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англо-русских отношений в период английской буржуазной революции XVII в.) // Международные связи России в XVII–XVIII вв. М., 1966; Он же. Так называемый «Протест царя Алексея Михайловича по поводу казни короля Карла I» // Ученые записки Ярославского государственного педагогического института. Всеобщая история. Ярославль, 1957.


      Scott D. Rethinking Royalist Policy 1642-9 // The English Civil War, 164CM-9 / Ed. by J. Adamson. N. Y., P. 36.


      Underdown D. Royalist Conspiracy in England. New Haven, 1960.


      Underdown D. Revel, Riot and Rebellion. Popular Politics and Culture in England 1603–1660. Oxford, 1987.


      Hatton R. The Royalist War Effort 1642–1646. L.-N. Y., 1982. P. 10–11.


      Савин A. H. Лекции по истории Английской революции. M., 2000. С. 301.


      Hatton R. The Restoration. A Political and Religious History of England and Wales 1658–1667. Oxford, 1985.


      Carlton Ch. Going to the Wars. The Experience of the British Civil Wars, 1638–1651. L-N. Y., 1994.


      См.: Greenspan N. Charles II, Exile, and the Problem of Allegiance // The Historical Journal. 2011. V. 54. № 1; Groot J. de. Space, Patronage, Procedure: the Court of Oxford, 1642-46 // The English Historical Review. 2002. V. CXVII; Groot J. de. Royalist Identities. N. Y., 2004; Kelsey S. ‘King of the Sea’: the Prince of Wales and the Stuart Monarchy, 1648–1649 // History. 2007. Oct. V. 92. N 308; Royalists and Royalism during the English Civil Wars / Ed. by J. McElligott and D. Smith. Cambridge, 2007; Sharpe K. ‘So Hard a Text ‘?: Images of Charles I, 1612–1700 // The Historical Journal. 2000. V. 43. № 2; Scott D. Op. cit.; Smith G. Cavaliers in Exile. Houndmills, 2003; Stoyle M. ‘Memories of the Maimed’: The Testimony of Charles I’s Former Soldiers, 1660–1730 // History. 2003. April. V. 88. № 290; Stoyle M. The Road to Farmdon Field: Explaining Massacre of the Royal Women at Naseby // English Historical Journal. 2008. V. CXXIII. N 503.


      Underdown D. Revel, Riot and Rebellion. Popular Politics and Culture in England 1603–1660. P. 142.


      Carlton Ch. Going to the Wars. P. 52.


      Ibid, P.53.


      Ibid. P. 59.


      Underdown D. Revel, Riot and Rebellion. Popular Politics and Culture in England 1603–1660. P. 164.


      Stoyle M. The Road to Famdon Field. P. 919.


      Clarendon. The History of the Rebellion / Ed. by W. D. Macray. Oxford, 1969 (1st ed. 1888) V. II. P.351.


      Higham F. M. G. Charles I. A Study. Westport (Conn.). 1979 (1st ed. 1932). P. 221.


      Ashley M. The English Civil War. A Concise History. L. 1974. P. 71.


      Hatton R. The Royalist War Effort. P. 130.


      Spencer Ch. Prince Rupert: The Last Cavalier. L., 2007.


      Carlton Ch. Going to the Wars. P. 60–61.


      Underdown D. Revel, Riot and Rebellion. P. 165.


      Schama S. Op. cit. V. II. Р. 128.


      Stoyle М. ‘Memoires of the Maimed’: the Testimony of Charles Fs Former Soldiers, 1660–1730. P. 224.


      Ibid. Р. 222–223.


      Stoyle М. ‘Memories of the Maimed’: the Testimony of Charles I’s Former Soldiers, 1660–1730. P.221.


      Цит. по: GrootJ. de. Op. cit. P. 1204


      The Dairy of Bulstrode Whitelocke. Oxford. 1990. P. 142–144.


      Clarendon. The History of the Rebellion. V. III. P. 222.


      Groot de J. Space, Patronage, Procedure: The Court at Oxford, 1642^6 // The English Historical Review. V. CXVIII, 2002. Nov. P. 1216.


      Carlton Ch. Charles I. P. 250. О смещении полномочий от Тайного совета к Военному совету см. также: Groot de J. Op. cit. P. 1222.


      Scott D. Rethinking Royalist Politics, 1642-9 // The English Civil War. Conflicts and Contexts, 1640-49. N. Y. 2009. P. 36–60


      Ibid. Р. 41


      Sharpe К. “So Hard A Text”? Images of Charles I, 1612–1700. P. 390–394.


      Schama S. The History of Britain. V. II. P. 177.


      Clarendon. The History of the Rebellion. V. IV. R 46.


      Stoyle M. The Road to Famdon Field. P. 897.

