I. A. Aptekar

The Principles and Methods of Osteopathy. Part 1. Biomechanical Methods

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      Osteopathy is a holistic manual medical system of prevention, diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation of somatic dysfunction consequences that entail health disorders, aimed at restoring the natural abilities of the body to self-correction.

      Specific object of the therapeutic effect of a doctor – osteopath is somatic dysfunction.

      The basis of osteopathy is fundamental sciences such as anatomy of the living body, embryology, biochemistry, physics, biomechanics, neurophysiology and many others. And when there are questions about the evidence base of osteopathy, we understand that the answers lie in the study of the above sciences and their laws.

      Moreover, in the processof studying osteopathy, we must remember that the people who discovered it were deeply religious and spiritual. Osteopathy is now integrated into official medicine. In the process of integration, it is necessary to minimize risks of simplification and emasculation of the substantive part of osteopathy, to preserve its integrity.

      Osteopathy evolves evolutionally on the basis of a holistic, predictive, personally oriented system of maintaining human health, as well as diagnosis, prevention and treatment of somatic dysfunctions, leading to a violation of the body’s ability to self-correction and self-recovery.

      Osteopathy is not divided into parts. Crushing on the cranial, structural and visceral sections of osteopathy is appropriate only in the process of basic training.

      Narrow specialization in the form of cranial, visceral and structural osteopaths leads to a violation of the integrity of osteopathy and distortion of osteopathic activity. Osteopathy is indivisible system. We study principles and methods, anatomy and biomechanics of a living body, fundamental sciences that lie at the basis in order to unite the separate parts into practical, integrated system of diagnostics and therapy, which we call osteopathy.

      In the first years of training in the osteopathic school all our attention is focused on the biomechanical method and palpation with the principles (basics) of perception. In the future, we develop perception and master the functional method.

      And only when the first two methods are mastered, their application becomes an integral part of the work of the osteopath. And he learned to perceive not only the manifestations of endogenous functions but also exogenous (ecological) rhythms, you can go to the third method of osteopathy – biodynamic.

      Thus, the task of the biomechanical method is the restoration of the biomechanical unity of the organism; the functional method allows you to restore functional unity, and unity of the organism and biosphere of our planet is restored with the help of the biodynamic method.

      Understanding this process is the basis of training osteopath physician throughout his life.

      Health and somatic dysfunction

      Health, according to the definition of the World Health Organization (WHO), is the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of diseases and infirmity.

      On the other hand, according to WHO, from the point of view of health statistics, health is understood as the absence of identified disorders and diseases, and at the population level – the process of reducing the process of mortality, morbidity and disability.

      In both cases, health is considered a condition in which there is no disease (or diseases).

      For doctors – osteopaths, health has its manifestations for manual palpation and perceptive diagnostics. Osteopaths determine health not by the absence of disease, but by its manifestations.

      It is for this reason that Sill’s assertion “… an osteopath is looking for health…, every person can find a disease…” is filled with practical meaning for Osteopaths.

      The official health care system has now focused on finding and effective prevention of diseases. Perhaps, for this reason, “somatic dysfunction” has been distinguished by osteopaths as an anatomic morphological substrate, some health manifestation, of self-correction and self-restoration; mechanisms of adaptation that are implemented to maintain homeostasis at the stage before the onset of the disease, at the stage of pre-illness.

      It should be noted that the definition of somatic dysfunction is currently still under discussion. The most commonly used definition in the clinical guidelines entitled “Osteopathic diagnosis and Somatic dysfunction” is presented below.

      Somatic dysfunction is a functional disturbance manifested by biomechanical, rythmogenetic and neurodynamic components.

      You can also say that it is a reversible dysfunction manifested as a violation of micro- and macro- mobility.

      Another definition suggests that somatic dysfunction is a functional disorder which manifests itself as a complex of biomechanical, hydrodynamic and neural changes. And all these statements are true in their own way.

      For a more complete understanding of the term “somatic dysfunction” it is necessary to understand what is actually meant by the words “soma” and “function”. And if we use the word combination “somatic dysfunction”, then it is necessary to define the concept of the “somatic function”.

      If somatic dysfunction manifests itself in a violation of the dynamic neutrality and human integrity, then the somatic function is expressed by integrity and neutral calmness.

      Somatic dysfunction leads to desynchronization of internal processes of human vital activity and its relationships with the environment, which is resulting in a violation of the organism’s adaptation manifested.

      Somatic function of the person, in its turn, is manifested by dynamic mechanisms of self-organization of all body systems, ability to complete compensation and adaptation to environmental influences. The effectiveness of these processes underlies the manifestation of biological and social functions of man.

      Function (functio – execution, fulfillment) is a phenomenon that depends on another phenomenon and changes as this other phenomenon changes.

      In the case of the human body, the function is an arbitrary or involuntary reaction of the organism in response to the influence of the external environment. This response is an adaptation to maintain the constancy of the internal environment. This is an adaptation. Violation of function is nothing but a violation of adaptation, as a result of which the system of maintaining of homeostasis can be broken.

      Thus, functional impairment is a violation of the mechanism of adaptation in the process of vital activity of the organism in the changing external environment. The causes of any functional disorder lie outside the affected organ, organ system and are associated with a modified regulation of the function.

      The search for the cause and its identification, the understanding of the entire pathogenic chain of the formation of somatic dysfunction should be considered not at the level of inference, but as a result of palpatory and perceptual research, a consistent study of the damage fields – both primary and secondary, that resulted from the implementation of adaptation mechanisms.

      A functional disturbance, or a violation of adaptation, can be local, regional, but it is always global. And it contains all components of the homeostasis system, including neural, biomechanical and hydrodynamic.

      The rhythmogenic component of dysfunction can be initiated by any of the above disorders. Naturally, this applies to the entire process of the appearance of rhythmic activity, beginning with the elaboration of rhythm, its carrying out and reaction to it from the whole body. At the same time, we must understand that the development of rhythm is not an end in itself of any function.

      The purpose of the function is to adapt effectively. Functional activity has its manifestations. And with reference to the functional activity of the organism, this can be various oscillatory