The man in the street is, of course, not Napoleon: a colleague merely expressed a «general opinion». And then: somehow we been here thousands of years without everything! And yet I go with this question to you! Why am I doing this and why what am I proposing to do?»
I shut up impressively and start «livestock accounting»: I glance over my head. The most intelligent have already realized. I have no doubt that «Caesar will be the first at the microphone» – and my colleague does not fail me.
«I understand you, dear Chairman. Thank you for not only you do not climb over the heads, but you also become flush with us!»
Of course, the easy landscaping of Jesus’ face does not elude my gaze: the guy has once again been turned over by praises.
«Let’s consider this a preamble to our first decision! Let’s back into the mainstream. So, colleague Caesar: what do you understand?»
Caesar respectfully bows his head.
«Dear Chairman, I understand your idea! Your thought… Sorry: but my understanding of your thought…»
Here it is – a gentleman!
«… such: if we are people, then we must live in a human way! Even cattle do not live in an open field!»
«What, there, cattle, colleague Caesar!» Lenin connects. Even primitive people did not want to live in caves!»
Caesar shines in Ilyich in gratitude for the company.
«Romulus did not stay in the cave: he founded the city!»
The argument is not quite «from that opera», but «it will good with beer».
«You’re right, colleague Chairman!»
Now I am honored by Caesar: in the Roman manner, he puts his hand on my shoulder.
«We will build!»
«But first we will vote!» I chill the ardor of the Roman correctly. Needless to say, the vote is openly formal. Even Genghis Khan does not want to «soak in the rain» – what to say for representatives of sedentary peoples! Even Jesus spoke in favor of the construction! More precisely: he kept silent in favor of construction: he did not give a vote against. But this decision was probably harder for him than the others! At least, because I had to discard not a nomadic notion, but a personal prejudice! He stubbornly does not want to support me and those, who support me, but he can’t but not support: common sense is ours. And this quality of Jesus is being filled more and more, despite the fact, that the process goes along with the growth of personal ambitions.
«It was smooth on paper,» Stalin reminds about himself in a favorite manner. «What will we build: castles in the air?»
«Not in the eyebrow, but in the eye!» The people together «back their colleague with their shoulders». There are no fools, and «delay» is a temporary category… even in the absence of time.
«But this is true, colleague Chairman!» Napoleon is the first to get upset, despite on the exclamation mark. «What are we going to build from?!»
«Calm down, colleague!»
I do not linger with the answer – more expensive – at the same time anticipating a classic soothing gesture: the palm – «forward face». The gesture is accompanied by a mine of superiority on the face – for greater persuasiveness.
«Everything is taken into account by a mighty hurricane!», as one comrade said! Yes, as long as we have available one absence only! But everything is in our hands! Remember, who we are here and for what? Exactly: we are brains and experience! And here we are – for the same thing! For brains and for experience, that is!»
«…» Stalin’s eyes begin to clear up, but I have no time to wait for the «final development», although it would not hurt to encourage a colleague’s hunch.
«Exactly, colleague Stalin!» so I do: I encourage, that is. «A working tool, as well as materials, can be created, knowing the theory, the specifics of production and the characteristics of materials!»
Following Stalin, Mohammed also flourishes.
«Ay, how are you right, dear Chairman! For it says: „When Allah will decide some business, he will only say to him: „Be it!“ – and it happens“! Aw, what a fine fellow you are, dear!»
For the «dear» and other praises, of course, thanks, but I, frankly, mean something different. There is no question about Allah, «may the Almighty forgive me!» But the prophet, as a participant in the creative process, deserves not only condescension, but also encouragement. And I do not delay with the right thing.
«Yes, dear colleague Mohammed, the principle of action is about the same. „Allah“…»
«Sapienti sat!»: I am quoting for the initiates only. And then: why hurt a good man? For the light, almost weightless grin of Stalin and Caesar, I see: men are of the same opinion. And Mohammed is not so far from the truth… Unless, of course, take into account the «factor of Allah».
«… Yes, so, here, «Allah» says his «Be!» with knowledge of the matter obviously! Not as an amateur, but as a specialist… in any industry, on which he says this is his «Be!»
Mohammed’s face blooms with additional paint. At the same time, I am honored with a couple of grateful views of the prophet. Here it is: interfaith harmony is in action! An atheist, a Muslim and a pagan will always get along with each other, if they do not «push themselves out», as one comrade would say! Although, about interfaith harmony, this is me: «after all, we are no longer on Earth», as once stated with bitterness another comrade, already in the context of a different environment. We should not have any confessions: this is not the «letter» that should be followed! Well, as for the occasion with Mohammed, then I respond to good only with good, even if a friend makes mistakes with the «source» of good.
«So, we have a similar situation, dear colleague Mohammed! If the master imagines all this, he can easily imagine! Well, that is the whole process: how it works, and what it is made of! After all, here, in the Noosphere, not only the best minds of theoretical and applied sciences, but also masters of all kinds of crafts are gathered. Not artisans, but Masters with great the letters „m“! Should they rely on knowledge and experience – and the Noosphere will show the result in kind! Everything will come true, as rightly noted by the dear colleague…»
That’s another curtsy in the direction of Mohammed – and the return surge of sympathy.
«… based on science and production. Knowledge and experience will give the right tool for the job, and the right material. They cannot be invented, but they can be created! In thoughts, but precisely to create! More precisely, recreate: with accurate calculations and „without any“ fantasies! Only such a result can manifest itself with Noosphere! That is, only with accurate knowledge of the subject can appear „accessories“!»
I make one more round bypass. Comrades already suspect me of intent, but «nobody dives into the trenches». I make sure again that «not everyone got into our tight circle!» And I honestly confess:
«That’s right, colleagues: I intend to. I think on the theme of „who to charge“?»
Two hands rise at once: Caesar and Stalin. This is both well and bad. And the question is not in dialectics: the choice is always fraught with not only responsibility, but also the consequences of giving priority. It is easy to lose not only illusions, but also sympathy. But, unlike many other cases, the choice is always made. I am not an exception.
«Yes, colleague Caesar will not be offended at me, but I think that this business is better… to blame: you need to entrust your colleague to Stalin. „This business“ means: general idea, design and estimate documentation, personnel selection, execution control. Why precisely to Stalin?»
I grin, as if to precede