Linn Halton B.

Falling: The Complete Angels Among Us Series

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time we were together.

      “Worst one?”

      “A young woman with a horrible cough, the message was clear. I saw this shape of an elderly man wrapping his arms around her. He looked up at me and the sadness was unforgettable. It was in a coffee shop and I was in the queue, she was sitting alone at a table for two. I asked if she minded sharing; luckily there were no other places available. We began chatting. I ended up telling her a story about my aunt having pneumonia and said she should have her cough checked out, it sounded similar.” We exchange glances and Sheena can see it hasn’t been easy. My story wasn’t true, of course.

      “Poor you, how did she take it?”

      “She left shortly afterwards, but she did say ‘thanks’ when she stood up to go. She looked back at me, trying to judge whether I was a total nut or not. I gave her a smile and for a second we connected. I hope it was enough to convince her.”

      “But you will never know,” Sheena said, sadly.

      “No, I’ll never know.”

      “So, back to Alex, you don’t fancy him or anything daft like that, do you? I thought I’d ask the question in case it was an issue. ” She reaches for the biscuit jar and takes out a handful.

      “I don’t know. He’s like a BFF, I regard him as a girlfriend.” I look at her and she’s amused.

      “Maybe he’s a guy who is simply in touch with his feminine side. Perhaps he fancies you and wants to gain your trust first. He’s trying to put you at ease by not making a play for you and you’ve misread the signals,” she jokes. “Have you been on any dates lately?”

      “One. It was a big mistake. Huge, actually. A friend of Seb’s, and it was really awkward. We had absolutely nothing in common and he asked me out for a second time. Seb was a little upset when I said no. He was a nice guy, well most of them are if they’re genuine, but no way was there any spark between us.”

      “Well, I’m still dating Mr Boss,” she smirks, “and working under him gets better by the day.” She gives me a sideways glance and raises her eyebrows.

      “Sheena! Too much information - spare me the details. Anyway, I’m not sure sleeping with the boss is such a great idea.”

      “Ah, you’re only jealous. I bet the truth is you fancy the pants off Mason Portingale and would jump into bed with him at the first sign of an offer.”

      “Now you’re going to make me physically sick,” I moan. “He’s a creep. No, it’s more than that. He’s not a very nice person I think. I can only tolerate him in small doses. I sense a bad vibe.”

      “You know Ceri, you’ve spent your life rebelling against this and thinking of it as a burden. Have you ever stopped to think it might actually have been a blessing?”

      She munches on her last biscuit. I can see she’s serious.

      “It’s easy for you to say that. Try experiencing it first-hand.”

      “Okay, I accept that you’ve been through a lot and goodness knows I’ve seen how it’s affected you over the years. But what if this sense of awareness prevents you from having dead-end relationships that would only end up breaking your heart? What if there’s a special someone for you and, because you can read what’s inside of people, all you have to do is wait for that first meeting. And bang, you’ve found your soul mate.”

      For Sheena, that’s deep. She pretty much floats through life avoiding being tied down and never taking anything very seriously. That’s why she’s my right arm: without her I wouldn’t function so well because she sees things in a different light. It helps to keep me sane.

      “Well, if the cosmos is listening, I’ve had enough. I want a significant other. I don’t want to be on my own anymore. But he has to be special. He mustn’t judge or take flight when I have my…moments.”

      Sheena grimaces. “And of course, he has to be good-looking, talented, kind, and sexy too. Tall order! This isn’t about Seb and Anna, is it?” She softens the last part, perhaps fearful she’s hit upon the truth.

      “No, not really. Well, maybe, I suppose, but I hadn’t thought about it that way. I mean Seb and I might be twins, but we’re very opposite in so many ways. He’s never shown any signs of wanting to settle down until now, whereas I guess it’s always been at the back of my mind.”

      “Ah, maybe the bond between you and Seb is causing your radar to malfunction. You’re experiencing the strong pull of settling down that he’s going through and assuming it’s something coming from within you.”

      “Sheena, you never cease to amaze me. You really think I might be tapping into the emotional rollercoaster Seb’s on at the moment? Well, perhaps there’s something to that. What I could never understand though, is why I’ve always had these psychic episodes and Seb has never felt anything. In fact, he’s so anti the idea of life after death that he gets angry if I dare try to talk about it.”

      “I’m only glad of one thing. That you aren’t identical.” Sheena laughs and sips her tea at the same time. It goes down the wrong way and turns into a fit of coughing, which makes me laugh.

      “Hey, not funny. I could have choked to death.”

      “No, I’d know. I only wish I’d acted on the vibes I had about Kelly,” I add, sadly.

      “I know, honey.”

      “The hard bit was accepting that I wasn’t meant to save her.”

      We hug like sisters would when mourning the loss of another sibling. One day she’ll get in touch, that’s one thing I know for sure.



      Sheena stayed for a week and then headed home for a few days, before setting off for Germany. When I asked her how long she was going to be away, she said it depended on how protracted the contract negotiations became, but she thought it would be a while. Something told me she would miss the wedding, but I felt better for her visit. She always helps me to put things into perspective and I think she was right about Seb. He still has the occasional trip with some of his adrenalin junkie friends, but he’s adjusting well to settling down and doing normal things with his chosen life partner. In fairness, I have to say that Anna is good for him because she’s actually very relaxed and doesn’t pressurise him. Maybe I’m simply being over-protective of my little brother. I am the eldest by a few minutes. We’re on countdown to the big event: twenty-one days and Seb will have a wife.

      At least I’m very happy with the bride’s choice for our dresses and the silver grey, knee-length gown is sophisticated and flattering. It actually makes me feel a little taller, which isn’t a bad thing, and slender. To be honest it’s something I might easily have chosen myself and I hate that I still have this feeling when I’m around Anna. She has done nothing at all to deserve it and each time I see her it’s clear she is totally in love with my brother. What more could a sister want for her twin? But something is telling me not to let out a sigh of relief until after we get past those infamous words ‘the groom may kiss the bride’. Will someone dash into the church at the last minute when the vicar asks whether ‘any man can show just cause, why they may not lawfully be joined together?’ A horrible thought pops into my head—what if Seb is the one who is going to upset things? I push it to the back of my mind. I’m not being given any vibe about this from the other side, so Sheena is right and it’s probably a twin thing. It’s kind of nice to think we’re sharing his emotional journey and it makes me feel closer to him.

      Work has calmed down and after over a dozen meetings and presentations, everything is ticking over nicely for the new