Анна Пигарёва

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      Prescription                     Рецепт

      Punch                              Нанести удар кулаком

      Rage                                Бешенство, гнев, ярость

      Return                             Возвращаться

      Snap                                Лязгать, щелкать

      Waive                              Отказываться

      Corruption On the Rise

      Policemen, teachers and doctors are the country’s top bribe takers, ahead of bureaucrats, Prosecutor General Yury Chaika said in a new report, Vedomosti reported Tuesday.

      Prosecutors sent 28,451 corruption cases to court last year, up 5.2 percent from 2007, Chaika said in the report, which is to be presented to the Federation Council on May 13.

      «Corruption has been escalating over the last 10 years at every level of legal and government administration,» Chaika said in the report, Vedomosti reported.

      Eighty percent of those charged with bribery took less than 30,000 rubles, ($900), the report said.8

      Ahead                           Впереди

      Bribe                             Взятка

      Court                             Суд

      Legal                             Юридический, правовой

      Level                             Уровень

      On the rise                    На подъеме

      Cop Charged in Rampage

      Moscow police officer Denis Yevsyukov has been charged with multiple homicide for his rampage in a local supermarket last week in which he shot nine people, killing three, the Investigative Committee said Tuesday.

      Authorities say Yevsyukov, head of a police precinct in southern Moscow, shot dead a cab driver and then walked into a supermarket where he shot eight more killing two. The investigation is continuing, the Investigative Committee said in a statement.

      If convicted, Yevsyukov faces up to life in prison.9

      Charge with                  Обвинять

      Convict                          Признавать виновным

      Homicide                      Убийство

      Investigative Committee               Следственный комитет

      Police precinct              Полицейский участок

      Rampage                       Буйство, ярость

      Shoot (shot, shot)          Стрелять

      Family Found Dead in Car

      A senior regional police official was found dead with his wife and two young children in a partly burned car peppered with bullet holes near Rostov-on-Don, RIA-Novosti reported Wednesday.

      It was not clear what the official, identified as a head of the special police unit SOBR from Nizhny Novgorod, was doing in the area with his family. The report said the children were born in 1998 and 2002. Investigators have determined that a Kalashnikov rifle was used to fire on the car and the attackers then set the vehicle on fire. But somehow the fire did not spread,» a police spokesman told RIA-Novosti.10

      Area                               Зона, область

      Bullet                             Пуля

      Burn                               Гореть

      Determine                      Определять, выносить решение

      Find (found, found)        Находить

      Hole                               Отверстие, дыра

      Investigator                    Следователь

      Senior                             Вышестоящий

      Set on fire                       Поджигать

      Spread                            Распространяться

      Vehicle                            Транспортное средство

      Police Shoot Suspected Thief

      A police officer shot dead a suspected car thief at around 6 a.m. Wednesday in northern Moscow after the suspect attacked him with a hammer, Interfax reported.

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      «The Moscow Times» 2009 год


      «The Moscow Times» 2009 год, AP.


      «The Moscow Times» 2008 год, AP.


      «The Moscow Times» 2009 год


      «The Moscow Times» 2009 год