Анна Пигарёва

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                   Расправа, насилие

      Wound (v)                       Ранить

      Senior Diplomat Arrested

      A senior Foreign Ministry official was placed under arrest Wednesday on suspicion of accepting bribes, Itar-Tass reported.

      Alexander Gusev, deputy head of the ministry’s department on relations with federation subjects, the parliament and public associations, was detained by the Federal Security Service on Tuesday night, a ministry source told news agency.

      Gusev is suspected of taking bribes in exchange for foreign travel passports and for placing people on official delegations traveling abroad, the report said.

      Moscow’s Tverskoi District Court issued an arrest warrant for him Wednesday, Itar-Tass said.4

      Accept                           Брать, принимать

      Bribe                             Взятка

      Department on relations        Департамент по связям

      Detain                           Задерживать, арестовывать

      In exchange                   В обмен на…

      Issue (v)                         Выдавать

      On suspicion                 По подозрению

      Source                           Источник

      Suspect (v)                     Подозревать

      Warrant                         Ордер

      83-Year-Old Murder Suspect Detained

      Police in Kamchatka have detained an 83-year-old woman suspected of beating her husband to death with a frying pan, regional authorities said Tuesday.

      The pensioner and her husband, 89, were quarreling at about 9 a.m. Monday in their apartment in the Far East city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky when she grabbed the frying pan, smashed him over the head with it and then passed out, the regional branch of the Interior Ministry said in a statement.

      She awoke to discover that her husband was not breathing, the statement said.

      Police are investigating the incident and waiting for an autopsy to determine whether the blow from the frying pan caused the man’s death, Interfax reported.

      Police are reluctant to place the woman under arrest given her advanced age.5

      Authorities                    Власти

      Autopsy                         Вскрытие трупа

      Awake (awoke, awoken)      Пробудиться

      Beat (beat, beaten)        Бить, ударять

      Blow (n)                         Удар

      Branch                           Филиал

      Breathe                          Дышать

      Cause (v)                        Являться причиной

      Detain                            Задерживать, арестовывать

      Frying pan                      Сковородка

      Murder                           Убийство

      Pass out                         Потерять сознание

      Quarrel (v)                     Ссориться

      Reluctant                       Делающий с неохотой

      Smash                            Ударять со всей силы

      Suspect                          Подозревать

      Man Learns He Is a Prisoner

      A Chelyabinsk man trying to register his gun discovered to his surprise that he was officially registered as serving a prison term, regional prosecutors said Tuesday.

      The man, whose name was not given, went to police to get a license for his gun and was informed that he had been convicted of vehicular homicide in 2006 and was listed as serving time in prison, prosecutors said.

      Investigators subsequently determined that a distant relative of the man was using the man’s passport and driver’s license during the trial.

      A Chelyabinsk court has expunged the conviction from the man’s record, prosecutors said.6

      Conviction                      Признание виновным

      Determine                      Определять

      Distant relative               Дальний родственник

      Expunge                          Ликвидировать

      Homicide                        Убийство

      Investigator                    Следователь

      Learn (learnt, learnt)       Узнавать, выяснять

      Serve a prison term         Отбывать тюремный срок

      Subsequently                   Впоследствии

      Vehicular                         Связанный с транспортными средствами

      Air Rage Woman in Court

      BANGOR, Maine – A Russian-born woman who purportedly consumed prescription drugs, wine and liquid soap then clashed with members of the flight crew on a London-bound jetliner has waived a bail hearing.

      Galina Rusanova, a Russian-born artist who lives in London, appeared briefly in U.S. District Court on Monday before being returned to jail.

      Rusanova faces federal charges of assault and interference with a flight crew.

      Prosecutors say Rusanova, 54, punched and kicked attendants and began «snapping like a dog» while trying to bite a crew member’s leg.

      The FBI said she had gone to Los Angeles to visit a man she met over the Internet and was returning Wednesday when her flight on Chicago-based United Airlines was diverted to Bangor.7

      Appear                           Появляться
