Elena Fishtik

SARA. Laws are keeping silence during the war

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them in Kiev for a while, but Boris could not, he had to arrive on time to L’vov where he was expected duties.

      Now they would also have not a simple way from Kiev to L’vov by train.

      The freight train was already at the platform, and people rushed to take their seats.

      In fact, there were no places in such cars, as it is a solid platform with a wooden flank places.

      People jumped into the car and tried to sit on the floor in a way that would have more room to win themselves, that is, almost reclining.

      Boris jumped the first, and gave his hand to his sister and mother.

      They have located close to the musicians and the family moved from Kiev to L’vov.People who got to know about the loss of all things of Emma and her children immediately gathered dry clothes for them.

      Sara changed into a dress, which had to tie a rope, it was the size of two more.It became immediately warm and comfortable.

      She clung to her mother’s shoulder, as if searching for protection.

      The car quickly filled and the door closed, chattering by constipation so loud.The train that followed to L’vov finally moved and Sara, in order to distract a little, began to torment her mother by the memories of her father, as she has done it so often.

      Boris was sitting near and also listened attentively to the memories of the past wonderful time when the whole family gathered on evenings in the kitchen and after dinner Dad read books to children or played games with them.

      Emma remembered Isaac when he was young; she praised him all the time, saying that he was very much a model husband and father he worked hard and loved his family greatly.

      Sara listened, but the thoughts of the unknown future life absorbed her more and more.

      A strange premonition of a joy and misery at the same time.

      Suddenly she was dreaming of an idle life, costumes and fans, and then she felt the anxiety and tension.

      The passengers were talking loudly, someone even joked, they laughed all together, even Sara could not help burst out laughing, listening to the stories of the older musicians.

      Having passed almost half a day, the train made a stop in some remote area, Sara did not remember that name.

      – Parking for 30 minutes, – the loudspeaker announced at the station, followed immediately one after the other passengers repeated aloud the announcement, all rushed to the door.

      People quickly jumped out of their cars and wandered around the neighborhood.

      – Hey, kid, where is the water here?

      – Emma asked the child who was passing by.

      He pointed in the direction of the column with the water, and all passengers rushed to this side.

      People lined up, each drank and took the water with him.

      Sara was staying in a line of two elderly men who were constantly exchanging their stories:

      – I travelled so good last year, I decided to thumb a lift, maybe someone would drive me, and someone stopped, so I went with him and, ah! I even didn’t pay money!

      – Oh, how was it?

      – When we came, I went out of the car and began to rummage through my pockets, and so cunningly that the driver heard I said as if to myself:

      – Damn, I think I’ve dropped the wallet in your car…

      When the driver heard it he hit the gas and went away.

      – Listen Ziama, and aren’t you lying? Well… You’re a genius!… – they are laughing and patting each other on the shoulders.

      – Musia!!!

      – From a distance coming toward the line, loudly and angrily his wife was shouting and you couldn’t stay the last in the queue, what kind of simpleton!;Musia and Ziama hunched their necks from fear, but it seemed they were lucky, Haya was running past, her main aim was the market place which was opposite side.

      Three middle-aged ladies were ahead, they turned at the cry of Haya and recognized in her an old friend, they portrayed a smile, saying some words of welcome.

      Haya, on the run replied in kind keeping the same etiquette, and ran on.

      I must say that Haya screamed so loud that she could easily outshouted the signal of an approaching locomotive, so that the whole line responded to her cry, but three ladies who were standing in front of Sara, didn’t miss the opportunity to discuss Haya, but not her cry, they were not bothered by it, they were not timid by themselves, they may cry, no less shrill, one of them by changing smile on a wry face, as if just she has smelt the rotten sauerkraut, cheerfully she set the tone:

      – Listen, there is Haya!

      – Really!

      – Did she live behind the school? – said the third.;

      No one was going to answer the question, the first lady who exclaimed was burst with the desire to savor Haina, sorry ass:

      – Is she put on weight more? Well, asshole!

      – The nightmare – the other assented shrilly.

      – Keep your voice down, – the third person hissed loudly, pushing her friend by elbow, fearing of Haya’s wrath, and glancing in the direction of running.

      – Ah! Why are you worrying!

      If I was not sure that she was among the other things also deaf, I would not speak so calmly.

      These phrases have reached all who was staying in the queue, they giggled.

      Then the baton was intercepted again by Grandpas.

      – Ugh! – it could be heard when grandfathers breathed together.

      – Well, how did you marry Haya?

      – Ziama cried in the hearts – she is so ugly!

      – Well, I say – a little oblique!

      – A little bit?! When she is crying, her tears flow on the back crosswise!

      – So this is my mother’s choice

      – Musia mumbled guilty.

      She told me that I would never marry a beautiful girl – she can leave me.

      – And the ugly can leave too.

      – But this is a different matter!; And Grandpas again were giggling.

      – Ziama rushed into memories – but my mother always told me; – My son! Your first wife should be Ukrainian.

      – How so, why? You’re a Jew, – Musia embarrassed.

      – And I just asked my mother why, and she said that Ukrainians are beautiful, they cook tasty.

      “She will make the burly man from you. Then you will divorce and marry a Jewess”

      – Why? – Musia bewildered more.

      – Well, I asked her why? And I got a slap for the slowness.

      – Firstly, – my mother told me – you are a Jew.

      Secondly, a Jewess wife – this are some connections and string-pulling. And when you will have connections, the position in the society, children, you will divorce and marry a gypsy.

      – ?!

      – Musia entangled in the calculations of Ziama’s mother completely, he crouched the proper “face”.

      Ziama continued with a serious expression of face, understanding the silent scene of Musia:

      – Mum likes so much how beautiful