Elena Fishtik

SARA. Laws are keeping silence during the war

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old women were sitting on the bench and discussing something, looking at the windows on the second floor.

      Sara was also curious, and she looked up.

      There was a young woman who cleaned the window.

      Sara thought, there was nothing special, and went towards the center.

      Passing by the old ladies she heard one of them appealing to the young mistress who cleaned the window:

      – Oh, Galia, you are a hostess today, you are washing the windows as neighbors couldn’t be seen…

      Sara was very amused by this.

      Suddenly, her eyes fell on a beautiful dome of the building, which was located nearby.

      Sara was interested in looking at this house closer.

      She walked toward the object that interested her by slow and careful steps.

      And then there was the next one, and another, and another, from house to house of a unique beauty.

      Sara wandered through the quiet, winding streets, looked at the beautiful buildings, admired the architecture, but could not accept this strange city for her.


      What prevents her so?

      Perhaps she feels something that does not let her get close to it?

      What is it?

      She didn’t feel such anxiety before.

      A week later the Soviet authorities granted to Boris and his family the apartment, though small, but in a beautiful old building, on the fifth floor, in the city center.

      There was almost no furniture.

      No utensils, no clothes, no possibility to buy it everything.Boris worked a lot, Sara helped her mother around the house, went to school, studied the ballet.

      The neighbors were good, immediately they collected all the necessary things and brought them to the beginners.

      The life was getting better gradually.

      Sara learned that they live in the house, where the famous actress – Ida Kaminskaya lives.

      She had heard of the actress’s talent, but still she has not been able to visit her performances, and all of a sudden – the neighbors.

      Sara thought that somehow she will acquaint with her favorite actress, and will go to her performances, and perhaps even like Kaminskaya become an actress, and will play with her on the same stage.

      Thoughts have taken Sara to the fabulous world of art, and brought her a feeling of satisfaction.

      The life seemed to be leveling off, new friends appeared.

      Sara felt that Boris was not easy, but she also knew that her brother will do everything to make her and Mum happy.

      The difference in nine years strongly made itself felt.Boris was like a father to a younger sister, he loved her, and considered it his duty to protect and teach her.

      But the life was still hard, they had to starve and save each slice of bread.

      The end of 1940 was full of ambiguous events in the country, followed by the entire population.

      Now, everywhere you could hear the terrible assumption of the impending war.

      There were constant anti-Soviet uprising in the city and its suburbs.

      There were rumors that the unstable situation on the Soviet border forces the power send to the country people of Jewish nationality, in order to avoid the sudden attacks and reprisals by the Germans.

      But, at the same time, the press emphasized that the Soviet Union is absolutely satisfied by both domestic and foreign policy of the country and its achievements.

      New Year’s holidays were coming.

      Sara for the third night was preparing Christmas outfit together with her mother, because there will be the evening at school, and Sara wants to be the most beautiful.

      Emma has donated for this material, which recently she bought on the curtains and decoration was tulle, or rather carved figurines and floral elements that Sara sewed in the collar area.

      The mood was pre-holiday, Sara was constantly humming under her breath waltz music, the mother sang a duet sometimes, they were laughing and constantly trying on New Year’s dress.

      It sounded on the radio solemnly:

      – On the eve of the New 1941 we want to share with all the Soviet citizens of those achievements, which raised the Soviet Union to a new stage.

      We have reasons to be proud of the state affairs and 1940 outgoing.

      It made an enormous contribution and fundamental improvements in the matter of training and education of the staff of the Red Army and Navy.

      The Soviet people are waiting for the future with confidence and joy.

      – Well, you see, Mum, – Sara said happily – all these rumors, especially of Uncle Lenia and Aunt Galia, about the possibility of war, and that we should get out of here, all nonsense!

      – Of course, dear, nonsense – Emma did not want to frighten and upset the daughter.In the air, it seemed, indeed there was the atmosphere of full optimism.

      The country met the New 1941 with the best hopes and assurances of the Kremlin leaders almost can appease people.

      But a few days later it became clear that not everything is going well.

      On the radio and in the press it was reported that the Germans began to shift its troops to Bulgaria.

      There were rumors that the Germans were acting with the consent of the Soviet Union, however, TASS denied categorically that it happens “with the knowledge and consent of the Soviet Union”.

      Conversely, the speakers vied claimed that the USSR was in no way aware of this.

      Boris came home from work so tired and depressed.

      Emma laid the table, and silently stared into the eyes of her son with anxiety, she was waiting for a frank conversation.

      Boris paused, then took out a newspaper, opened it slowly and said:

      – Here, there is a detailed account of Hitler’s speech.

      He is fully convinced that he is waiting for a new victory over the British, he says that America is wasting time and energy in helping England, still the collapse is waiting for them.

      – Boris, calm down, Uncle Stas says that Hitler will not get to us, and then you heard on the radio, what was the speech of our Party, they are confident that everything is under the control.

      – Mum, it’s not that simple. Of course they will not make the panic among people. But that’s just at the end of his speech, Hitler said the following sentence:

      “I have taken into account every possibility, which is only imaginable” – and added, maybe you and Sara will agree to leave L’vov, somewhere far away, in the heart of the country.

      Well, not in Siberia, I beg you to leave?

      – No, no and no!

      We will not leave you.

      And then, I do not believe that, even if Germany will come to the Soviet Union, then we are facing something bad.

      – Then why are there so many Jewish refugees from Germany and Poland?

      He’s a Nazi, he hates Jews, the first on whom his anger will fall, the Jews will be.

      Sara came to the room with a smile from ear to ear that quickly disappeared from her face, after she heard snatches of the last sentence “He’s a Nazi, he hates Jews, the first on whom his anger will fall, the Jews