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Шелковый путь. Дорога тканей, рабов, идей и религий

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118.1 (1998), рр. 1–14; W. Graham and N. Kermani, ‘Recitation and Aesthetic Reception’, in J. McAuliffe (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to the Qurʾān (Cambridge, 2005), рр. 115–143, S. Blair, ‘Transcribing God’s Word: Qur’an Codices in Context’, Journal of Qur’anic Studies 10.1 (2008), рр. 72–97.


      R. Hoyland, ‘Jacob of Edessa on Islam’, in G. Reinink and A. Cornelis Klugkist (eds), After Bardasian: Studies on Continuity and Change in Syriac Christianity (Leuven, 1999), рр. 158–159.


      M. Whittow, The Making of Orthodox Byzantium, 600–1025 (London, 1996), рр. 141–142.


      R. Hoyland, ‘Writing the Biography of the Prophet Muhammad: Problems and Sources’, History Compass 5.2 (2007), рр. 593–596. Также см. I. and W. Schulze, ‘The Standing Caliph Coins of al-Jazīra: Some Problems and Suggestions’, Numismatic Chronicle 170 (2010), рр. 331–353; S. Heidemann, ‘The Evolving Representation of the Early Islamic Empire and its Religion on Coin Imagery’, in A. Neuwirth, Sinai and M. Marx (eds), The Qurʾān in Context: Historical and Literary Investigations into the Qurʾānic Milieu (Leiden, 2010), рр. 149–195.


      B. Flood, The Great Mosque of Damascus: Studies on the Makings of an Umayyad Visual Culture (Leiden, 2001).


      Johns, ‘Archaeology and History of Early Islam’, рр. 424–425. Также см. Hoyland, Seeing Islam, esр. рр. 550–553, 694–695, и в целом Р. Crone and M. Hinds, God’s Caliph: Religious Authority in the First Centuries of Islam (Cambridge, 1986).


      O. Grabar, The Dome of the Rock (Cambridge, MA, 2006), рр. 91–92.


      John of Damascus, On Heresies, tr. F. Chase, The Fathers of the Church (Washington, DC, 1958), 101, р. 153; Sarris, Empires of Faith, р. 266.


      Например, M. Bennett, Fighting Techniques of the Medieval World AD 500 – AD 1500: Equipment, Combat Skills and Tactics (Staplehurst, 2005).


      Р. Reynolds, Trade in the Western Mediterranean, AD 400–700: The Ceramic Evidence (Oxford, 1995); S. Kinsley, ‘Mapping Trade by Shipwrecks’, in M. Mundell Mango (ed.), Byzantine Trade, 4th–12th Centuries (Farnham, 2009), рр. 31–36; M. McCormick, Origins of the European Economy: Communications and Commerce, AD 300–900 (Cambridge, 2001); Wickham, Inheritance of Rome, esр. р. 255ff.


      de la Vaissière, Sogdian Traders, рр. 279–286.


      al-Yaʿqūbī and al-Balādhurī, цитируется по J. Banaji, ‘Islam, the Mediterranean and the Rise of Capitalism’, Historical Materialism 15 (2007), рр. 47–74, esр. рр. 59–60.


      О свободных структурах в согдийском мире в это время см. de la Vaissière, Marchands sogdiens, рр. 144–176.


      См. здесь F. Grenet and E. de la Vaissière, ‘The Last Days of Panjikent’, Silk Road Art and Archaeology 8 (2002), рр. 155–196.


      См. здесь J. Karam Skaff, Sui-Tang China and Its Turko-Mongol Neighbours: Culture, Power, and Connections, 580–800 (Oxford, 2012).


      D. Graff, ‘Strategy and Contingency in the Tang Defeat of the Eastern Turks, 629–630’, in N. di Cosmo (ed.), Warfare in Inner Asian History, 500–1800 (Leiden, 2002), рр. 33–72.


      de la Vaissière, Sogdian Traders, рр. 217–220.


      C. Mackerras, The Uighur Empire According to the T’ang Dynastic Histories (Canberra, 1972); T. Allsen, Commodity and Exchange in the Mongol Empire: A Cultural History of Islamic Textiles (Cambridge, 1997), р. 65.


      C. Beckwith, ‘The Impact of Horse and Silk Trade on the Economics of T’ang China and the Uighur Empire: On the Importance of International Commerce in the Early Middle Ages’, Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 34 (1991), рр. 183–198.


      J. Kolbas, ‘Khukh Ordung: A Uighur Palace Complex of the Seventh Century’, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 15.3 (2005), рр. 303–327.


      L. Albaum, Balalyk-Tepe: k istorii material’noĭ kul’tury i iskusstva Tokharistana (Tashkent, 1960); F. Starr, Lost Enlightenment: Central Asia’s Golden Age from the Arab Conquest to Tamerlane (Princeton, 2014), р. 104.


      A. Walmsley and K. Damgaard, ‘The Umayyad Congregational Mosque of Jerash in Jordan and its Relationship to Early Mosques’, Antiquity 79 (2005), рр. 362–378; I. Roll and E. Ayalon, ‘The Market Street at Apollonia – Arsuf’, BASOR 267 (1987), рр. 61–76; K. al-Asʿad and Stepniowski, ‘The Umayyad suq in Palmyra’, Damazener Mitteilungen 4 (1989), рр. 205–223; R. Hillenbrand, ‘Anjar and Early Islamic Urbanism’, in G. – Р. Brogiolo and B. Ward-Perkins (eds), The Idea and Ideal of the Town between Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages (Leiden, 1999), рр. 59–98.


      Hilāl al-Ṣābiʾ, Rusūm dār al-khilāfah, in The Rules and Regulations of the Abbasid Court, tr. E. Salem (Beirut, 1977), рр. 21–22.


      Ibn al-Zubayr, Kitāb al-hadāyā wa al-tuḥaf, in Book of Gifts and Rarities: Selections Compiled in the Fifteenth Century from an Eleventh-Century Manuscript on Gifts and Treasures, tr. G. al-Qaddūmī (Cambridge, MA, 1996), рр. 121–122.


      B. Lewis, Islam: From the Prophet Muhammad to the Capture of Constantinople (New York, 1987), рр. 140–141.


      Muqaddasī, Best Divisions for Knowledge, р. 60.


      Там же, рр. 107, 117, 263.


      J. Bloom, Paper before Print: The History and Impact of Paper in the Islamic World (New Haven, 2001).

