Linn Halton B.

Falling: The Complete Angels Among Us Series

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up for several sessions. Her status is currently suspended. We have to start the search all over again.” A part of me is thinking damn, I thought it was all wrapped up. Another part of me is grateful Alex hasn’t grilled me about what Scott said.

      It’s going to be a long day.



      I’d forgotten that I was supposed to meet Seb at lunchtime and had to dash out when I realised that I was already five minutes late. Luckily it was only a short distance away.

      “So sorry, Seb.” He can tell from the puffing and panting that I’ve run virtually the whole way. I flop into the chair opposite him.

      “Busy morning?”

      “Crazy, I’ve been offered a promotion. Oh thanks,” the waitress sets down a tray with coffee and sandwiches. “Thanks, Seb, I’m starving.”

      “Congrats, sis. Was it out of the blue?”

      “Yes, and I’m probably going to turn it down. But don’t ask why, it’s gut feeling stuff again.” He looks at me and shrugs, then narrows his eyes.

      “What’s wrong?” Sometimes I feel he can read me like a book.

      “Nothing I can put my finger on, so let’s drop it. How did the fitting go? I bet you look splendid in your kilt.” I can’t help smirking at the thought. The attraction of a kilt has always been a mystery to me.

      “Pretty damned good, even if I say so myself.” I can tell the idea has grown on him and he seems genuinely relaxed. “And thanks, for being patient with Anna. I know you aren’t into all this girly detail stuff. It’s not you. But that’s what I love about her, she needs protecting. She needs me.”

      I guess I never thought about it before. Seb needs to be needed. That’s an unexpected surprise.

      “She’s lovely, I wouldn’t want you to think I don’t approve or anything…” I can’t continue because I’m unable to explain my feelings. I know that Seb can sense my reservations and is probably misinterpreting them.

      Then it happens again. This time it’s a cold feeling, a sharp chill in the air. I look across at the young woman on the table next to us. She’s seated opposite an older woman and I begin to pick up pieces of their conversation. I thought at first it was the waitress at their table, but whoever it was I saw out of the corner of my eye is no longer there. The presence was enough to attract my attention. It’s difficult trying to chat to Seb about the wedding while trying to keep tabs on the conversation taking place three feet away.

      Twice, when I turn away to look at Seb then turn back, I catch a glimpse of someone standing to the side of their table. Whoever it is wants me to listen. What do they expect me to do? It seems the younger lady is confiding in her friend that her boyfriend is becoming difficult to live with. Suddenly I’m filled with that familiar déjà vu feeling and what I see is the young lady being pushed down the stairs. She’s lying on the floor but I have no idea if she’s still breathing. Her skin looks grey and her eyes are open and unmoving. I shudder and have to look down so she can’t see the look of shock on my face. Seb is talking to me and I ask him to repeat what he said.

      “You haven’t heard a word of it, have you? What’s on your mind, you ought to share it you know. I can sense something’s up. Is it work?”

      I can’t explain. Seb wouldn’t understand so I tell him briefly about Mason and the promotion. At the same time I pick up my bag and begin searching through. I know I have a couple of crystals in a pouch and I try to discreetly open it and place one on the table underneath my napkin. Seb seems caught up in what I’m saying and doesn’t appear to notice.

      “I can’t believe the man’s making a move on you. Doesn’t he know you’ll scream sexual harassment?”

      “It’s not that bad, honestly. I’m probably making it sound worse than it is. Just because Scott didn’t attend evening functions doesn’t mean to say it won’t come up in the future. I’m going to say no because I don’t feel ready, therefore it won’t be an issue.” I feel awful about making conversation simply to distract Seb.

      In between I’m keeping an eye on the person at the next table. She asks the waitress where the ladies cloakroom is and I turn to Seb, give him a weak smile, and grab the crystal from under the napkin. I follow a few feet behind her.

      In the cloakroom we are alone. She disappears into a cubicle and I feel awkward hanging about. I walk over to a basin, pop the crystal into my pocket, and begin to slowly wash my hands. I look up and smile when she appears next to me. She turns on the tap and water splashes everywhere, spraying over the arm of my jacket.

      “Oh, I’m so sorry! The water jet is rather fierce, I wasn’t expecting such force.” She grabs some paper towels and begins to mop up the trail of water. They say everything happens for a reason…

      “No problem. It’s better than a trickle, there’s hardly anything flowing out of this tap.” We exchange smiles. “Look, I don’t usually approach people I don’t know, but I’m psychic.” She immediately stops what she’s doing and looks at me, narrowing her eyes. She reacts to the word psychic: clearly it means something to her.

      “Really?” she mumbles and I can see a hint of fear in her eyes. She’s a believer.

      “Someone in your life is upsetting you and it’s going to get worse if you don’t walk away. I’m talking physical abuse here. Not just a black eye, but broken bones. You need to put yourself first—you’ll make the right decision although it won’t be easy. Have courage.” I thrust my hand into my pocket and pull out the crystal. “I can’t tell you anymore, but the feeling is strong. Here, take this. Keep it with you. It will give you the strength to do what you have to do.”

      I hold out the clear rock on my open palm and she immediately picks it up. “Thanks,” she mumbles and I almost run to the door. I’ve done what I can. Now it’s up to her.

      Seb looks up and can see I’m preparing to leave.

      “A woman on a mission,” he comments. Then he looks at me intently and I grab my things, hurrying to leave before the woman returns to her table. He follows me out a minute or two later, having taken care of the bill.

      “What have you done now? Is it something to do with that woman you were watching? Ceri, you have to stop acting weird. One of these days it’s going to go very badly wrong.” Despite the severity of his words he throws his arms around me. “Poor girl,” he whispers into my hair.

      Walking back to the office I know that I probably deserve the telling-off Seb gave me. What was I thinking, approaching a total stranger that way? What if she leaves her partner and I’m wrong? What if the vibe I felt was for her friend and not her? I close my eyes for a few seconds and groan inwardly. When I open them it’s like someone has lifted a veil and my thoughts are clear. The message was for her and if she chooses the right path then she will be safe. My instincts tell me she will.

      Alex is much happier when I arrive back in the office.

      “No rest for the wicked,” I muse. It’s obvious he’s worked through lunch as the remains of a sandwich and a packet of crisps lay next to his keyboard. “I’ve made a decision. I’m not taking the promotion. I’ll tell Mason first thing tomorrow. Are you out tonight?”

      He looks up at me, surprised. “Why?”

      “I wondered if you wanted to come around to my place for dinner.”

      “How odd, most people celebrate taking a promotion, rather than turning one down.” His smile says yes and a warm feeling creeps over me.
