Linda Rosenkrantz

The Brilliant Book of Baby Names: What’s best, what’s hot and what’s not

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alt="image 1"/> CHIARA. (kee-AHR-a) Italian, ‘light’ or ‘clear’. Romantic Italian name that’s familiar but not widely used: a winner. Cheara, Chiarra, Kiara, Kiarra.

      CHINA. Place name. One of the first and still most striking place names; preferably used in its original spelling. Chinaetta, Chinah, Chinasa, Chinda, Chinea, Chinesia, Chinita, Chinna, Chinwa, Chyna, Chynna.

      CHIQUITA. Spanish, ‘little one’. Banana. Chaqueta, Chaquita, Chica, Chickie, Chicky, Chikata, Chikita, Chiqueeta, Chiqueta, Chiquila, Chiquin, Chiquite, Chiquitha, Chiquithe, Chiquitia, Chiquitta.

      CHLOE. Greek, ‘young green shoot’. Pretty Greek name found in romantic poetry is in the Top 10, and for several years has been one of the most popular names in England. Chlöe, Chloee, Chloie, Clo, Cloe, Cloei, Cloey, Cloie, Khloe, Khloey, Kloe. International: Chloé (French).

      CHLORIS. Greek, ‘pale’. Antiseptic sounding. Caloress, Cloris, Clorissa, Khloris, Kloris.

      CHRISTA. German, short form of CHRISTINA. Fading since the 1970s – but still a lovely name.

      CHRISTABEL. Latin/French, ‘fair Christian’. Though Isabel is a smash hit, Christabel still sounds slightly like what you’d name a cow. Charystobel, Christabell, Christabella, Christabelle, Christable, Christobel, Chrystabel, Chrystabelle, Cristabel, Cristabella, Cristabelle, Crystabel, Crystabella, Kristabel.


CHRISTIAN. Greek, ‘anointed one,’ English, from Latin, ‘follower of Christ’. While Christian is still on the rise for boys, for girls it’s heading down along with the rest of the Chris names. But we like it and think it sounds more original than the girlier versions. International: Carsten (Low German), Kristen (Danish).

      CHRISTIANA. Feminine variation of CHRISTIAN. Not cutting edge, but still graceful and feminine. Christiane, Christianna.

      CHRISTINA. Greek, ‘anointed, Christian’. This pretty and feminine classic may be trending downwards, but it’s never out of style. A royal name best used in its full glory. Chris, Chrisa, Chrisie, Chrissa, Chrissee, Chrissta, Chrisstan, Chrissten, Chrissti, Chrisstie, Chrissty, Christa, Christain, Christal, Christalene, Christalin, Christaline, Christall, Christalle, Christalyn, Christan, Christana, Christann, Christanna, Christeen, Christeena, Christella, Christen, Christena, Christene, Christi, Christian, Christiana, Christiann, Christi-Ann, Christianna, Christianne, Christi-Anne, Christianni, Christiaun, Christie, Christiean, Christien, Christiena, Christienne, Christin, Christinaa, Christinan, Christinea, Christini, Christinia, Christinna, Christinnah, Christiona, Christmar, Christum, Christy, Christy-Ann, Christy-Anne, Christyn, Christyna, Christynna, Chrys, Chrysa, Chryssa, Chrysta, Chrystalle, Chrystee, Chrystelle, Chrysten, Chrystena, Chrysti, Chrystie, Chrystina, Chrystine, Chrystle, Chrysty, Chrystyan, Chrystyna, Cris, Crissa, Crissey, Crissie, Crissy, Cristal, Cristeena, Cristelle, Cristi, Cristiann, Cristie, Cryssa, Crysta, Crystene, Crystian, Crystie, Crystin, Crystine, Crystyn, Crystyna, Crystyne, Khrissy, Khristeen, Khristena, Khristine, Kit, Kris, Kristeen, Kristeena, Kristena, Kristi, Kristie, Kristy, Kristyna, Krystina, Krystyna, Teena, Teyna.


CHRISTMAS. English word name. Day name long and quietly used. Prettier and more modern than Noel or Noelle.

      CIA. Short form. What’s it short for? Cynthia or most any other C name. But too close to the Central Intelligence Agency.

      CIARA. (KEER-a) Irish, ‘black haired’. Very popular in Ireland, more familiar here as the more easily pronounced Keira or Kyra. Ceaira, Ceairah, Ceairra, Cearaa, Cearie, Cearah, Cearra, Ceira, Ceirah, Ceire, Ceiria, Ceirra, Cera, Chiarah, Ciaara, Ciaera, Ciaira, Ciarah, Ciaria, Ciarra, Ciarrah, Cieara, Ciearra, Ciearria, Ciera, Cierra, Cierrah, Cierre, Cierria, Cierro, Cioria, Cyarra, Cyera, Cyerra, Cyerria, Keera, Kira, Searra, Siara. International: Ceara, Ciar (Irish).

      CICELY. English variation of CECILIA. Prissy but pretty Victorian name, a surprise choice for comedienne Sandra Bernhard. Cecilie, Cecily, Chilla, Chilli, Cicelia, Cicelie, Ciciley, Cicilia, Cicilie, Cicily, Cile, Cillie, Cilly, Cilka.

      Christina’s International Variations

Irish Cristin, Cristiona
Scottish Cairistìona, Kirsteen, Kirstie, Kirstin, Kirsty
French Christele, Christine, Crestienne
Italian Cristiana, Cristina
Spanish Crista, Cristiana, Cristina, Cristy
German Christa, Christel, Christiane, Chrystel, Crista, Kerstin, Krista, Kristen, Kristin, Stina, Stine, Tine
Danish Kirsten, Stinne
Swedish Kerstin, Kia, Kolina, Kristina
Norwegian Kjersti, Kjerstin, Kristin, Stina
Finnish Kirsi, Kirsikka, Kristia, Kristiina, Stiina, Tiina
Polish Krysia, Krysta, Krystka, Krystyn, Krystyna, Krystynka
Hungarian Kriska, Kriszta, Krisztina
Czech Crystina, Krista, Kristina, Kristinka, Tyna
Bulgarian Khrustina
Russian Khristina, Khristya, Khrysta, Tina
Latvian Krista, Kristine
Estonian Krista