Cecelia Ahern

Where Rainbows End

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Re: Flight details

      Of course Sally doesn’t mind. I can’t wait to see you and Katie, and to meet whatshisname. I’ll be waiting at arrivals for you.

      Dear Alex,

      Thank you so much for the holiday! I had such a fantastic time. Boston was even more beautiful than I remembered, and I’m glad I didn’t have to run home early in embarrassment this time round. Katie just loved the whole experience, and the child will just not stop talking about you!

      Greg really enjoyed it too. I’m glad you finally got to meet him and also learn that his face isn’t usually the greenish colour that it was when he first got off the plane. It was such a treat to finally have my two favourite men in the same country, never mind in the same room! So what do you think of him? Does he get the best friend seal of approval?

      So apart from the fact that your wife absolutely hates me, everything else was very comfortable and enjoyable. But I actually don’t mind, Alex; I’ll just accept it. It just makes it official and confirms what I’ve already thought: for some unknown reason, any girlfriend or wife of yours will forever hate me. And that’s fine with me. I’m over it.

      I just hope she lets me see your son or daughter when he or she is born. Now there’s something else I never imagined would happen! Alex Stewart is going to be a daddy! Every time I think about it I just have to laugh out loud. God love your child to have a father like you! Just joking – you know I’m thrilled! Although I can’t believe you kept it a secret from me for so many months. Shame on you.

      By the way, I’m really sorry Katie spilled her drink over Sally’s new dress. I don’t know what got into her; she’s usually not so clumsy! I’ve told her to write a letter of apology to Sally. Hopefully she won’t hate us all so much then.

      Anyway, my few weeks of fun are over now; it’s back to reality again. I start work at my new job on Monday. All my life I’ve wanted to work in a hotel and I’ve put the thought away, with the rest of my dreams. I just hope it isn’t hell, or all my little dream bubbles will burst in an instant.

      There’s one more thing I forgot to tell you. Greg has asked me and Katie to move in with him. I’m not quite sure how I feel about it. Things are going so well at the moment between us but it’s not just me that I have to think about. Katie really likes Greg, and she loves to spend time with him (it may not have been that obvious in Boston because she was so excited to see you), but I don’t know if she would be ready for such a huge change in her life. We’re only in the flat together less than two years now and we’re learning to live our lives with just the two of us. I’m not sure if uprooting her again would be the right thing. What do you think?

      Well, I suppose all I need to do is ask her. But what if she says no? Do I say to Greg, ‘Eh … sorry, I love you and all, but my eight-year-old daughter doesn’t want to live with you?’ Do I tell Katie, ‘Tough luck you’re moving house,’ or do I do what she wants? I clearly can’t just do what I want because there’s two other people involved. I’m going to think about it for the next while anyway.

      Thanks again for the break. I really needed it. I’ll make sure Katie sends on that letter to Sally.



      Dear Rosie,

      Welcome to your first day at the Two Lakes. I hope everyone has helped you to settle in so far. I’m sorry I’m not there to greet you but I am currently in the States finalising a few things at our new Two Lakes Hotel in San Francisco.

      In the meantime, Amador Ramirez, the hotel assistant manager is there to show you the ropes. Let me know if you have any problems.

      Once again, welcome!

      Bill Lake

      You have an instant message from: RUBY.

      Ruby: Remember me?

      Rosie: I’m sorry, Ruby, it’s just that I don’t get to spend much time on the computer like the last job. It’s a bit difficult to pretend I’m doing work here.

      Ruby: I give you one month …

      Rosie: Thank you for your support; it’s always very much appreciated.

      Ruby: No problem. So how’s life with Greg?

      Rosie: Great thanks.

      Ruby: So you don’t hate each other yet?

      Rosie: No, not yet.

      Ruby: I give you one month …

      Rosie: And once again, thank you.

      Ruby: Just doing my duty as a friend. Any news with you?

      Rosie: Well, actually I have a bit. I’ve told only Alex so far, but you’re not allowed to tell anyone.

      Ruby: Ooh, I love it! The most magical words you’ll ever hear in a sentence. What is it?

      Rosie: Well, a few weeks ago when I came home from work Greg had a beautiful dinner cooked, the dining table was set, candles were lit and the music was playing …

      Ruby: Go on …

      Rosie: Well, he asked me—

      Ruby: To marry you!

      Rosie: No, actually, he asked me if I was interested in moving in with him.

      Ruby: Interested?

      Rosie: Yeah.

      Ruby: Were those his exact words?

      Rosie: Eh, yeah, I think so. Why?

      Ruby: You think that’s romantic, do you?

      Rosie: Well, he went to a lot of trouble to cook the meal, and set the table and—

      Ruby: Jesus, you do that every day, Rosie. Do you not think it sounds a bit like a business proposition?

      Rosie: In what way?

      Ruby: If I wanted to open a joint bank account with Teddy I would say, ‘Teddy, would you be interested in opening a joint bank account?’ If I wanted to move in with Teddy, I would not say, ‘Teddy, would you be interested in moving in together?’ Do you see what I mean?

      Rosie: Well, I suppose I—

      Ruby: That is not the way to broach the subject. And what about marriage? Did he say anything about that? Or about Katie? If you and he get married, will he want to adopt Katie? Did you discuss any of those things?

      Rosie: Well, actually … no, we didn’t even discuss marriage. Anyway, I thought you were anti-marriage.

      Ruby: I am, but I’m not the one who wants to get married and who is in a relationship with a man who doesn’t. There lies a problem.

      Rosie: I never said that I wanted to marry him.

      Ruby: Well then, if neither of you feels comfortable marrying each other, go ahead and move in together; that sounds like a fabulous idea!

      Rosie: Look, I don’t recall hearing anyone saying that Greg doesn’t want to marry me, and anyway, that’s exactly what you and Teddy are doing!

      Ruby: I’ve been married before and so has Teddy. We both don’t want to go through it again. I’ve already been there, done that, while this is just the beginning for you.

      Rosie: Anyway, it doesn’t matter because I told him that I wasn’t ready to move in with him right now. It’s a bad time, with me trying to settle down in the job and everything, and Katie settling down in the flat. I need to allow a little more time to pass so that Katie can adjust to the whole situation. It’s been a huge change in her life.

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