Jacky Newcomb

A Little Angel Love: Spread Happiness and Inspiration, with Help from the Angels

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belief in guardian angels these days, and openly discuss their personal experiences. This makes it easier for the rest of us to share the miraculous experiences which have happened to us, the many millions of ordinary folk around the world. But of course, you don’t have to be famous to have an angel story of your own. These anecdotes come from all countries and all cultures, and seem to occur to people of all religions, all ages and both sexes. Angels are for everyone and you have a guardian angel of your own.

       How do we know they are around us?

       ‘All God’s angels come to us disguised.’ JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL

      Angels show their presence in many different ways—most of them very subtle indeed—but this one was not so subtle to Victoria!

      Many people believe that butterflies are a sign of spirit, and butterflies (especially unusual colours) seem to appear in times of stress and grief. Sometimes they even appear at times of year when they really shouldn’t! And butterflies of no known variety are seen at times when we are looking for comfort. Are butterflies angels in disguise?

      Little Victoria received her angelic message loud and clear!


       ‘My daughter Denise walked away with a broken hand from a hundred-mile-an-hour-impact road accident in December last year.

       For days before her accident, her 5-year-old daughter Victoria was obsessed with drawing butterflies and even asked her granddad to draw some.

       A week before her accident Denise had seen a Red Admiral butterfly in her daughter’s bedroom. She put it out of the window. On the day of her accident she collected her jeans from the washing line and was about to iron them when a Red Admiral flew out of them.

       After the accident, her husband Tim picked up her belongings from the police compound—she opened her shopping bag and found Victoria’s drawing of a butterfly inside it. Denise had not realized the drawing was in her bag until that moment.

       Talking it over with her husband after the accident, Victoria, who was listening, said, “Mummy, there wasn’t one butterfly, there were a hundred.” Victoria put her hands together as if in prayer and said that one butterfly flew out and said, “We must pray for her and save her,” and they all lifted her up.’

      This beautiful story just touched my heart. Could it possibly be true? Why would it not be?

      One of the more common ways our guardian angels show themselves is by leaving gifts of ‘angel feathers’. Do the feathers actually come from the wings of an angel? Who knows, but humankind has believed for many thousands of years that angels have wings and the angels know this! Those perfect little curled white feathers are the most common. Feathers are light and easy for angels to manifest for us—what a perfect sign—so maybe that is why they are among the commonest angel signs.

      Barbara was finding life a little stressful. Was her feather a message from her angels? She did wonder!


       ‘I walked along my hallway and saw a white speck on the carpet. Each time I passed over it I was aware of it. It really stood out. I thought I should vacuum it up but after I vacuumed, I realized it was still there! I felt annoyed and bent down to remove it and imagine my surprise when I found my white speck was really a feather! It was perfect. A small, fluffy and creamy white feather! I decided to keep it and put it in a little box on my dressing table. My answer had come.’

      This next story is also subtle, but might this be the angels? This lady did ask for her sign after all.


       ‘First, let me tell you that I do believe in angels and once when things where not going well in my life I called out to them for a sign. I was walking along a local beach when I noticed that the sand was full of little white feathers. They were small and delicate, and at first I thought they were from a sea bird that had been washed up…but there were no other remains.’

      Another lady watched a television programme about angels and although she was sceptical she decided to ask her angels to give her evidence of their existence by producing feathers as they had suggested on the programme. Not really thinking that anything would happen, she went for a walk and was amazed when she turned a corner to find pure white fluffy feathers every few yards along the whole stretch of the road.

      Later on that day she went out for a second walk and this time she picked up one of the feathers and clutched it in her hand with the intention of taking it home—but when she opened her palm it had vanished.

      One writer, Eileen, watched me on ITV’s television programme This Morning and she was prompted to write to me about her own experience.


       Eileen and her husband had tragically lost their son in a car accident and, in their grief, had been to visit a highly respected psychic medium in the hope of making contact with him.

       The medium said she felt that she had got in touch with him. She explained to the grieving parents that their son was going to leave them a feather as a sign and that as soon as he had done so they were to give her a telephone call to confirm it. Kenny, Eileen’s husband, was a bit of a sceptic and hadn’t really expected anything at all.

       A short time later Kenny had been working in the garage and everything he touched seemed to go wrong. He decided to stop for a break and stood on the porch, but as he stood there daydreaming, a little white feather came floating down from nowhere. Kenny just put out his hand as it gently fell and then looked all around to see if he could see a bird that might have dropped it. He also checked the garden to see if other feathers were blowing around outside but he found nothing which would explain the feather appearing from nowhere.

       The couple firmly believe that their son had made contact in the way that the medium suggested that he would, and that he chose his father to receive the ‘message’ personally because he was the one who needed the contact and the proof the most.

      How quickly can they respond? Sometimes very fast indeed, as Sue discovered.


       ‘Someone messaged me on my mobile phone to say that if I believed in angels I should ask for a sign. They mentioned that white feathers are sometimes shown so I decided to give it a go.

       On my way back from town today, with the message on my mind, I got stuck in a traffic jam and said, ‘Ok, go ahead. I do believe in angels so show me, prove it to me, show me a white feather, a definite white feather—and do it soon!’

       I started moving away in the traffic, and there, about 200 yards in front of me, stuck in the ground on the roadside was a HUGE white feather! Needless to say, I swore quite a lot with the shock of it.

       I’m still not sure what to make of it. But if it was a coincidence, then it was an odd one!’

      Bronwen was naturally distressed when her dog passed over but she was comforted by the sign she received.


       ‘I lost my dog yesterday and was very distressed as he was a large part of my family’s life and I shall be lost without him. But that evening I was watching a man who was walking in front of me when I spotted a white feather stuck to his clothes. And then this morning on my desk at work, and goodness