W. N. Hutchinson

Dog Breaking

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in the last engraving.

       Table of Contents


      96. Lessons in “fetching” recommended.—97. Dog not taught to retrieve bringing dead Bird he had found.—98. Taught to deliver into your hand; never pick up a Bird yourself; Dog which often lost winged Birds she had lifted.—99. Colonel T——y.—100. Retriever killing one Bird in order to carry two.—101. “Fan’s” sagaciously bringing to firm ground Bird that had fallen in a swamp.—102. “Dove’s” spontaneously fetching one from River, though not accustomed to retrieve.—103. Retrievers taught to carry something soft; injudiciousness of employing a stone.—104. How encouraged to plunge into Water; evil of deceiving a Dog instanced.—105. Diving, how taught.—106. “Fetching” taught with a Pincushion: with a Bunch of Keys.—107. Made to deliver instantly.—108. Practised to carry things of the size and weight of a Hare.—109. “Fetching,” how taught at commencement.—110. Brace of Setters taught with an old bone.—111. “Fetching” often taught unskilfully.—112. Regular Retrievers taught to fetch Birds: to “foot” Rabbits and Winged Game.—113. Retriever observes when a Bird is struck: a quality particularly useful in a Water Retriever.—114. Pigeons and small Birds shot to Retrievers.—115. Injudiciousness of aiding a young Dog when Retrieving; makes him rely on Gun rather than his own Nose.—116. Fatigue of carrying Hare tempts young Retriever to drop it; taught to deliver quickly by rewards of hard boiled liver.—117. If he taste blood, put on Wire Snaffle; how made.—118. Retriever how taught to pursue faster; should commence to “road” slowly, but “follow up” rapidly.—119. Why Land Retrievers should “down charge.”—120. Some Retrievers may “run on shot,” but those for sale should “down charge.”—121. Fine retrieving instanced in “Ben.”—122. Anecdote showing his great sagacity.—123. Benefit derived from a Seton; another instance of “Ben’s” superior retrieving qualities.—124. With “Ben’s” good nose, certain advantage of “down charge.”—125. Retrievers not to be of a heavy build, yet strong and thick-coated.—126. Cross between a Newfoundland and Setter makes best Retriever; the real Newfoundland described.—127. Cross from heavy Setter best Retriever.—128. Most Dogs can be taught more or less to Retrieve.—129. Young Retriever to lift Woodcock and Landrail.—130. Retrievers never to kill Rats; lift vermin, or wounded Herons, &c.