relation is dual. The increase in number of the tree-rings changes a) when the Earth’s rotational velocity changes rapidly during a year and b) in years after the gradual and steady reduction or increase in the Earth’s rotational velocity. In the latter case, it is essential to make a time move by several years on the graphs in order to correlate the increase in number of the tree-rings and the Earth’s rotational velocity more accurately. It is usually the time of the trees’ growth and their aging. The relations are the same as in case with the changes of economic growth pace and the Kondratiev waves depending on the Earth’s rotational velocity. (see N.I. Konyuhov, O.N. Arhipova, E.N. Konyuhova, 2017).
3.2 Width of the tree-rings, their saturation with isotopes and magnetic fields of the Sun and Earth
We would like to refer to the famous graph of the Ukrainian scientists once again (Rusov V.D., et al., 2011).
Any global process, including geomagnetic disturbances, indicates the activity of the Sun.
The graph shows that first changes the geomagnetic field and only then the Earth’s rotational velocity. It means that geomagnetic field may help in forecasting the change of the Earth’s rotational velocity and any other process accompanying it, including the width of the tree-rings, change in the human’s brain activity, etc. (see the graph in Chapter 1).
However, if it is so, then when the magnetic field strength decreases, the width of annual rings of the majority of the trees is supposed to increase. And this is the case. There are some studies in Russia which are trustworthy enough.
Therefore, the Earth’s magnetic field and the trees growth both depend on the magnetic field of the Sun.
In the USA, trees also grow in accordance with the solar activity within a magnetic range and with the Earth’s rotational velocity. And they grow better, when the Earth’s rotational velocity is increasing.
It looks interesting. Let’s find some more evidences.
Trees in Russia grow better, when the velocity of Earth’s rotation is reducing. The pace of both economic and spiritual development in Russia is directly connected with the cosmic energies, growth of the trees and the Earth’s rotational velocity. If this statement is true, we can forecast it.
Based on the given data, the Earth’s rotational velocity will be reducing up to 2040. It means that there will be times, favorable for the social, economic and spiritual development of Russia. These times may be compared with the 1960s and 1970s, which were the times of enthusiasts.
This is the reason why it is so important to consider, which social and spiritual processes were typical for our nation in the past, when the Earth’s rotational velocity was reducing.
The previously mentioned relations and regularities are required for such a systematic analysis.
Conclusion on Chapter 3.
The width of annual tree-rings is the important indicator that helps evaluate cosmic energies. Thus, it is crucial to understand that the relation between the width of tree-rings and the Earth’s rotational velocity will be different depending on the region.
Chapter 4. From concentration of isotopes contained in annual growth rings to analysis of cosmic energies’ dynamics and development of the society
4.1 Lack of sustained relations between the width of annual growth rings and concentration of isotopes contained in them in a 40-year prospective
The intensity of isotopes’ formation in every period of time is connected with the uneven infiltration of isotopes from the atmosphere into the soil and then into the roots and into tree’s trunk.
The concentration of the isotopes in soil differs depending on the soil depth (see Brian M. Fagan, Christopher R. DeKors, Archeology, Moscow, 2007).
Due to the different concentration in soil layers, the isotopes permeate a tree unevenly.
Different studies show that even during the Maunder Minimum period, the concentration of the isotopes contained in annual rings was unstable and constantly changing.
M.G. Ogurtsov, 2007
However, it should be noted that it only concerns short-term fluctuations. After 50 years the concentration of the isotopes contained in annual rings of a tree accurately correlates with the historical events.
There are two aspects which explain why more attention should be paid to the data about concentration of the isotopes contained in annual rings that are more than 40 years old.
Firstly, the data on concentration of the isotopes contained in annual rings in a particular region helps to understand the dynamics of magnetic and gravitational field strength in this region because it is reasonable to suppose that they influence transportation of the isotopes through the roots and trunk of a tree. (Cholmansky et al)
Secondly, changes in the concentration of the isotopes of different substances contained in annual rings and changes in ice cores of hundreds of years old take place at one historical period. Moreover, these changes are connected with the significant historic events which are important not only for the history of biome’s development but also for the history of mankind. When taking this into consideration, it becomes possible to understand history deeper and look at it from the new perspective.
In the 40-years prospective isotopes concentration of different substances in the air in fast-expanding biome area is connected with the Earth’s rotational velocity. However, this connection has the aligned index. Rapid changes in the Earth’s rotational velocity (during several years) and peaks in isotopes’ formation are smoothed inside the annual rings with the process of isotopes’ probability distribution of different substances through the whole planet, through biome. In comparison, the Earth’s rotational velocity may be considered as a mean within the span from 20 to 40 years.
The local data on concentration of the isotopes of different substances in annual rings, mushrooms and berries may be correlated with the Earth’s rotational velocity and with the time period of one year. It may be proved even considering nuclear weapons testing and release of radioactive material and the isotopes into the environment after catastrophic nuclear accidents (Chernobyl and Fukushima Daiichi disasters e.g).
4.2 The present local data on the Earth’s rotational velocity and concentration of isotopes of cesium in mushrooms, wild berries and fish
The recent growth of concentration of the isotopes in biome is usually connected with the nuclear and radiation accidents. The Chernobyl disaster happened in 1986, but after it the declines in isotopes concentration in atmosphere and in fast-expanding biome can be seen.
Since the beginning of the present century concentration of the isotopes of cesium in mushrooms and wild berries is no longer defined by the time which has passed since the Chernobyl disaster, but by the number of other factors, one of which is the Earth’s rotational velocity. In the beginning of 2000s concentration of the isotopes of cesium in mushrooms decreased. At the same time mushrooms’ reaction on concentration of isotopes contained in the rain water became more spontaneous. Concerning the wild berries and fish, the concentration of the isotopes of cesium increased, which is very close to the dynamics of changes of the Earth’s rotational velocity.
See: Radioecological situation in the regions of Rosatom enterprises location. // Edited by I.I. Linge and I.I. Kryshev. – Moscow. « CAM polygraphist », 2015. – 296 p.
Why is it so essential to demonstrate changes in time on graphs? The reason