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Кибергейт: Как выжить в мире умных вещей

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      Diego Barretino (25 Jul 2017), “Smart contact lenses and eye implants will give doctors medical insights,” IEEE Spectrum, https://spectrum.ieee.org/biomedical/devices/smart-contact-lenses-and-eye-implants-will-give-doctors-medical-insights.


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      Diana Budds (9 Nov 2017), “A smart coffee cup? It’s more useful than it sounds,” Fast Company, https://www.fastcodesign.com/90150019/the-perfect-smart-coffee-cup-is-here.


      Phoebe Luckhurst (3 Aug 2017), “These sex toys and smart hook-up apps will make your summer hotter than ever,” Evening Standard, https://www.standard.co.uk/lifestyle/london-life/these-sex-toys-and-smart-apps-will-make-your-summer-hotter-than-ever-a3603056.html.


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      Christopher Snow (14 Mar 2017), “Everyone’s buying a smart thermostat – here’s how to pick one,” USA Today, https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/reviewedcom/2017/03/14/smart-thermostats-are-2017s-hottest-home-gadgetheres-how-to-pick-the-right-one-for-you/99125582.


      Kashmir Hill and Surya Mattu (7 Feb 2018), “The house that spied on me,” Gizmodo, https://gizmodo.com/the-house-that-spied-on-me-1822429852.


      Rose Kennedy (14 Aug 2017), “Want a scale that tells more than your weight? Smart scales are it,” Atlanta Journal-Constitution, http://www.ajc.com/news/health-med-fit-science/want-scale-that-tells-more-than-your-weight-smart-scales-are/XHpLELYnLgn8cQtBtsay6J.


      Alina Bradford (1 Feb 2016), “Why smart toilets might actually be worth the upgrade,” CNET, http://www.cnet.com/how-to/smart-toilets-make-your-bathroom-high-tech.


      Alex Colon and Timothy Torres (30 May 2017), “The best smart light bulbs of 2017,” PC Magazine, https://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2483488,00.as.


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