I. A. Aptekar

The Principles and Methods of Osteopathy. Part 1. Biomechanical Methods

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specific object of the therapeutic effect of an osteopathic

      physician is somatic dysfunction.

      – The basis of osteopathy is the fundamental sciences.

      – Osteopathy is now integrated into official medicine

      – Osteopathy is an evolutionary direction of medicine

      – Osteopathy is not divided into parts.

      – Health, according to the definition of the World Health Organization (WHO), is the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of diseases and infirmity.

      – “… An osteopath is looking for health…, every person can find a disease…”

      – The official health care system has now focused on finding and effective prevention of diseases.

      – The somatic function is expressed by the integrity and neutral calmness.

      – Somatic dysfunction as an anatomic morphological substrate is a health manifestation, mechanisms of self-correction and self-restoration; mechanisms of adaptation that are implemented to maintain homeostasis at the stage before the onset of the disease, at the stage of pre-illness.

      – Function (functio – execution, fulfillment) is a phenomenon that depends on another phenomenon and changes as this other phenomenon changes.

      – In the case of the human body, the function is an arbitrary or involuntary reaction of the organism in response to the influence of the external environment.

      – The functional impairment is a violation of the mechanism of adaptation in the process of vital activity of the organism in the changing external environment.

      – A functional disturbance, or a violation of adaptation, can be local, regional, but it is always global.

      – The purpose of the function is to adapt effectively

      – Somatic dysfunction is primarily a global violation of the adaption of the entire body, the entire soma, a violation of the integrity of the body.

      – In working with children under 3—5 years of age, we use a biomechanical method exclusively for diagnostic purposes.

      – Functional impairment, or somatic dysfunction, is manifested at the biomechanical level by a change in the state of biomechanical unity; at the functional level – a violation of the synchronous implementation of functions relative to each other and relative to global body functions; at the biodynamic level – a violation of the integrity of the organism and its habitat (mother Nature), of which it is a part.

      – Somatic dysfunction is a functional impairment manifested by biomechanical, rhythmogenic and neurodynamic components.

      – Three sources of osteopathy:

      – unconditional love,

      – spirituality,

      – holistic health.

      – In osteopathy it is customary to distinguish three methods:

      – biomechanical,

      – functional,

      – biodynamic.

      – Functions of the human body are manifested by different rhythmic mobility.

      – In the process of perceptive diagnostics, the global mobility of the human body is felt as a holistic vibration of a certain force, frequency and amplitude. It can be felt under the hands.

      – Violation of synchronicity of interaction between parts of the body leads to a functional and biomechanical violation.

      – Sanogenetic reactions of the body, aimed at maintaining homeostasis, go beyond the limits of physiological comfort, forming clinical manifestations of somatic dysfunctions.

      – Disease is a variant of adaptation of the organism to changing environmental conditions that has gone beyond the limits of the functional norm.

      – Disease is a manifestation of health, the struggle of the organism for its functional integrity, for survival.

      – Osteopathic lesion is a complex of functional reactions of the

      body as a response to the direct action of exogenous factors.

      – The lesion field is a complex of reactions of the organism in the process of its adaptation to the damaging exogenous factor. The lesion field has its own boundaries, the centre (the fulcrum).

      – Somatic dysfunction is a manifestation of health in the form of

      physiological organism’s reactions in response to osteopathic lesion.

      – The main role of the doctor -osteopath is manifested in the prevention of violation of functional unity, the vital integrity of the human body, dysfunctional changes in the immune and autonomic nervous systems.

      – The subject of studying osteopathy is human health and its adaptation to environmental changes as well as the conditions for the formation of health, its preservation and development.

      Review questions

      – Name the subject of osteopathic activity.

      – Give the definition of osteopathy.

      – Give the definition of health from the point of view of osteopathy.

      – Give the definition of a disease from the point of view of osteopathy.

      – Give the definition of osteopathic lesion.

      – Give the definition of the lesion field from the point of view of osteopathy.

      – Give the definition of the somatic dysfunction.

      – Give the definition of the somatic function.

      – Give the definition of functional violation (impairment).

      – Name the methods of osteopathic correction.


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      – Bernstein N.A. On the Construction of Movements. – M.: Medical State Publishing House, 1947

      – Mokhov D.E., Belash V.O., Kuz’mina U.O., Lebedev D.S., Miroshnichenko D.B., Tregubova E.S., Shiryaeva E.E. Osteopathic Diagnostics of Somatic Dysfunctions. Clinical recommendations. – 2014

      – Mokhov D.E., Mikirtichan G.L., Lichtschangof A.Z., Malkov S.S. Manual Medicine, Osteopathy: History, Current State, Development Prospects. – Medical State Publishing House, 2011

      – Magun Garold. Osteopathy in Cranial Region. – 1951

      – Novoseltsev S.V. Introduction to Osteopathy. Private Cranial Osteopathy. Practical Guide (Manual) for Physicians. Folio, 2009

      – Still A.T. Osteopathy. Research and Practice. – MIK, 2015

      – Still A.T. The Philosophy and Mechanical Principles of Osteopathy. – MIK, 2015

      – Human Physiology. The three volumes / Edited by R. Schmidt, G. Tevs. – 3rd edition. – M.: Mir, 2010

      – Hebgen E. Visceral Osteopathy. Principles and Techniques. – M.: Eksmo, 2013

      – Greenman P. Principles of manual medicine. – Williams and Wilkins, 1989.

      – Solano Raymond. Le Nourrisson, L’Enfant et L`Osteopathie Cranienn (Edition Maloine). – Maloine, 1986.

      – Still A. T. (1899) Philosophy of osteopathy. Published by author. Kirksville, MO.

      – Sutherland W.