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      a little angel love

      Jacky Newcomb


      Spread happiness and inspiration, with help from the angels


      After my first book, An Angel Treasury, I was inundated with requests for another book. I receive hundreds of letters from all over the world. ‘We love your book. Can you make a smaller version which we can carry around?’ So here it is. At first I wondered if I could ever write anything more about angels. I honestly felt I had written everything there was to write about angels but in fact that wasn’t true at all—there is still so much more and the task will never be complete of course!

      Your lovely angel stories just poured in and I am grateful to each and every person who was kind enough to share their stories with me here. Angel stories form the beating heart of the book and people love to read them. They bring inspiration and comfort.

      Since I wrote An Angel Treasury I have realized how fascinated people are with the idea of having their own guardian angels. I have given many radio and TV interviews and published lots of magazine articles on the subject. Many of the questions were repeated over and over, so I have tried to address these new questions here. As you can imagine in this line of work, each query I had myself was answered by my own angels in either ‘coincidental meetings’, coming across the information in a book ‘accidentally’, or the perfect story coming to me at the right time! But you and I know that this was so much more than coincidence. I asked my angels to help me, as I always do.

      If you are reading this book right now then you have probably been sent by your own angels…a coincidence? I doubt it! Now is the time to begin to explore angels in your own life. If you are a new reader then welcome. If you have read my work previously then welcome back.

      In the last year I have been working on many projects including an angel DVD and several guided angel meditation CDs. Lots more things are in the ‘pipeline’. Each person will find their own way of working with their angels and this book and other ideas presented to you will offer suggestions for ways which feel right for you. I don’t believe there is any ‘one way’ to do this right!

      I love to read your own personal angel experiences and look forward to hearing from you. You can find me at my website: www.JackyNewcomb.co.uk or post letters via the publisher at: Jacky Newcomb (author), c/o HarperCollins.

       Jacky Newcomb BSYA (Psy.D)

      Table of Contents

       Cover Page

       Title Page

       2 a little angel healing

       3 protection and safe keeping

       4 love and laughter

       5 humans or angels?

       6 angels—who are they really?

       7 connecting with yourself

       8 angel workshops—and learning more


       About The Author

       Other Books By


       About the Publisher

       1 guardian angels— beautiful beings of light

      ‘Angels belong to a uniquely different dimension

      of creation which we, limited to the natural order,

      can scarcely comprehend.’


      Who are these beautiful beings of light? Is it true that we each have our own guardian angel watching over us? For as long as recorded text has existed, people have written their stories of personal protection by some unseen presence, a being of light. And before recorded text? Stories were told around the camp fire of these celestial beings, and passed from generation to generation.

      The shepherds in the Bible were frightened of them; others revered them. Many saw angels as unapproachable. Most religions recognize angelic messengers in one form or another and many people believe in guardian angels, our own special defenders.

       ‘An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory ofthe Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. Butthe angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring yougood news of great joy that will be for all the people.”’ LUKE 2:10-12

      Never more than today have we been able to share these stories without ridicule. The appearance of an angel, an angel visitation, is called ‘angelophany’. But not all experiences are related to actually seeing angels. All angel experiences, in whichever way the angels choose to draw close, are precious gifts which grow with the sharing. Each time a story is passed on the experience expands, and lifts and enlightens more and more people. Just the telling of angel stories is a powerful thing in itself!

      People from all over the world have shared their angel stories with me. Each story is individual to the owner, although there are many similar themes which run through these special moments. People who have never met have experiences, maybe years apart, where the essence or reflection of their story is the same…the touch on the shoulder, the time in their life when it happens, the vision of a ‘being of light’, and so on.

       ‘An angel is an intelligent essence, always in motion.It has free will, is incorporeal, serves God, and hasbeen bestowed with immortality. Only the Creatorunderstands its true nature.’ JOHN OF DAMASCUS

      Do you have a story of your own, or one that a close family member has confided? Often we forget and then the tale of another will make us go, ‘Oh yes, that reminds me of something which once happened…’ Other people say, ‘I have never told anyone this before,’ or worse, ‘I told someone once and they said I must be dreaming so I never shared it with anyone again…until now!’ Isn’t it sad that one person might feel the need to take a life-changing moment away from another? In most cases there are no witnesses, it’s not something which is easily proven, but why worry? I have never felt the need to prove any of my experiences to anyone and neither should you! Enjoy and be comforted by your angel visitations and share them with people who appreciate them!
