Коллектив авторов

Политические партии Англии. Исторические очерки

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N. Charles II, Exile, and the Problem of the Allegiance. P. 95.


      Clarendon. The History of the Rebellion. V. V. R 245–246.


      Kelsey S. ‘King of the Sea’: The Prince of Wales and the Stuart Monarchy // History. Vol. 92. № 308. Oct. 2007. P. 437.


      Clarendon. The History of the Rebellion. V. IV. P. 340–341.


      Pearson Н. Charles II. His Life and Likeness. P. 92.


      Underdown D. Revel, Riot and Rebellion. R 259.


      Felling К. A History of the Tory Party 1640–1714. Oxford, 1924. P. 24.


      Trevelyan G. M. Blenhaim. L.,1936. P. 191.


      The English Civil War. Conflict and Contexts, 1640-49. P. 37.


      Маколей I Б. История Англии от восшествия на престол Якова II. Петербург, 1862. Т. 7. С. 256.


      Trevelyan G. The English revolution 1688–1689. N.Y. 1939. P. 5


      Ibid. P. 26.


      Stone L. The results of the English Revolution//Three British Revolutions 1641, 1688, 1776.

      Princeton. 1980. P. 60.


      Trevelyan G. Ibid. P. 2.


      Jones J. The first whigs. The politics of exclusion crisis 1678–1683. London. 1961. PI 1.


      Harris T Restoration Charles II and his kingdoms 1660–1685. London. 2005. P. 5.


      Bliss R. М. Restoration England-politics and government. London. 1995. R 12.


      Jones J. Op. cit. P 6.




      Ibid. P.211.


      Hill Ch. The century of Revolutions. Oxford. 1962. P. 207.


      Jones J. Р. 213.


      Harris I Op. cit. Р. 6.


      Ibid. Р. 7.


      Marshal A. The age of faction Court politics 1660–1702. Manhester and New York, 2000. P. 132.


      Лабутина Т. Л. Политическая борьба в Англии в период реставрации Стюартов (1660–1681 гг.). М. 1982.


      Томсинов В. А. «Славная революция» 1688–1689 годов в Англии и Билль о правах. М.


      The Victoria Country History of Somerset. V. 2. London. 1911. P. 53.


      Cobbett S. Parliamentary History of England from the Norman Conquest to the year 1803.

      L. 1810 V. IV. Col. 348. (далее – PH)


      Bishop Burnet's History of his own time. London. 1724. P. 2 (далее – Burnet s History).


      The seventeenth century. Ed. By Millvard J. S. London. 1961. P. 125.


      PH. Р. 150.


      Ibid. Р. 350.


      English Historical Documents. London. 1958. V. VIII. P. 189 (далее – EHD).


      Ibid. P. 202.


      Burnet's History. P. 102.


      Turbervill A. The House of Lords under Charles II//English Historical Review. V. XLIV. 1929 P. 60.


      Burnet's History. Р. 102.


      A fifth Collection of papers relating to the present juncture of England. London. 1689.


      Calendar of State Papers. Domestic. 1677–1678. London. 1911. P. 8, 95, 115,647(далее – CSPD).


      Turbervill A. P. 41.


      EHD.P. 101–102.


      PH. Р. 1131–1132.


      Ibid. Р. 1174.


      Burnet History. Р. 70.


      a) A Complete collection of State trials and Proceedings for a High Treason and Crimes and Misdemeanors from earliest period to the present times. V. 1X–XI. London. 1811 (далее – State Trials); b) An exact abridgment of all Trials which published sins 1678. London. 1690; c) Sprat IA true account and declaration of the horrid conspiracy against the late King. 1685.


      Ashley J. John Wildman. Plotter and Postmaster. London. 1947. P. 258.
