the graves on a regular basis and feels that they are around her a lot. Irene visited the graves recently to commemorate what would have been her Dad’s birthday. Her family are all buried in the same cemetery and on this particular day, after placing the flowers on her father’s grave she found a white feather. There were no other feathers around and Irene firmly believes the feather was a sign for her that they were safe in the afterlife.
I’m sure that she is right because many people find white feathers on graves after asking for a sign, and they are comforted to know that the angels are looking after their loved ones.
Have you ever felt the urge to lie down on the grass and look up at the moving clouds in the sky above you? Clouds can be magical and so many of us are able to see pictures in the moving shapes…
Angel clouds
Nicole was sitting in class one day when she caught sight of a cloud which began to change shape rather rapidly. Nothing unusual in that—the wind will often blow clouds into unusual shapes—but Nicole was watching the cloud form into the shape of a woman, who then ‘grew wings!’ And Nicole is not the only one!
Visiting her daughter in England about five years ago, Samantha and her loved ones went out and cut their Christmas tree ready for the big day.
It had snowed the night before and she said it was the most beautiful sparkling snow. Her granddaughters had never made snow angels before so they all lay down in the perfect snow together and moved their arms and legs backwards and forwards making the shape of the wings.
As they lay down in the snow, clouds drifted past in the beautiful blue sky. Nicole thought that she saw angels formed in the clouds above them. Wondering if she was the only one she asked the grandchildren if they could see any patterns in the clouds. And you can guess what they saw. They all agreed that they could see four perfectly formed angel clouds; a reflection of the four of them lying down in the snow perhaps? And a memory the family would never forget.
I remember reading about some angel cloud experiences on the internet and decided to ask my own angels to give me an ‘angel cloud’ before the end of the day. I decided to take my camera out with me when we went on a long drive later in the day. As the sun started to go down, beautiful colours flooded the sky and I had high expectations of taking the perfect angel photo. Beautiful streamers of white flooded through the pinks, lilacs and golds as the sun began to set, but nothing felt like an angel cloud to me, beautiful though it was.
Slightly disappointed that I had not found my angel cloud by the time I went home I mulled over my high expectations of the day. Had I asked for too much? Was it not possible to create these things on demand?
I got into bed and picked up the new magazine on my bedside table to console myself with a good read before drifting off to sleep, but even I was surprised when I realized the subject of the first article I read—it was someone’s experience of seeing an angel cloud! The clock was just five to midnight. I had my angel cloud after all…just through the eyes of another!
‘A man on the street is pointing up to the sky.“Look, an Angel!” he yells.Passers-by laugh. “You fool, that is only a cloud.”How wonderful it would be to see angels where thereare only clouds. How sad it would be to see onlyclouds where there are angels.’ ANONYMOUS
‘Orbs’—those balls of light we pick up on our digital cameras—are sometimes believed to be signs of guardian angels. Associated more with ghosts or spirits, we don’t currently have a full scientific explanation for these circular lights. ‘Orbs’ are not just picked up on digital cameras. People film them moving on video tape and they are sometimes seen on photographs taken with older cameras using normal film.
What is the difference between a ghost and an angel? Ghosts are believed to be the energy forms of human beings who are moving around our earth plane. Some ghosts are human souls with consciousness and others are energy memory of souls that once lived on earth. Angels, on the other hand, are pure loving consciousness and have never been human but are directly sent from God to protect and watch over humankind…among other things!
Orbs are often photographed at supposed haunted locations but there does seem to be a difference as to when and where these images are captured. People have sent me photographs of school children under their care who are going through difficult times in their lives. These orb shapes of a variety of colours can be seen almost hovering over the top of the child. Might these be relatives in spirit or guardian angels watching over the child in need?
‘See that you do not look down on one of these littleones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always seethe face of my father in heaven.’ MATTHEW 18:10
Another photograph that someone kindly shared with me showed the outline of a woman in a bright orb of light. The photograph was taken during a Christmas dinner when the family had asked their grandma in spirit to join them at the dinner table. It certainly seemed like the shape of a woman to me.
I have a great photo at home with a large orb on it. It was taken just a week ago. My daughter was messing around and taking loads of photos of me in our living room. After taking about 50 photos on our digital camera I suddenly had an idea. I asked her to pose with her great uncle Eric (a bit of a joke as my uncle is on the ‘other side’ but a very active spiritual presence in our family!).
My daughter Charlotte posed for the camera and held out her arms as if she was hugging someone. We laughed a lot when we downloaded the images to our computer. Immediately behind her was the largest orb of light I had ever seen. Was this ‘Uncle Eric’, our family guardian angel, jumping into the photo? What is extra funny is that the orb is behind my daughter, not actually in the place where she held her arms out. It just goes to show that you can’t control everything! Strangely, nothing appeared on any of the other 50 or so photographs that she had taken immediately before my request. Was this a coincidence? You decide!
One of the letters I received on my website was from a lady who saw ‘angel sparkles’ in her room on the evening before her brother passed over. Was this a sign from heaven that he was being collected and taken ‘home’? People see these sparkling lights for all sorts of reasons, so don’t worry if you have seen them too! They appear during impending birth, during family parties and gettogethers and during special occasions in our lives. As with the other experiences like feathers and lights, these sparkles are usually accompanied by a feeling of great love and warmth.
Emma wrote, ‘It’s my belief that angels will appear to us in the way that we can most easily perceive them, and possibly at different stages of our development their visual appearance may actually change.’
I am inclined to agree with this statement. Emma went on to explain, ‘…during the initial stages of my development I started to see a bright blue light flashing at me which would often obscure and interrupt my normal vision. I asked many people what this might mean, but none of their answers felt quite right for me. I also came to feel very quickly that Archangel Michael worked with and watched over healers, although traditionally I know that Raphael is associated with healing.’
Emma is right but I always say that if you feel a different angel is working with you on specific tasks then you must go with your own intuition because you are probably right! I know several healers that work with Archangel Michael and Archangel Gabriel.
She says, ‘It wasn’t until last year that I learnt that this blue light is often associated with Michael, and when I read this I got the familiar tug of intuition and deep-seated knowing that this was connected. This also coincided with a period of cleansing for me and Gabriel’s name kept coming into my mind, and I also started seeing a white flashing light. Someone read to me from a book, that white light was associated