,

      Surprins de nuict, gardes interrompus:

      Les excubies & vei lles sainct Quintin…


      And again old records.

      In the next topic, I will move on to the second cycle of the Prophecies, such a need has arisen.

      3-39 Les sept en trois moys en concorde,

      Pour subiuguer des alpes Apennines:

      Mais la tempeste & Ligure couarde,

      Les profligent en subites ruynes.

      Seven in three months in agreement,

      To subjugate the Apennine Alps:

      But the storm and cowardice of Ligur,

      They will be smashed in sudden ruins.

      This quatrain in the editions of 1555 instead of “ moys ” – “month”, contains “ mis ” – “placed, set”.

      The combination of the words "seven" and "month" in one quatrain in the first seven Centuries can be seen three times, as indicated in the first line: in 4-95, 4-100 and 5-81.

      Here it is, the agreement of these two words. Later, Nostradamus, apparently, wanted to continue this experiment, and he sharply increases the meetings of " sept " and " mois ", skillfully changing his past promise. I draw attention , Centuria number eight :

      8-93 Sept moys sans plus obtiendra prelature

      Par son deces grand scisme fera naistre:

      Sept moys tiendra vn autre la preture

      Pres de Venise paix vnion renaistre.

      "Seven Months" will no longer achieve prelacy

      Because of his passing, a great schism will be born:

      "Seven months" another will hold power

      Near Venice the united world will be reborn.

      And this is immediately in the next quatrain:

      8-94 Deuant le lac ou plus cher fut gette'

      De sept mois , & son host desconfit…

      The quatrains are as if alive, they breathe, and it is necessary to try to catch this breath.

      …Yes! Then it happened to me! I learned to feel this breath of the Author. And this learning process has been going on for a significantly long time… No, that’s not true, it continues to this hour.


      K atren 3-46 is openly predictive and very attractive. In addition, I think it is incorrectly explained, distorting the true, even superficially visible, obvious, meaning. This , on my sight , subject deep rethinking .

      3-46 Le ciel (de Plancus la cite') nous presaige,

      Par clers insignes & par estoilles fixes:

      Que de son change subit s'aproche l'aage,

      Ne pour son bien,ne pour ses malefices.

      Sky (Plancus city) we predict

      Through clear signs and through fixed stars:

      That by its sudden change will bring its age closer,

      Neither good nor bad for him.

      For some reason, Plancus is associated with the founder of the city of Lyon, Lucius Munacius Plancus, although this word has another meaning that is much more appropriate in this case.

      "Plancus", "Plangus", sorte d'aigle: PLIN. 10.7., (in Gaffoit Felix (1934) Dictionnaire Illustre' Latin – Francais, Hachette). That is, Plancus is a subspecies of the eagle family.

      “The sky is the city of an eagle – we predict…” – this is the true meaning of the first line. Thus, the Author added another “heaven” to his book, by the way, the 32nd in a row, openly stating that from this it suddenly brought its years closer – ranks, of which, following the results of seven Centuries, there will be 42.

      Well, where is this sky, concretized as the city of Plankus? Below is mine today's vision : "PLANCVS".

      2-79 … Le grand C HYRE N ostera du longin,

      Tous les captifs par Seline baniere.

      2-80 A pres conflict du lese' l'eloquence,

      Par peu de temps se tramme faint repos: Point l'on n'admet les grands a` deliurance,

      Des ennemis sont remis a` propos.

      2-81 P ar feu du ciel la cite' presque aduste,

      L' vrne menasse encor Ceucalion,

      V exee S ardaigne par la Punique Fuste…

      The author claims that he predicted the "sky" through clear