CIEL. (see-EL) French, ‘sky’. Simple yet evocative, though many will misunderstand it as ‘seal’.
CILLA. Diminutive of PRISCILLA. Takes the priss out of Priscilla.
CIMMARON. Place name. A name that conjures up rugged images of the American wild west. Cimeron, Simarron, Simeron.
CINDERELLA. French, ‘little ash-girl’. One familiar name never used for real people, for obvious reasons. Cendrillon, Cenerentola, Cindella, Cindie, Cindy, Ella.
CINDY. Diminutive of CYNTHIA or LUCINDA. Cindy’s gone from cute teenager to peppy mum, but it’s not for her daughter. Cindee, Cindi, Cindie, Cynda, Cyndal, Cyndale, Cyndall, Cyndee, Cyndel, Cyndi, Cyndia, Cyndie, Cyndle, Cyndy, Sindi, Sindie, Sindy, Syndi, Syndie, Syndy.
CINNABAR. Word name. Associated with a vivid red-orange-coloured lacquer, would make a more than distinctive colour-related choice.
CINNAMON. Word name. The only spice name we have a taste for is Saffron. Cynnamon, Sinemmon, Sinnamon.
CIPRIANA. Greek, ‘from the Island of Cyprus’. Offbeat and exotic place name.
CIRCE. (SUR-see) Greek mythology name. In The Odyssey, she’s the nymph who can turn men into swine.
CITRON. French, ‘lemon’. Gallic twist on word or nature name, has a nice lemony feel.
CLARA. Latin, ‘bright, clear’. European-sounding Claire variation that was hugely popular a century ago, and is just starting to revive today, picked up on by parents like Ewan McGregor. Claira, Claire, Clarabelle, Claramae, Claramay, Clare, Claresta, Claretha, Clarey, Clari, Claribel, Clarie, Clarina, Clarinda, Clarine, Claris, Clarisse, Claritza, Clarry, Clary, Claryce, Cleriese, Klara, Klarice, Klarise, Klarra. International: Clarice, Clarissa (Italian), Clarita (Spanish).
CLARABELLE. Latin, ‘bright and beautiful’. This is a clown and cow name. Clarabella, Claribel, Claribell.
CLARE. Latin, ‘bright’. This is the original, more prosaic spelling, but the airier Claire now dominates.
CLARET. Colour name, also Bordeaux wine. Rich purplish- red colour choice that may gain favour along with Claire, though the wine connection can’t be ignored.
CLARICE. Variation of CLARE. Murdered by Hannibal Lecter. Claris, Clarise, Clarisse, Claryce, Cleriese, Clerissa, Clerisse, Clerysse, Klarice, Klarise, Klarissa, Klaryce.
CLARION. Music name. Tuneful variation on the Claire names.
CLARISSA. Italian, variation of CLARA. Although it had its day in the 1990s, it still could make a pretty and dainty alternative to the overused Melissa and Vanessa. Clairisa, Clairissa, Clairisse, Claraissa, Clarecia, Claressa, Claresta, Clarisa, Clarissia, Claritza, Clarizza, Clarrisa, Clarrissa, Clerissa.
CLARITY. Virtue name. One of the newly rediscovered virtue names, like Peace and Justice, with old-fashioned charm and a clear vision for the future.
CLAUDETTE. French, feminine variation of CLAUDE. Leave this dated feminisation back with Annette and Paulette.
Supermodel Babies
Dylan Blue
Kaia Jordan
Saffron Sahara
Scyler Pim
Skyla Lily Lake
Tallulah Pine
Claudel, Claudella, Claudelle, Claudetta, Claudex, Claudey, Claudi, Claudiana, Claudiane, Claudie, Claudie-Anne, Claudy, Claudya, Clodia, Klaudia, Klod. International: Claude, Claudette, Claudine (French), Claudeta, Claudina, Claudita (Spanish).
CLAUDIE. French, feminine variation of CLAUDE. Attractive form still très Parisienne.
CLAUDINE. French, feminine variation of CLAUD. There are much chicer versions of this name today.