
About sociology in english. О социологии: Практикум по английскому языку

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sociologist has a distinctive way of examining human interactions. Sociology is the systematic study of social behavior and human groups. It focuses primarily on the influence of social relationships upon people's attitudes and behavior and on how societies are established and change. As a field of study, sociology has an extremely broad scope and it deals with families, gangs, business firms, political parties, schools, religions, labor unions, etc. It is concerned with love, poverty, conformity, discrimination, illness, alienation, overpopulation and community.

      The Sociological Perspective. In human society, newspapers, television and radio are the usual sources of information about such groups and problems. However, while the basic function of journalists is to report the news, sociologists bring a different type of understanding to such issues. The perspective of sociology involves seeing through the outside appearances of people's actions and organizations.

      One major goal of this perspective is to identify patterns of and influences on social behavior. For example, sociologists study the passionate desire of movie or rock fans to see in person, to talk with, even to grab the clothing of a star. Why do people feel this need so powerfully?

      The sociological perspective attempts to provide explanations for such patterns. Sociologists are not content to just recognize that millions of people want to meet stars, rather they examine the shared feelings and behavior of fans within the larger social context of human culture.

      The Sociological Imagination. In attempting to understand social behavior, sociologists rely on unusual type of creative thinking, sociological imagination, i.e.an awareness of the relationship between an individual and the society. Thus instead of simply accepting the fact that movie stars and rock stars are the «royalty» of human society, we could ask, in a more critical sense, why we are not as interested in meeting outstanding scientists, or elementary school teachers, or architects. Sociological imagination can bring new understanding to daily life around us.

      Sociology and Social Sciences. The term science refers to the body of knowledge obtained by methods based upon systematic observations. The sciences are commonly divided into natural and social sciences. Natural science is the study of the physical features of nature and the ways in which they interact and change. Astronomy, biology, chemistry, geology and physics are all natural sciences. Social science is the study of various aspects of human society. The social sciences include sociology, anthropology, economics, history, psychology and political sciences.

      These academic disciplines have a common focus on the social behavior of people, yet each has a particular orientation in studying such behavior. Anthropologists usually study cultures of the past and preindustrial societies that remain in existence today. Economists explore the ways in which people produce and exchange goods and services. Historians are concerned with the peoples and events of the past and their significance for us today. Political scientists study international relations, the workings of government and the exercise of power and authority. Psychologists investigate personality and individual behavior. In contrast to other social sciences, sociology emphasizes the influence that society has on people's attitudes and behavior. Humans are social animals; therefore, sociologists scientifically examine our social relationships with other people.

      To better illustrate the distinctive perspectives of the social sciences, let us examine sociological and psychological approaches to the issue of gambling. Viewed from the perspective of psychology, gambling represents an escape into a fantasy world where great fortune can be attained easily. By contrast, sociologists focus on the social networks that develop among many gamblers.Participants in gambling establish friendship groups. For such persons gambling is a form of recreation and may even be their primary social activity. This example shows that by viewing social phenomena from several perspectives, we can enhance our understanding of human behavior.

      Sociology and Common Sense. Human behavior ia something about which we all have experience and at least a bit of knowledge from a source of wisdom, which is called common sense. In our daily life, we rely on common sense to get us through many unfamiliar situations. Unfortunately, this source of knowledge is not always reliable. For example, it was once considered common sense» to accept that the earth is flat.

      Like other social scientists sociologists do not accept something as a fact because «everyone knows it». Instead, each piece of information must be tested and analyzed in relationship to other data. At times the findings cf sociologists may seem like common sense. Yet, it is important to stress that such findings have been tested by researchers.

      Vocabulary practice

      I. Read and translate the text using a dictionarylf necessary.

      II. Find In the text the English equivalents of the following:

      изучать человеческие взаимоотношения; изучение; общественное поведение; влияние общественных отношений на; область исследования; заниматься (интересоваться) чем-либо; источники информации; внешние черты; главная цель; выявить примеры; дать объяснения чему-либо; социальный контекст; полагаться на; творческое мышление; осознание (осведомленность); дать новое понимание; повседневная жизнь; область знаний; академические дисциплины; особая ориентация; исследовать способы; важность; международные отношения; работа правительства; применение силы и власти; исследовать личность; в отличие от; подчеркивать (выделять); подход к; рассматривать с точки зрения; наоборот; сосредоточить внимание на; общественная деятельность; общественные явления; увеличивать (усиливать); здравый смысл; мудрость; сведение – сведения; важно отметить (подчеркнуть); проверить (испытать); исследовать.

      III. Suppiythe missing words or word combinations choosing among those given below.

      1) The sociologist has … of examining human interactions. 2) Sociology is the … study of social behavior and human groups. 3) As a field of study, sociology has an … scope. 4) Sociologists are not… to just recognize this fact. 5) Thus … simply accepting this fact as it is, sociologists study and analyze it thoroughly. 6) This term … the body of knowledge obtained by methods … systematic observations. 7) Sciences are … divided into natural and social ones. 8) Natural science is the study of … of nature. 9) Social science is the study of … of human society. 10) Sociologists … examine our … with people. 11) Let us examine different approaches to the … of gambling.12) Participants in gambling … friendship groups. 13) For such persons gambling is …. 14) In our daily life we … common sense to get us through. 15) Each piece of information must be analyzed … other data.

      in relationship to, rely on, a form of recreation, establish, issue, scientifically, social relations, various aspects, physical features, commonly, refers to, based upon, instead of, content, extremely broad, systematic, a distinctive way, unfamiliar situations.

      IV. Studythe following word combinations and use them in sentences of your own:

      to focus on, to have