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      Claudio Feser

      When Execution Isn't Enough

Further Praise for When Execution Isn't Enough

      It takes execution to turn a good strategy into strong performance, and execution only happens when you have great people and a strong culture. In his book When Execution Isn't Enough, Claudio Feser describes in a masterful way what it takes to have a team of people and a culture that will drive execution with passion and purpose. A lot has been written on the topic of execution, however Claudio Feser uniquely describes what it takes to win hearts and minds to make it truly happen!

Steven Baert, Head of Human Resources, Novartis AG

      When Execution Isn't Enough has helped me to see and understand some key fundamental issues of leadership in real practice and the most efficient and rational ways to address them, based on science and empirical data. The book is a must-have tool kit for anyone who leads others against internal/external challenges for common benefit.

Tserenpuntsag Boldbaatar, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Newcom

      Claudio Feser combines brilliantly the art and science of what it takes to inspire and influence people and create positive energy in organizations. This book features great real-life examples and a new influence framework for leaders of 21st century organizations who want to make a difference. All leaders should read this book!

Nick van Dam, PhD, Global Chief Learning Officer, McKinsey & Company; co-author, You! The Positive Force in Change

      Every leader will recognize himself somewhere in this book. Claudio Feser uses real-life situations and characters to illustrate the process by which leaders can win the hearts and minds of people, and by which they can elevate the performance of their organizations in times of change and transformation. When Execution Isn't Enough is an inspiring and thoroughly enjoyable read.

Rolf Dörig, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Adecco and Swiss Life

      This book is unputdownable. A page turner that will make those reading it become more emotionally intelligent and better leaders. Claudio Feser has integrated many breakthrough concepts and research and brought them together in a powerful guide to inspiring people and organizations to greatness. A brilliant book!

Patrick Frost, Group CEO, Swiss Life

      Like with his last book Serial Innovators, Claudio Feser has managed again to write a book that is academically through, utterly practical, entertaining, and inspiring. With his new book When Execution Isn't Enough, Claudio draws on a wide range of research to illustrate how to inspire individuals and entire organizations to great performance. Like with his last book, Claudio does so telling a story. It is a story of a company transformation. It is a story of inspiring leadership.

Thomas Gutzwiller, Academic Director at the Henri B. Meier Unternehmerschule, St. Gallen

      When Execution Isn't Enough is a great blend of very practical advice and sound conceptual thinking. A truly enjoyable must-read for any executive who is serious about to inspire organizations to great performance.

Axel Lehmann, Group Chief Operating Officer, UBS AG

      In this growingly complex world, inspirational leadership represents the only sustainable competitive advantage for business organizations. This book represents a step change in how to look at inspirational leadership, focusing on the neurological and scientific mechanism underpinning it, identifying an effective and pragmatic way forward for leaders. Very powerful for addressing the many dark sides of transformational challenges of most organization. Do not miss it!

Monica Possa, Group HR & Organization Director, Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A.

      When Execution Isn't Enough builds on a wide range of research and practical insights to show how to inspire and lead organizations through periods of great challenge and change. An essential guide for anyone leading organizations in today's fast-paced markets.

Kristof Terryn, CEO General Insurance, Zurich Insurance Group

      In this thoroughly researched and very practical guide Claudio Feser takes a closer look on what likely constitutes the secret to real and enduring success in most organizations: The executive's competence to motivate others by inspirational leadership.

Bernd Uhe, Head of Human Resources, Banque Pictet & Cie SA

      Inspirational leadership is a necessary feature of any energized, and effective organization. In today's fast-changing world, it is arguably the key ingredient that enables businesses to adapt and thrive and to achieve high levels of performance over long periods of time. When Execution Is Not Enough discusses the process of inspirational leadership and how these principles can be applied in practice when leading individuals, teams, or even the largest organizations. It is a must-read for anyone responsible for leading an enterprise in today's challenging environment.

Peter Voser, Chairman of the Board, ABB Ltd.

      This work draws on a wide set of disciplines – new and old – to shed light on the behavior of leaders in organizations. When Execution Isn't Enough is about the key ingredient to building exceptional and enduring organizations: inspiration. A great read for anyone leading organizations through periods of change.

Graham Ward, PhD, Adjunct Professor of Leadership, Leadership Development Practice Director, INSEAD Global Leadership Centre

      When Execution Isn't Enough is a rich source of insights for leaders who are leading their organizations through major corporate transformations. It helps leaders become more effective in engaging, energizing, and motivating the people they lead to great performance.

Andre Wyss, President Novartis Operations, Country President for Switzerland, Novartis AG

      When Execution Isn't Enough

       Decoding Inspirational Leadership


      Foreword by


      Cover image: © wildpixel/iStockphoto

      Cover design: Wiley

      Copyright © 2016 by McKinsey & Company. All rights reserved.

      Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

      Published simultaneously in Canada.

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