Николай Игнатьевич Конюхов

Cosmic energies and mankind: graphs for reflection

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      Let us compare the allocated regions with the maps of magnetic and gravitational fields.

      Statistical, mathematical methods show that the distinguished blocks of trees grew in different gravitational and magnetic fields. Might it be the reason for the difference in growth among them?

      Yes, gravitational and magnetic fields are constantly changing. And it is hard to say that during the period of tree growth their configuration was similar. Therefore, the conclusion in this regard will be careful: the hypothesis of a relationship between the magnetic and gravitational field intensity on Earth and the growth of trees has the right to exist. The available scientific data in this regard are encouraging.

      The relationship between magnetic and gravitational fields has become generally recognized, it is visualized. This is the result of the work of the European Space Agency satellites in orbit. These are experimental data.

      But, in the past century, these ideas were theoretically justified and experimentally estimated by our outstanding scientist Dyatlov Vladimir Lukich (Polarization model of non-uniform physical vacuum. The Institute of Mathematics of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences (SB AS), 1998). And he was supported by the Institute of Mathematics of the Siberian campus. Its leaders, its team were not afraid to protect V.L. Dyatlov by their authority under conditions close to persecution of the authors that express such ideas.

      We must pay tribute to these clever and strong-willed people.

      The work by V.L. Dyatlov proves the existence of gravity-spin energies and provides their calculation. According to his calculations, every planet possesses a certain amount of gravity-spin energies depending on its rotational velocity and mass. Apparently, Ukrainian scientist A.F. Pugach has learned to measure these energies. Whereas our Russian lone genius G.A. Nikolsky actually measured these energies. According to the results of these measurements, they change depending on the location of planets, the Moon. He called this non-electromagnetic vortex energy the soliton. It is proven that these non-electromagnetic energies are in the same system, in unity with the electromagnetic ones. Some energies convert into others. There is a mechanism of normalization of these energies. V.L. Dyatlov comprehensively proven the relationship between electromagnetic and gravity-spin energies.

      In Russia, there is a tradition in acknowledging talents and geniuses. Individual geniuses make a breakthrough in science much earlier than similar discoveries take place in the West. These people were once disparaged. And now we pay tribute to them. Yes, we are like that…

      Along with the works of V.L Dyatlov, Russian scientist A.S. Holmansky independently justified the fact that there are physico-chemical and physiological mechanisms of absorption and accumulation (storing) of these energies in biota, in the living things. These mechanisms are based on the ability of physiological liquids containing optically active molecules to absorb energy quanta that possess a property of helicity (spirons or solitons of K.Ya. Kondratiev and G.A. Nikolsky and possibly solar neutrinos [K.Ya. Kondratiev, G.A. Nikolsky. Vortex effects of the penetrating component of solar radiation // vd2-777.narod.ru/article2/vihr-effects.htm. According to A.S. Holmansky, human brain is the most complicated system of electromagnetic oscillatory circuits and oscillators that can resonate with electromagnetic energies (Schumann frequency) and other cosmic energies, and convert them into chiral quanta of metabolic energy http://j-asymmetry.com/2011/12/holmansky_1_2009_1/ etc.

      There are the reasons to believe that there is a mechanism in the living that timely adjusts to "consume" the energy that begins to grow. And among every species of plants, animals there are the subspecies, clusters that are more oriented to "consume" one of the available energies.

      Is there any biological expediency in this? Yes, there is.

      2.4 On biological expediency of presence of different biota clusters by their reaction to cosmic energies

      During the history of the Earth's existence, biological catastrophes occurred that were associated with the sign change of geomagnetic field. At the same time, scientists associate the catastrophes to a greater extent with the change of the magnetic field, since the change of temperature followed it. On Earth, the animals and plants remained that were more adaptable to such inversions. The ability to overcome magnetic inversions is inherent to all biological species. To people, too. Periodically, self-preservation of such ability takes place among people, plants and animals by adjusting us to periodic inversions on the Sun.

      People have the ability of self-preservation at the changing solar magnetic fields both on a scale of decades, individual years, as well as on a scale of millennia, millions of years. Let us praise the researchers of the past for these discoveries: L.I. Sverlova. The influence of magnetic inversions on evolution of the organic world (see Cosmos and the evolution of organisms. Materials of the meeting "Cosmic factors and evolution of the organic world". Moscow: 1974, pp. 340 – 353).

      Magnetic inversions not only cause biological, genetic changes among people. We are also changing psychologically.

      After successful adjustment to a new type of cosmic energies we more often have the features of resonators. After loss of the life-giving resonances with cosmic energies, we more often have the features of post-resonators.

      Geomagnetic inversions (the change of the Earth's magnetic poles) occur under the influence of galactic and solar inversions. Solar inversions have become the subject of study literally in the recent decades. And it turned out that they are related to the Earth's rotational velocity, or more precisely, to those cosmic energies, the factors that resonate with it.

      Russia develops faster at the slowdown of the Earth's rotational velocity, at the positive sign of intensity of the northern magnetic pole on the Sun and at the high difference between the intensities of the northern and southern poles. Our EEG frequency decreases at the decreasing intensity of the solar northern magnetic pole. We can argue a lot about the cause-effect relationships. We just record such relationships with the black-box method. According to the available data, there is an agreement among the facts under consideration.

      At the growing intensity of the solar northern magnetic pole EEG frequency among subjects increases, ECG frequency decreases. EEG frequency also increases at the slowdown of the Earth's rotational velocity. Coincidence of these two factors leads us into a special mental state, in which we are capable of breakthrough in development. These results were obtained on the sample of Russians aged 20 to 55 years that includes more than 1700 people.

      According to these results, at the slowdown of the Earth's rotational velocity EEG frequency among subjects started to grow. We have been observing this since the beginning of the 2000s. At the increase in EEG frequency and at the transition of brain activity to the right half the creativity among people begins to grow.

      At the decreasing EEG frequency creativity among Russians and people that live on the Russian territory also decreases. At its growth – creativity grows, and so does the spirit of collectivism, it becomes possible to unite people based of the idea of achieving a socially significant goal.

      Conclusion on Chapter 2

      All living things on Earth develop under the influence of cosmic energies. Presently, it can be stated that these energies have electromagnetic and gravity-spin components. The most systematic views on the essence of these cosmic energies, as well as their description are proided in the studies by V.L. Dyatlov. His thoughts and calculations in this field have important applied and methodological significance. Whereas the "gravity-spin energies" term is a compromise between the supporters of classical and new Physics.

      Chapter 3. From width of annual tree-rings to analysis of cosmic energies’ dynamics and development of a society

      What is important for the common sense is the relation between tangible and measurable things and the ongoing global processes. To predict the development of the mankind, depending on cosmic energies, such indicators as the increase in number of annual