Alexander Cherenov


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nobody, but Lenin suddenly begins to change color from red to white and back. Sorry, colleague, if I hurt you… inadvertently. Although… Well, agree, Ilyich: of course, you did not want… maybe… it happened… but only this is because of you – «the whole world is down to the ground»! No, I understand: someone needs to destroy! This is not only a dialectics, but a vital necessity also. More than that: the truth of life. To create a new one in place of the old, you need to clear the ground! But here, as you can see, there is nothing to clear. Well, there is no force application object. And in terms of construction… well, just be honest: is this in terms of others?!

      «Let us recall what „sins“ are counted for colleague Stalin: collectivization, industrialization, rearmament of the army, restoration of the destroyed country in a miserable five years, the transformation of shrill Russia in the second empire of the world! A colleague, Stalin is able not only to search, but also to find „frames“. And he not only finds them, but also brings them to readiness. Well, since the diamond is adjusted to a royal cut diamond. And, most importantly: not only Stalin’s colleague, but also his appointees are able to control the process, and to ensure the desired result by the right time! This is a great gift, and not to everyone it is given!»

      Caesar courageously transfers «the bitterness of the pill», but I understand that now it is advisable to splash a little balsam.

      «All of you are not only great generals, but also great statesmen. Each of you has not only military feats.»

      For the benefit of the case I will scribble a little: for Genghis Khan, for example, there are no labor achievements. «On the line of truncation of heads» Tamerlane prevailed also: he was an asset only Samarkand. A colleague is better known as the «master of dismantling other people’s buildings». But as one comrade said: «in art, it is possible to exaggerate – it is possible to downplay!» The art of telling the truth is no different from all others in this respect, including from the art of lies also.

      «All of you – each in his time – so to speak, „worked hard“ in the field. Everyone in their own time!»

      I’m not in vain duplicate with the exclamation mark and, moreover, I pause: «sapienti sat!» We have everything here «sapienti» Therefore, the faces of colleagues simply do not have the right to ignore a insight. And so they do: they insight. Caesar is the first in the line of moment of insight by guesswork.

      «You, as always, are right, colleague Chairman! The scale of the creative activity of each of us is incomparable with what we did… no, better: Stalin, a colleague, accomplished! Even I, who built cities from Egypt to Britain, will not dare to stand in one row with my colleague Stalin!»

      I add my voice to the collective admiration, and when it seems a little, I add the appropriate look. But Caesar – praise the «gods», «patronizing» him! – do not delay «with the moment of personal leadership».

      «The difference in technical capabilities must also be taken into account! I, of course, read something here, consulted with my comrades – but this is not enough for this guide! In short, this is what is commonly said on Earth now: I propose to close the debate… without opening it!»

      That’s original! Although: Caesar – «he is in Africa…"… in the Noosphere, that is, Caesar!

      «My candidacy, I withdraw of course.»

      Caesar with a grin turns to Stalin.

      «The yoke is yours, colleague Stalin: put your neck up!»

      I’m not in a hurry «with the announcement of the results», because of their absence.

      «Colleague Caesar, do you mind if we vote this question? Maybe comrades will have other opinions? Maybe, a colleague Jesus wants to become „self-nominee“ once again?»

      Izzy blushes like a tomato and puts his hands under him. It is clear: away from sin. I have no doubt: this moment I will also be reckoned. At a minimum, Jesus already «tied up a bundle» and «made a notch». The guy is more and more resigned from himself, canonical. And not «by the day, but by the hour», as I once «counted»: right before our eyes! «People are growing!» Or rather: «Times change and we change with them!» Turns out it’s possible in the conditions of time «absent as a class» also. Where «love your enemy as yourself!»? Where «turn the other cheek to him»? Where is «forgive them, Lord, for they do not know what they are doing!»? This Jesus is clearly not going neither love, nor convert, nor forgive!»

      «He does not want!» Finally, I linger on Jesus… with my feet: «Seven troubles – one answer!» «Then let’s vote. Who is for putting the heavy burden of building on the fragile shoulders of Stalin’s colleague, please raise your hands.»

      Further it is possible and not to correspond to the instruction: «abstained», not to mention those who are «against», no. But I am an incorrigible formalist. As one earthly comrade, to whom the other originally referred: «Every fold on your blanket is a loophole for world capitalism!»

      «Congratulations, colleague Stalin.»

      I shake hands with the «chosen one of luck». This is an amazing feeling: I know that there is no damn thing, but I feel it like living! Thank you, dear Noosphere: this is quality work! Not some, there, bullshit!

      «Well, the first task for you, a colleague.»

      The people immediately selected: interesting because! And then: the very beginning! It is possible and so: with a capital letter! Not the Big Bang, of course, but also…

      «Colleague Stalin try to equip this wasteland by the next meeting…»

      I look around the gaping space.

      «with everything you need for work, at least, at a minimum: a meeting room, furniture, an interior… You know better than me what and how! There is no need to threaten the Kremlin or any presidential palace: this is later, in the process! But, at least, please provide: what are we, to hell, the leaders? «All сobblers go barefoot?»

      This time I «grab» a friendly applause not for the successful construction of the proposal only, but also for the successful task on the design.

      «The project of the General Construction Plan should be ready for the next meeting! Okay?»

      Stalin affirmatively nods his head.

      «In parallel, your people should start work „already yesterday“ on the compilation of the State Five-Year Plan… or the Prospective Forecast: we’ll specify the name later, when we decide with the system.»

      «I got it, colleague Chairman.»

      «Then – a break: we are already «going with over-fulfillment»… Or, for the same reason, will we postpone it altogether?

      No, all the same, I well done: what «eagles» grabbed! Not a single slacker: everyone is eager to fight! It is understandable: everyone want to know everything at once. And rightly so: certainty is the guarantee of a sober look on things, or the opportunity to get rid of the fear of uncertainty.

      «Then I declare a smoke break!»


      «Ugh, you: break!»

      Chapter eight

      So, for the «zero cycle» in the construction, I can be calm.

      No, this is not the classic one – the «zero cycle» from clearing the site and the foundation. I mean more extensive work. If to speak the language of the military: «mobilization and deployment». That is, a colleague, Stalin, must find people, mobilize them, create their brains with tools, equipment and materials – and «give a five-year plan in three years!» And I have no doubt: colleague Stalin will «give»! Everything will «give»: both the five-year plan, and «coal for the country»!

      And the