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Шелковый путь. Дорога тканей, рабов, идей и религий

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же, рр. 59, 63.


      J. Stargardt, ‘Indian Ocean Trade in the Ninth and Tenth Centuries: Demand, Distance, and Profit’, South Asian Studies 30.1 (2014), рр. 35–55.


      A. Northedge, ‘Thoughts on the Introduction of Polychrome Glazed Pottery in the Middle East’, in E. Villeneuve and Р. Watson (eds), La Céramique byzantine et proto-islamique en Syrie-Jordanie (IVe – VIIIe siècles apr. J. – C.) (Beirut, 2001), рр. 207–214; R. Mason, Shine Like the Sun: Lustre-Painted and Associated Pottery from the Medieval Middle East (Toronto, 2004); M. Milwright, An Introduction to Islamic Archaeology (Edinburgh, 2010), рр. 48–49.


      H. Khalileh, Admiralty and Maritime Laws in the Mediterranean Sea (ca. 800–1050): The Kitāb Akriyat al Sufun vis-à-vis the Nomos Rhodion Nautikos (Leiden, 2006), рр. 212–214.


      Muqaddasī, Best Divisions for Knowledge, рр. 347.


      Daryaee, ‘Persian Gulf Trade’, рр. 1–16; Banaji, ‘Islam, the Mediterranean and the Rise of Capitalism’, рр. 61–62.


      E. Grube, Cobalt and Lustre: The First Centuries of Islamic Pottery (London, 1994); O. Watson, Ceramics from Islamic Lands (London, 2004).


      Du Huan, Jinxing Ji, цитируется по X. Liu, The Silk Road in World History (Oxford, 2010), р. 101.


      Kitāb al-Tāj (fī akhlāq al-mulūk) in Le Livre de la couronne: ouvrage attribute à Ǧahiz, tr. C. Pellat (Paris, 1954), р. 101.


      Заимствования у Сасанидов – Walker, Qardagh, р. 139. Сцены охоты из дворцов Тегерана – D. Thompson, Stucco from Chal-Tarkhan-Eshqabad near Rayy (Warminster, 1976), рр. 9–24.


      D. Gutas, Greek Thought, Arabic Culture: The Graeco-Arabic Translation Movement in Baghdad and Early ʿAbbasid Society (2nd–4th / 8th–10th Centuries (London, 1998); R. Hoyland, ‘Theonmestus of Magnesia, Hunayn ibn Ishaq and the Beginnings of Islamic Veterinary Science’, in R. Hoyland and Р. Kennedy (eds), Islamic Reflections, Arabic Musings (Oxford, 2004), рр. 150–169; A. McCabe, A Byzantine Encyclopedia of Horse Medicine (Oxford, 2007), рр. 182–184.


      V. van Bladel, ‘The Bactrian Background of the Barmakids’, in A. Akasoy, Burnett and R. Yoeli-Tialim, Islam and Tibet: Interactions along the Musk Route (Farnham, 2011), рр. 82–83; Gutas, Greek Thought, Arabic Culture, р. 13.


      См. Р. Pormann and E. Savage-Smith, Medieval Islamic Medicine (Edinburgh, 2007); Y. Tabbaa, ‘The Functional Aspects of Medieval Islamic Hospitals’, in М. Boner, M. Ener and A. Singer (eds), Poverty and Charity in Middle Eastern Contexts (Albany, NY, 2003), рр. 97–98.


      Pormann and Savage-Smith, Medieval Islamic Medicine, р. 55.


      E. Lev and L. Chipman, ‘A Fragment of a Judaeo-Arabic Manuscript of Sābūr b. Sahl’s Al-Aqrābādhīn al-Ṣaghīr Found in the Taylor-Schechter Cairo Genizah Collection’, Medieval Encounters 13 (2007), рр. 347–362.


      Ibn al-Haytham, The Optics of Ibn al-Haytham, Books I–III: On Direct Vision, tr. A. Sabra, 2 vols (London, 1989).


      W. Gohlman, The Life of Ibn Sina: A Critical Edition and Annotated Translation (New York, 1974), р. 35.


      al-Jāḥiẓ, Kitāb al-Ḥayawān, cited by Pormann and Savage-Smith, Medieval Islamic Medicine, р. 23.


      Mahsatī, Mahsati Ganjavi: la luna e le perle, tr. R. Bargigli (Milan, 1999); а также Bagherzadeh, ‘Mahsati Ganjavi et les potiers de Rey’, in Varia Turcica 19 (1992), рр. 161–176.


      Augustine, The Confessions of St Augustine, tr. F. Sheed (New York, 1942), р. 247.


      al-Masʿūdī, цитируется по Gutas, Greek Thought, Arabic Culture, р. 89.


      Muqaddasī, Best Divisions for Knowledge, р. 8.


      M. Barrucand and A. Bednorz, Moorish Architecture in Andalusia (Cologne, 1999), р. 40.


      Например, M. Dickens, ‘Patriarch Timothy II and the Metropolitan of the Turks’, Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 20.2 (2010), рр. 117–139.


      Conant, Staying Roman, рр. 362–370.


      Narshakhī, The History of Bukhara: Translated from a Persian Abridgement of the Arabic Original by Narshakhī, tr. N Frye (Cambridge, MA, 1954), рр. 48–49.


      A. Watson, Agricultural Innovation in the Early Islamic World (Cambridge, 1983); T. Glick, ‘Hydraulic Technology in al-Andalus’, in M. Morony (ed.), Production and the Exploitation of Resources (Aldershot, 2002), рр. 327–339.


      W. Davis, Readings in Ancient History: Illustrative Extracts from the Sources, 2 vols (Boston, 1912–1913), 2, рр. 365–367.


      Ibn Khurradādhbih, Kitāb al-masālik wa-l-mamālik, tr. Lunde and Stone, ‘Book of Roads and Kingdoms’, in Ibn Fadlan and the Land of Darkness, рр. 99–104.


      E. van Donzel and A. Schmidt, Gog and Magog in Early Christian and Islamic Sources: Sallam’s Quest for Alexander’s Wall (Leiden, 2010); также обратите внимание на эти источники F. Sezgin, Anthropogeographie (Frankfurt, 2010), рр. 95–97; Крачковский И. Ю. Арабская географическая литература. – М., 2004. – С. 138–141.


      A. Gow, ‘Gog and Magog on Mappaemundi and Early Printed World Maps: