W. N. Hutchinson

Dog Breaking

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a Team. What constitutes Perfection.—78. Retriever with Team. Duke of Newcastle’s Keepers.—79. Some Teams allowed to hunt Flick.—80. Rabbits shot to a Team in Gorse. Shooting to Beagles described—81. Markers necessary with wild Spaniels.—82. Cover beat with wildest Dogs before shot in. Woodcocks.—83. Old Sportsmen prefer mute Spaniels.—84. Babblers best in some Countries. Cock-shooting in Albania.—85. Hog and deer in ditto.—86. Glorious month’s sport in the Morea.—87. Handy old Setters capital in light cover. Attention necessary when first entered.—88. C——e’s Pointers as good in cover as on the stubble.—89. Pointer that ran to opposite side of Thicket to flush Game towards Gun.—90. Water Spaniels, how broken.—91. Shepherd’s Forward Signal best for Water Retrievers.—92. Wildfowl reconnoitred with Telescope.—93. Qualities required in Water Retriever. In note, Poachers in Snow. Beast or man of one uniform colour easily detected.—94. Ducks emit a tolerable scent—“Flint” and Mr. C——e’s Setter.—95. Steady Spaniels in Rice Lakes.


