Konstantin Maramygin

Create the best version of yourself

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successful person. Based on these images, people have a concrete idea that a person without money cannot be happy and successful. He must have an apartment and a car bought with a mortgage. Must necessarily use credit cards and buy food products that are not healthy. Not to mention what images of father and mother are laid down by modern TV series. Where aggression and brute force is an indicator of a person’s toughness, lying and betrayal is an effective way to achieve their goals by stepping on the heads of family and friends. Which, in turn, indicates that “man is a wolf to man”. And as a whole, in the end, everything comes to the fact that a person does not need to think for himself, because everything has already been thought out for him. And this situation is really very sad, because it leads to degradation of whole generations, turning a free-thinking person into a weak-willed consumer of the system. Frankly speaking, I am even afraid to think what awaits mankind in 50 years. After all, during this time, old-school people will pass away, who still remember the times when there was no Internet, how people valued a piece of bread, their word, loyalty and friendship over a hundred dollars. And women then married not for money, but out of their love. But all this is no longer fashionable, now we have a price for everything. And everything can be bought, at first glance, if there were money. But if there’s no money, what then? Think about it.

      Yes, money is a key resource in today’s world, but does money itself make you happier? It’s just shredded paper that we exchange for specific goods or services. And it turns out that we don’t even need money itself, but only what we can buy with it.

      Considering the fact that in their time people chose the urban way of life and traded their houses with farms and land for small apartments. Choosing their own way of development towards division of labor. And thereby creating the situation in which a person simply needs to work in the city to buy food and provide for his life. However, initially they went to the city for work, because it was there that modern industrialization took place. And people were needed in factories and plants, and at the same time the accompanying enterprises to organize the life of the city.

      And we must admit that people went with enthusiasm, it was something new and interesting for them, and there they could realize themselves in a new capacity. And we can safely say that this became their destiny, their new meaning of life. As they felt that they were doing it for the benefit of the development of their homeland and humanity as a whole.

      Nowadays, the modern generation does not tend to go to work in factories and plants, and I think you know it very well. Now it is very popular to be an entrepreneur, blogger, actor, singer, mixed martial arts fighter, showman. People want to be popular and rich. Because of this, as a consequence, there are “air merchants” selling training courses that should make any person a millionaire. On which people get into loans, giving the last for the sake of their dreams.

      And it’s all on the surface, in every news feed.

      Of course, when young people start comparing themselves with their peers from social networks, they may experience internal dissonance, as if they already have everything and I have nothing yet. And they start to want to be like them, doing sometimes crazy things.

      But thank God, there are normal people who look at this circus of vanity with a critical eye, realizing that it’s all a show for the sake of some views, likes and the pursuit of fame.

      And if we look at it all from the point of view of common sense, we get the following picture.

      It is very difficult for a modern person to find motivation to get a job with low wages. And even more so to go to study for a working specialty after school.

      Not to mention doctors and teachers who spend five or six years in training to work with below-average salaries. But there are such people.

      You probably have never even thought about it, why a person goes to study not for a lawyer, not for a programmer, not for an accountant, but for a specialty that is not popular and low-paid.

      – Maybe they just didn’t pass the entrance exams for popular specialties?

      – No! That’s not it.

      It’s just that these people, unlike others, made their choice not on the basis of future salary, but on the basis of their beliefs. Namely – on the basis of their inner conviction in their destiny in this life.

      They realized even then, at school age, that they did not see themselves as anything else but to become a doctor, a painter, a sculptor, a teacher, a machinist, a scientist, a military man, a policeman, a fireman, a builder, a cook, a pilot, and so on.

      You know what I mean? That’s what set them apart from everyone else. They knew at an early age what they wanted to be.

      And if you ask them years later if they regret having chosen such a profession, they will firmly tell you – no. Even though they will not have expensive apartments and cars, these people will be happy, because they live by doing what they love. And this self-realization brings them great joy and the feeling that they are in their place.

      Agree that it is very important when a person finds himself in this world, when he finds his place in it. When he understands what his destiny in this life is. And how he can self-realize himself.

      And at the same time, look at those who chased after money, studied for a specialty that he does not like, and in the end, after some time, having worked in this profession, they quit this job and start looking for themselves. And most of them end up working in the trade or service sector. For someone this situation can evolve for the better, and he will become a successful entrepreneur, but most of them will not be able to realize their potential one hundred percent.

      The trouble is not even that someone gets higher education for the sake of a diploma, but that they choose their life path by looking at others and putting other people’s opinions above their own. And, as a result, a person experiences a lot of disappointments in their life.

      The conclusion of all this is that you should not choose your profession by salary or by the opinion of friends and relatives. You need to choose with your heart and soul. And then you will have more chances to realize your potential.


      One of the most important tasks, in my opinion, is to find yourself in this life, to find your place. Where you will be needed and in demand for your skills and capabilities. If a person succeeds in doing this, his life will be harmonious and creative. And most importantly, it will be filled with meaning.

      It is clear that the more our familiar world changes, the more difficult it is for us to orient ourselves in modern realities. But even in new conditions we have to look for our destiny. Sometimes we do not even need to do anything for this, life makes a choice for us. Or we make this choice unconsciously.

      In general, the concept of destiny is a bit like some pre-written program. Or we can say that it is fate. Or to be more precise, that a person is destined by fate itself.

      But if you look up the definition of this word to better understand its meaning, you will find that this word has synonyms: purpose, function, mission, role.

      It turns out that each person has some personal role to play in this game called life. And then the question naturally arises – how to understand what your role is? What is your mission?

      Of course, our work can be our mission, especially if it is highly specialized and connected with other people. Agree that not every person can become a surgeon. Since there must be a predisposition to this profession, a certain mindset and even talent, where are we without it.

      And in general, I would single out one attribute that would say that your work is your calling. And this is success, expressed in the recognition of you by the people around you, your achievements and skills. And it does not matter what kind of profession it is, it is only important that you were able to become a professional in it.

      But it happens that a person changes his job every year without