Elena Fishtik

SARA. Laws are keeping silence during the war

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spread through the house, people were talking all together:

      – In the morning she was attacked by the crowd. Angry crowd…

      – Yes, yes, she was seized and dragged along the street directly for the spit..

      – And then the bastard cut her hair all…

      – So in fact it was a little, then they also took her clothes of…

      – They took of everything, bitches..

      – Oh, oh, oh!!!

      – The end of the world! What is this?

      – She cried, prayed so…

      – And they beat and beat, kicked, shame…

      – Then they started kicking by boots, she fell down, she could not go on, and all these bastards did not let up, poked her in the stomach with their boots..

      – How to survive this..?

      – So she did not survive…

      – Barely she got home, closed in the room and committed a suicide..

      – Ah-ah-ah-ah – my girl, Roza! – There was a terrible cry of the mother.

      People tried to comfort her, but such a grief was hard to survive.

      – Yes, today was so big horror – a woman in a torn dress showed the audience her wounds and said – I did not think that’ll break away from there. So they brutally beat people, humiliated…

      – I also have seen – said the old man – I don’t even know how I was not dragged! There’s a little girl of thirteen years a hefty man was hitting her, all were shouting, asking him to calm down, but he just said “Undress to naked” And he tore her dress and dragged somewhere. Those who tried to defend were immediately seized and even worse than that, right in front of others was spoiled…

      – Oh, there’s one pregnant who was kicking by boots, ah-ah-ah.. and no one could do anything.

      – They mostly grab Jewish women.

      – Not! Not only women. I saw a man who was publicly stripped down naked and drove across the street, at the same time as the mare he was lashed with a whip on the back. He was covered with blood.

      – What do you know, and recently I saw a young, maybe she was twenty years old, she was stripped and stuck to her vagina a stick, she was also forced to walk across the street by the post-office to the prison on Lontskiy street – she was taken away for work.

      – The horror! What is happening? What will happen?

      – Fearfully! Make fun of you bastards!

      – And there in the fifth house the whole family was taken away, and I do not know if they are still alive.

      The day before yesterday there was a big march – they drove more than three hundred people by center with their arms raised, and then they were forced to kneel down and move around so much to the prison. Some managed to escape to the alley and the rest were driven on knees, whipping by trash and sticks, even the elderly were not spared.

      – Bastards!

      – Beasts!

      – I saw a monster too, he was elegantly dressed in a beautiful embroidered shirt, he beat people with an iron rod with so much pleasure!

      – Yes, these creatures go to the pogrom like on holiday, they even wear ceremonial suits and ties! And then kick by legs with all their parade in the cruelest way, even the elderly. Recently they kicked our professor. He is all in bruises now.

      – Yes! And all this ours! They are nits!

      – Do not tell me, the Ukrainian nationalist police! Worse than the Germans!

      – The Germans do not interfere as they consider it to be the act of self-purification.

      – They do not interfere because they are probably shocked by the brutality of these bastards. And why? For what?

      – They interfere where it is necessary. Recently they rounded up people to clean after the bombing, and my neighbor should clean the toilet for some German.

      – Listen, have you heard how men were driven on Sunday to the lake, they were forced to go into the water up to their neck, and on German drowned them by hook, and women were crying and screaming, but could not do anything?

      – Yes, we have heard, the whole town already knows about it.

      – And on the street Zamarstynovskaya the Germans were running with cameras and shooting our naked women.

      – This is terrible! In the center of the city?

      – Is better near the Opera? Such a mockery! Men, women, old men on their knees were cleaning the streets, and these freaks, also women were here, they enjoyed this spectacle, interjected and gloated.

      – The crowd of course is cruel!

      – Listen, the Poles too have begun to be deported! In the neighboring house just forcibly they were sent somewhere near Warsaw.

      A little girl, about ten years old, listening to all uncles and aunts suddenly burst into loud weeping, sobbing and said:

      – And I saw when my mother and I went to the post office, there had been people who were severely beaten by shovels, they were covered with blood, and bad uncles shouted at them, “Jude, Jude!”

      The mother embraced the girl and took her home.

      For a long time people stood at the door of the unfortunate woman, comforted her and offered some help.

      Emma hugged Sara tightly and said:

      – I beg you, not a step into the street, and if anything, run, hide. Please!

      – Mum, – Sara cried – I’m scared!

      Arthur stood by in silence, not knowing how to help these people.

      He too had heard the horror stories about the massacre several times, and he was the witness of them.

      Now in front of him a picture of that terrible day surfaced when he stumbled upon a half-dead, in torn clothes woman who was completely torn by.

      Arthur only leaned toward her to help to get up, then he heard a terrible cry:

      – Well, get away, or you will experience the hard way.

      Burly men stood in front of him.

      The one of them came close to Arthur, he took him as a puppy by the scruff and flung aside.

      Then men talking among themselves began to take off with the victim’s rings, shoes and shove in their pockets, and then, just for their entertainment, tore a dress on her, so much so that it’s pieces were thrown around.

      The woman was moaning and begging for mercy, and these bastards giggled and spat on her.

      She lay in stocking feet and underwear.

      When the men left with the loot, Arthur ran up to the woman and helped her up.

      He took off his shirt and threw it over the unfortunate and walked her home.

      The new home of Sara and Emma was damp and miserable.

      In addition, two young girls were settled to them.

      The entrance to the cellar was littered with waste.

      Emma decided to clear the passage immediately.

      Everybody began to help her.

      Suddenly they heard a woman’s scream followed men’s screams and laughter.

      Emma quickly commanded the girls to hide behind the cellar door.

      It could be seen through the slit that from the corner of the house there was a woman, all torn,